"Ayan, do you have any impression of your mother?"

  Tian Meng sighed and slowly sat on an empty table, took a big bowl for himself, and poured the spirits into it cup by cup, drinking continuously.

  The clear-colored wine kept dripping down Tian Meng's horns, wetting Tian Meng's clothes, but Tian Meng didn't pay attention to it at all. Empower yourself to have the courage to speak out the hidden truth.

  "My mother? Why did my father suddenly mention my mother?"

  Tian Yan's eyes flickered, and her memory of her mother only stayed at the stage of a child. When she was very young, her mother Tian Yan never saw her mother again.

  But what is certain is that in memory, Tian Yan's mother was so beautiful, generous, and strong.

  "Wait, why did father suddenly mention mother? Could it be!!!"

  Suddenly, Tian Yan's pupils shrank!

  With Tian Yan's ingenuity, through Tian Meng's words and clues, it is not difficult to infer that what Tian Meng wants to say is definitely something that is very important to him.

  And looking at Tian Meng's complex tone and rhetoric... this is very likely...!

  "Because this is what Tian Meng has hidden about you."

  At this moment, a gentle voice sounded, and then the familiar sandalwood suddenly appeared in the nose, causing Tian Yan's delicate nose to move slightly.

  This is the fragrance on Kong Nianzhi's clothes, which is smoked by Fei Yan with the top sandalwood, and only Kong Nianzhi's clothes can have such a warm aroma.

  This is the fragrance on Kong Nianzhi's clothes, which is smoked by Fei Yan with the top sandalwood, and only Kong Nianzhi's clothes can have such a warm aroma.

  "The reason why I didn't let Tian Meng go back to the farmhouse, but let him come back to Zilan Xuan with me, is to let Tian Meng reveal this hidden truth for you."

  "That is... your hidden background."

  Kong Nianzhi glanced at Tian Meng who was still drinking, then pulled Tian Yan, who was still in a state of shock, into his arms, hugged Tian Yan's smiling but unusually windy gully, and sniffed at the unique girl. Kuixiang said.

  "My background? What does this... mean?"

  Tian Yan leaned in Kong Nianzhi's arms, even though Tian Yan's intellect and mind were astonishing enough to crush most people, but when faced with this kind of thing, Tian Yan was still a little panicked. .

  The green jade-like hands didn't know when to grasp Kong Nianzhi's shirt tightly, and Tian Yan's originally soft little face also showed a touch of nervousness.

  "Tian Meng, tell Tian Yan about everything."

  Kong Nianzhi gently blended Tian Yan's waterfall-like long hair, soothing Tian Yan, who was no longer in a calm mood.

  "This is A Yan's life experience, so I don't need to hide it any longer."

  Tian Meng put down the wine bowl in his hand with a bang, took a deep breath, calmed the qi and blood that began to boil due to the continuous drinking, and began to tell the hidden things.

  "More than ten years ago, I was not the head of the Lieshan Hall of the peasant family. I could only be regarded as one of the candidates for the Lieshan Hall. I belonged to the master of the younger generation of the peasant family."

  "At that time, I met a woman, a... terrifying woman."

  Tian Meng's eyes narrowed slightly, as if he was caught in some kind of memory, and there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, as if he had returned to the original day.

  "That horrible woman...is my mother!"

  The exit of Tian Yan's conditioned reflex, although Tian Meng did not say who the woman was, Tian Yan instinctively felt that the woman in Tian Meng's mouth was his mother.

  "Yes, that's your mother." Tian Meng glanced at Tian Yan in surprise, then his eyes became confused again: "Your mother is a very scary woman."

  "She is young, 133 beautiful, and looks like a weak girl, but... at that time her strength was even higher than mine!"

  Tian Yan's pupils shrank: "How is this possible, mother's strength is even higher than you!"

  "Don't question. I'm telling the truth. I thought your mother was just an ordinary woman, but she was a little more beautiful."

