If these are not hard evidence, the throbbing in Tian Yan's heart has become the final proof. Although it is only a dead bone, Tian Yan felt at first sight that this is the remains left by his mother.

  "Well, that's right, this is your mother, Jingsa々". "

  "She's really dead, so she hasn't come back to find you for so many years, even to see you secretly."

  "It's just that I didn't expect that she would die in such a place."

  Tian Meng sighed, then turned around and walked towards the gate. Tian Meng had a very special feeling for Jing Salamander.

  When Tian Meng was the proudest, this woman directly shattered all of Tian Meng's pride, and made Tian Meng understand the truth of others.

  And later, He Tian Meng became husband and wife, but it was only a couple in name. Even when Jingzhang died, there was no real marriage, and they didn't even communicate a few times.

  "She might be trying to protect Tian Yan."

  Looking at Tian Meng and Tian Yan's puzzled eyes, Kong Nianzhi stared at the dead bones in front of her, and continued: "It is precisely because she was born in the net that she understands the horror of the net best, and also knows the rules of the net, and it is impossible for people who betray the net to have it. The result is good, even if Jingzhao is the top killer in the net."

  Looking at Tian Meng and Tian Yan's puzzled eyes, Kong Nianzhi stared at the dead bones in front of her, and continued: "It is precisely because she was born in the net that she understands the horror of the net best, and also knows the rules of the net, and it is impossible for people who betray the net to have it. The result is good, even if Jingzhao is the top killer in the net."

  "Although the first-class killer of Tianzi is the strongest killer in the net, there is such a sentence in the net, people can die, but the sword must stay."

  "The meaning of this sentence is that the first-class killer in the net can die in battle, but the famous swords in their hands cannot be left out, and they must remain in the net to promote the birth of the next first-class killer. ."

  "It is precisely because of this rule that the net will naturally search for the whereabouts of the Jing Salamander and find the Jing Salamander."

  "In order to protect Tian Yan, and also to prevent Tian Yan from becoming a killing machine like herself, she chose to die here and hide the Jing Salamander in a place where no one can find her forever."

  Kong Nianzhi murmured indifferently, and then glanced at Tian Yan lightly. Although these were just speculations by Kong Nianzhi, according to Tian Meng's introduction to Tian Yan's mother, all of these things are probably true.


  Tian Yan was silent, and his expression was extremely gloomy.


  The sound of footsteps sounded, Tian Yan slowly walked towards Jingzhao's dead bones, stopping every step of the way, one could see Tian Yan's restless heart.

  The hair on his forehead fell down at some point, covering Tian Yan's delicate face, so he couldn't see Tian Yan's expression.

  Soon, Tian Yan approached the gully of the dead bones, knelt beside him, and carefully pulled out the frightening salamander sword from the arms of the dead bones.

  Tian Yan's movements were extremely slow, and after a long time passed, he slowly took the shock salamander sword in his hand, and then looked at the corpse in front of him worriedly, as if he was afraid that he had just accidentally destroyed this skeleton. .

  "...Is it because of this frightening salamander sword that I can't see the last side of my mother."

  Tian Yan's beautiful eyes turned red, and a little blush began to appear between his delicate nose. No matter how strong Tian Yan was, he still had the urge to cry when he heard the truth.

  In order to protect herself, she would rather choose to die in this desolate ancient temple, and choose to be buried here with Jingzhaojian.

  It was precisely because of the fear of the snare that Tian Yan's mother chose to do this.

  But at this moment, the snare can no longer bring the slightest threat to Tian Yan, and even if it is a snare, Tian Yan can be easily destroyed, even if (the king's) is just a sentence, there will be members of the invisible empire to take him down. destroy.

  How ironic all this is.

  The safety in the past was that her mother chose to protect Tian Yan with her life, but now the safety is because she was with the man she liked, and it was he who gave him the strength to protect himself.

  Thinking of this, Tian Yan couldn't help sobbing and threw himself into Kong Nianzhi's arms, crying in Kong Nianzhi's warm embrace, Tian Meng also sighed when he saw this.

  "Don't cry, if your mother is still alive, she definitely doesn't want to see you so sad." Kong Nianzhi gently wiped the tears from the corner of Tian Yan's eyes, and then kissed Tian Yan's forehead: " And don't cry so sadly, it's not that I can't make your mother come back to life."

  "Although this kind of surviving... is surviving in another life form.".

Chapter 1022 The Birth of Void!

  "Alive? But my mother is dead!"

  In the dilapidated ancient temple, Tian Yan's surprised voice suddenly sounded.

  Hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, Tian Yan suddenly looked at Kong Nianzhi in surprise.

  "Compared to humans, your mother is indeed dead, but for us, isn't death just the beginning?"

  "Tian Yan, don't forget, how did Bai Yifei and the others appear, isn't the emptiness evolved from the soul?"

  Kong Nianzhi smiled lightly, and then gently gathered the few strands of blue silk in front of Tian Yan's forehead behind his head. Naturally, this action inevitably took some advantage of Tian Yan.

  If it were normal times, Tian Yan might suddenly become shy and twisted, but now Tian Yan didn't notice this at all.

  "I naturally know that my husband has already told us about the relationship between Quincy and Xu, as well as the level and evolution of Da Xu."

  "But the husband also said that in order to evolve from the soul to the void, there must first be a premise, that is, the soul must still be "alive". If even the soul has been destroyed, how can it evolve into a void?"

  Tian Yan's beautiful eyes looked at Kong Nianzhi, filled with doubts.

  The virtual race is actually the evolution of the mutant 843 of the soul, and the virtual is an extremely violent existence. They will not bind their own instincts, and their evolution completely relies on the same kind to devour each other.

  Ordinary emptiness is the lowest form of emptiness. Although their power far exceeds that of human beings, they are still very weak emptiness in nature, but once they evolve to great emptiness, it will be completely different.

  The Daxu is divided into three levels, the lowest, the lower-level Daxu Kylian, the middle-level warrior Achukas in the Daxu, and the highest-level Vastord.

  Killian, most have common appearance (black outer body, white long-nosed mask) and relatively low abilities.

  They are huge in size, slow in movement, and have an intelligence quotient similar to that of beasts.Generally, it is formed by a particularly strong phantom devouring the spiritual power of hundreds of ordinary phantoms.It needs to evolve by continuously devouring spirits, and in the process of evolving to the Achukas level, it will leave the lowest state and become a phantom close to the beast-shaped armor.

  But don't think that Kilian is called a lower-level big virtual, then they are very weak, ordinary Kilian, even the existence of the deputy captain of the world of death (bgcj) should be taken seriously.

  Although Kirian does not have any consciousness, but because it is hundreds of virtual aggregates, the Reiatsu is very terrifying, and the combat power is also extremely amazing. If it is not stopped, one Kirian is enough to destroy a city. .

  At the beginning of the death story, even Killian was an extremely high-level combat power.

  And once it evolves into an Achucas-level Great Void, then the power of the Void will immediately undergo earth-shaking evolution.

  Achucas, with higher abilities, is mostly at this level.

  With a very high IQ, Kiriana's extremely huge squat has been removed, but all of his strength has been retained. The combat power is countless times that of Kirian, and he is responsible for commanding the huge Kirian group.However, it still needs to evolve by constantly devouring spirits. Once bitten by a higher-level Great Void, it will permanently stop evolving or even be swallowed up to become part of the latter's power.

  The evolution of Achucas has two directions: first, the power reaches the bottleneck, and the power cannot continue to increase will always be Achukas; second, the bottleneck is broken, and the power rises to a new height to become Vastod.In the "Ten Blades" of the world of death, most of them belong to Achukas, except for the ninth broken face, which is of the Kilian level.

  The evolution of Achucas has two directions: first, the power reaches the bottleneck, and the power cannot continue to increase will always be Achukas; second, the bottleneck is broken, and the power rises to a new height to become Vastod.In the "Ten Blades" of the world of death, most of them belong to Achukas, except for the ninth broken face, which is of the Kilian level.

  It's no exaggeration to say that this level of emptiness would be everyone's nightmare if he was allowed to speak unscrupulously.

  And when Yachukas has been swallowed and evolved to the final level of Void, Vastord, his strength will undergo earth-shaking changes, and he has even been able to touch the power of rules and has the unique ability to use the power of rules.

  This is already the top of the virtual, the most advanced virtual, the size is countless times smaller than the virtual, and the size and appearance are completely similar to those of humans.

  The first four blades in the "Ten Blades" in the world of death are at this level.With the strongest ability, the strength is completely above the death captain level, and there are not many in the entire virtual circle.The higher the level of the Great Void, the more human-like physique and sanity it has.After liberation, the changes in the ontology are also smaller.

  At this level, the combat power has already surpassed that of the lower-level Daxu Jilian and the intermediate-level Daxu Kas countless times. Once the full force erupts, it can even have a terrifying impact on the world.

  And if no one can stop them, as long as they are given a certain amount of time, it is extremely easy to destroy the world, after all, they have been able to touch the rules with their power.