  "But then, I found out that I was wrong, and very wrong."

  "Your mother's inner strength is higher than mine, and even the swordsmanship is extremely amazing,"

  "If I go all out, I'm afraid I, more than ten years ago, won't be able to last three rounds under your mother's hands."

  "And if your mother attacks me suddenly, I'm afraid I won't be able to resist even a single move."

  "This is your mother, a beautiful woman with a deadly danger."

  Tian Meng sighed with emotion on his face, and couldn't help but raised his head and took a few gulps of wine again. Now Tian Meng can recall the shocked and frustrated expression on his proud self when he was easily defeated by Tian Yan's mother.

  Tian Yan's beautiful eyes muttered to himself in a daze, and after a long while, he looked up at Tian Meng: "Kill you in one move, even though it was more than ten years ago, how terrifying the mother's strength must be! ".

Chapter 1011 The last shock salamander!

  "It's terrifying, even more terrifying than you think." Tian Meng took a deep breath and continued: "Ayan, there is one more point, and the most important point, I haven't told you yet. "

  "Do you know what was the most important thing when I met her?"

  Tian Meng's words suddenly paused, and he wanted to drink a few glasses of wine again, but found that he couldn't pour a drop of wine at all, and then he could only put down the jar in his hand and open a jar of wine again.

  "The most important thing? What?!"

  Tian Yan's eyes were tense, and a little sweat began to appear in his palms. Tian Yan instinctively felt that what Tian Meng said next was extremely important to her.

  Kong Nianzhi smiled slightly and held Tian Yan's little hand gently, because Kong Nianzhi noticed it, Tian Yan's soft body suddenly shuddered, and his breathing gradually became faster.

  "When I saw your mother for the first time, there was a child beside your mother's gully. The child's name was ... Yan."

  Tian Meng stared deeply into Tian Yan's eyes and said in a deep voice.

  "It's impossible, how could this be!"

  Tian Yan shouted in surprise, his face suddenly turned pale, if he hadn't snuggled up in Kong Nianzhi's arms, Tian Yan would have been able to take a few big steps back because of his surprise.

  "It's all over, don't be afraid, no matter what, I'll be by your side."

  Kong Nianzhi gently stroked Tian Yan's smooth back, then kissed Tian Yan's blue silk, and then leaned into Tian Yan's ear and smiled.


  The heat that suddenly came from his ears and Kong Nianzhi's gentle gesture instantly made Tian Yan relax, and the tight scorpion seemed to have become boneless, and he was closer to Kong Nianzhi. Leave a little space.

  Although he was completely relaxed, Tian Yan's head did not stop thinking.

  Her name is Tian Yan, and the little girl who was taken by her mother by the gully is called Yan, and she also met her father Tian Meng.

  The rest can be thought of by a normal person, not to mention Tian Yan who is a wise woman among women.

  His mother must have followed Tian Meng back to the farmhouse, and then he changed from Yan to Tian Yan, became Tian Meng's daughter, and later Lie Shantang's eldest daughter.

  In this way, everything can be explained, because he is not Tian Meng's biological daughter at all, so Tian Meng doesn't care about himself at all, just treats himself as a tool and keeps training himself.

  It all makes sense, and it is precisely because he is not Tian Meng's biological daughter at all that Tian Meng abandons himself without hesitation and chooses to save his own life.

  And when he was in the farmhouse, Tian Yan had to hide the fact that he knew martial arts since he was a child, and acted like a weak girl in front of everyone.

  "Looking at your appearance, I guess you have guessed something' ~."

  "Think about it too. With your smartness, Ayan, naturally you won't be able to hear what I mean."

  "Think about it too. With your smartness, Ayan, naturally you won't be able to hear what I mean."

  "Yes, that little girl named Yan is you, and you are not my biological daughter at all, but your mother brought you to the farmhouse, and then gave you the surname Tian and famous words."

  "And to protect you, I made an agreement with your mother that you are my biological daughter, and she is the wife I met outside."

  Tian Meng saw Tian Yan in front of him, and for some reason he suddenly felt like he saw Tian Yan's mother, because as Tian Yan grew older, Tian Yan's face became more and more similar to his mother's.

  Taking a closer look, Tian Yan's face and expression are at least [-]% to [-]% similar to his mother, and it looks like it was carved out of a mold.

  "It turned out to be like this, it turned out to be like this." Tian Yan muttered to himself, and then his godless eyes suddenly returned to the light: "What about my mother? Who is she, and why does she have such a strong strength? , where did you go!"

  "This is going to start from the beginning again. Have you ever known about the net? It is known as the "net of heaven and earth, and it is pervasive." It is the largest and most terrifying mysterious organization in Qin."

  Having said this, Tian Meng was stunned for a moment, and continued with a wry smile: "I forgot, with your status and strength, in your eyes, this net is probably not as terrifying as the one in my eyes."

  The Snare Assassin Corps, the largest and most terrifying mysterious organization, possesses extremely terrifying powers and terrifying assassination abilities.

  The net is within the seven kingdoms, weaving an invisible giant net, attracting a large number of death row prisoners, wandering swordsmen, and cruel and bloody training.Cultivate them into deadly poisonous thorns, like spiders lurking in the shadow of the Qin Empire, always waiting for the prey that falls into the web.

  In addition, the sphere of influence of the snare spreads all over the seven countries, and there are minions of the snare within the seven countries.

  In the eyes of ordinary people, being targeted by a snare is equivalent to being targeted by the god of death, as long as you stay at home and wait for death.

  But for an invisible empire, Luo Wang is probably nothing more than an organization that can be crushed at will, not to mention the relationship between Kong Nianzhi and Ying Zheng, to a certain extent Luo Wang is similar to Kong Nianzhi's own home.

  This is because Tian Meng didn't know that Zhao Gao was already a member of Kong Nianzhi's command, otherwise Tian Meng would be even more surprised.

  ".'The web organization, marked by spiders, has at least one spider tattoo on its members or on their clothing."

  "Among them, the top killers are the first-class killers of Tianzi, that is, (Zhao Qian's) killers such as Liujiannu and Heihe Xuanjian, but now Liujiannu and Heihuaxuanjian are your people. "

  Speaking of this, Tian Meng smiled awkwardly, and then suddenly continued with a solemn tone: "But what I'm talking about is the number one killer of Tianzi more than ten years ago, and one of the killers is your mother. That is... a salamander!"

  That's right, salamander!

  This is Tian Yan's mother!

  Jingzhao is a code name of inheritance, or Liu Jiannu and Black and White Xuanjian are a code name of inheritance, not just limited to one person.

  People may die, but as long as the sword is still there, there will be generations of frightened salamanders, black and white Xuanjian, and six sword slaves.

  In the original work, Tian Yan is the second Jing Salamander, and the first Jing Salamander is Tian Yan's mother! .

Chapter 1012 Nameless!

  Because of the dark clouds that covered the sky, this evening did not look any different from the night.

  The bitter wind kept whistling, and the raindrops it carried fell on the ground and on the walls, making a crisp sound.

  Every now and then, a silvery lightning flashed across, and not long after that, a deafening explosion sounded.

  In Zilan Xuan, dim yellow lights flickered.

  The strong wind was blowing constantly, but it couldn't extinguish the jumping candle.

  "My mother... is the salamander in the net? What the hell is going on?!"

  Tian Yan was a little stunned. She didn't expect her life experience to be so complicated. Her mother was the first-class killer in the net, and her father was not Tian Meng. Then who was her father.

  "Listen to me slowly."

  "The first-class killers in the sky have no names, because they have long forgotten their names. From the moment they got the ancient sharp blade given to them by the Lord of the Nets, he will have only one name, and that is The name of that sword."

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