  But all of this must have a premise, that is, the soul must still exist, and then the soul evolves into a void through the degeneration of the soul, which can start step-by-step evolution. If there is no soul, everything is empty talk.

  This is what Tian Yan wondered about.

  "A fan of the authorities, take a good look at our feet."

  "Tian Yan, your mother's obsession is indeed extremely terrifying. She can still retain part of her soul. Although she seems to have lost consciousness, her soul is still extremely complete."

  Kong Nianzhi gently rubbed Tian Yan's hair, and then motioned Tian Yan to look under his feet.

  "Under your feet?"

  "Wait, husband, what do you mean?!"

  Tian Yan didn't understand what Kong Nianzhi meant at first, so he was stunned for a while, and when Tian Yan understood what Kong Nianzhi meant, he immediately looked at his feet with joy.

  "That's...my mother!"

  "She's still alive!"

  Tian Yan shouted softly, and in excitement, he held Kong Nianzhi's big hand and unconsciously began to increase his strength.

  Kong Nianzhi suddenly smiled bitterly. With Tian Yan's strength at the moment, if another ordinary person came here, even if Wei Zhuang Gai Nie, the two descendants of the ghost valley, came over, I am afraid that he would have to squeeze his hand out of shape in minutes.

  But for Kong Nianzhi, Tian Yan's grip is a little indifferent. Even if Tian Yan's current strength is increased tenfold, or even a hundred times, there is absolutely no way to hurt Kong Nian in the slightest. evolved to perfection.

  This level of power is like scratching a tickling to Kong Nianzhi. .

Chapter 1023 Go, Collapse Yu!

  The ancient temple is still the same dilapidated ancient temple. Everything is in a dilapidated state. There are traces of spider webs everywhere, but it is completely different from the previous ancient temple.

  What Kong Nianzhi said was right. It was the fans of the authorities. Tian Yan put all his energy and attention on the remains of his mother, so he didn't notice any abnormality at all, and he didn't notice that his mother's soul still remained. with most of it complete.

  As for Tian Meng, he was blind with his eyes open, and it was impossible to see the soul, so only Kong Nianzhi discovered Jingzhao's soul.

  At the farthest corner of the room, or about a few meters down, there was a transparent soul emitting a faint glow, hiding there in a curled up posture, as if he had already lost all consciousness.

  Compared with Tian Lianlian's broken and blurred soul due to the loss of time, Jingzhao's soul is undoubtedly much better~.

  You must know that the souls of Tian Lianlian and her son have long since disappeared into a faint mist due to the power of time, and there is no way to maintain their human form at all. They may completely collapse and disappear at any time and reintegrate into the river of souls.

  Compared with Tian Lianlian and the others at the moment, besides losing consciousness, Jingsa's appearance was also blurred a little due to time, but Shoji was still able to maintain his human form.

  Jing Salamander's soul can remain more complete than Tian Lianlian. Kong Nianzhi's speculation is due to two reasons. One is that Jing Salamander did not die for a long time, but this can be ruled out, because Jing Salamander is already dead. The rottenness of the remains and clothing that have been completely turned into dead bones can be known, and the Jing Salamander has been dead for a long time.

  And if Jingzhao died not long ago, she couldn't have been hidden all the time, and she didn't even go to see Tian Yan once, so this point can be completely ruled out, then only the second point is left.

  That is Jing Salamander's obsession is very deep, it is this obsession that allows Jing Salamander's soul to persist for a longer time in the process of slowly depleting the soul, without being completely destroyed by the power of time.

  As for the soul of the salamander, it is easier to explain why it has been here for so long.

  No matter which world it is, after the death of human beings, the soul cannot leave the ravine too far.

  There is such a rumor that there is no way for humans to leave the scorpion too far after death, and they can only linger near their corpses. To the existence of any human being, one can only wander around aimlessly and alone.

  It was not until the first seven days that he woke up from this state and realized that he had already died, and then he was able to see his family, and then go and live.

  In the world of death, after a human dies, there will be a chain bound in the position of Xiongkou. This chain will make him unable to leave the distance too far. At the same time, once the chain is broken, the human soul will start Fallen, instinct began to emerge continuously, and eventually became illusory.

  In the world of Qin Shi, although there is no such chain to bind the human soul, the human soul cannot leave the valley too far. At the same time, because there is no virtual existence in the world of Qin Shi, and the soul cannot become a ghost.

  With the passage of time, because the power of the soul cannot be replenished, the power of their soul will only slowly weaken, and eventually completely disappear and return to nothingness.


  "Great, my mother is still alive!"

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