"How is this possible? Did you already know what was going to happen?!"

  Ji Bu had a look of horror on his face. Based on the mysterious and mysterious words Han Xin just said, it is not difficult for Ji Bu to guess that Han Xin probably knew that a vicious dog would chase the kitten and pass by, so he dropped the stone. block, thus changing the fate of the vicious dog and the kitten.

  But Ji Bu was surprised, how could Han Xin know that there would be kittens and vicious dogs passing by, and just dropped the stone on the ground and was stepped on by vicious dogs, but not by kittens.

  "This is the future."

  Looking at Ji Bu, who looked suspicious, Han Xin continued: "In your eyes, the future is just a noun, and things in the future are always unpredictable. ."

  "But in my eyes, the future is not incomprehensible. If you can penetrate the mysteries, grasp the essence of it, and use it flexibly, then you will not be confused by the appearance of things and grasp the essence of things. ."

  "As you can understand, I can change the future by seeing where things are going, and then changing a point in the present."

  “Therefore, to the point where people can change the future.”

  Han Xin picked up the stones on the ground, crushed them, and explained to Ji Bu.

  This kind of ability is the inherent regulation and regulation of the sacred texts that Confucius gave to Han Xin, and it belongs to the ability of causality.

  The current Han Xin, with the progress of Reiatsu and the control of the holy script, has been able to make some changes in the present to a certain extent, and then change the established future at a certain point in the future.

  "It's impossible. How can humans do things like change the future? This is a forbidden area that humans can't touch. Only gods can control the power."

  After listening to Han Xin's words, Ji Bu was shocked. This kind of power that can control the future is too terrifying. If used properly, Han Xin's ability can even easily dominate the outcome of a large-scale battle!

  How could such a terrifying ability appear on a human gully! .

Chapter 1068 Breaking the awn formation!

  "Are you surprised, do you think my power is terrifying?" Han Xin continued expressionlessly: "Compared to Your Majesty, my abilities are not worth mentioning at all."

  "With your majesty's power, you can change the future at will, and develop the future in the direction you want. That's why I say that the moment your majesty decides to take action against the state of Chu, the outcome of the state of Chu is already doomed."

  "Because no matter how it develops and changes now, that point in the future of Chu State has already been ~ doomed."

  "Kong Nianzhi actually possesses such power!" Ji Bu's pupils shrank: "You are lying to me, his power is indeed powerful, but how could he have the power to change the future at will, is he a god? ?!"

  "Liar to you? Funny saying."

  "You think you already know your Majesty, but in fact, no one has ever understood His Majesty. His Majesty is so powerful that anyone's imagination wants to go abroad." A glimmer of light flashed in Han Xin's eyes, even though Kong Nianzhi had already shown a lot of _ ability.

  However, Han Xin believes that no one can understand the power of Kong Nianzhi.

  "Jibu, you are a smart person, so you know what to do when the time comes."

  Han Xin said lightly, then passed Ji Bu and walked forward.

  "Why are you telling me this, I don't believe it is because I am Huaying's younger brother, so you will tell me so many things."

  Ji Bu looked at Han Xin's back with a suspicious look on his face. Even if these things are not too secret, they are definitely not things that ordinary people can know.

  Then Han Xin told himself these things, it was a bit intriguing.

  "Oh? Did you notice it so quickly?"

  "Indeed, you are not entitled to know these things at all."

  "But I thought you'd be one of us soon, so I told you in advance."

  "As for the others?" Having said this, Han Xin paused slightly: "And do you know why I have to tell you so much, to kill this group of ants who show their teeth to His Majesty, without hurting other innocents? It's a little bit troublesome to control the power to such a precise level."

  "So I've just been working on something."

  "By changing some irrelevant points now, you will not be able to leave my side in the future. The boundary of this distance will be the sky that they can't cross."

  "After all, if they escaped, I would also be very distressed."

  Han Xin's angle gradually evoked a slight arc. From the beginning, Han Xin was not ready to let go of these Chu troops, but Han Xin did not want to hurt innocent people.

  Therefore, in order not to affect the innocent Baixin nearby, Han Xin's method of killing this group of Chu troops was a little more troublesome.

  Moreover, Kong Nianzhi should have no intention of letting go of these Chu troops at all, Han Xin thought so.

  As for why Kong Nianzhi didn't do it himself, the reason is very simple.

  If you do everything yourself, then what do you have to do with a group of subordinates.

  "You want to kill them? They are just a group of ordinary people, and they just obeyed orders and didn't do anything to hurt you!"

  Ji Bu's face suddenly became ugly. He finally understood why Han Xin said so many things to him, and he was not worried that these words would be heard by the soldiers of Chu State and then spread out.

  Ji Bu's face suddenly became ugly. He finally understood why Han Xin said so many things to him, and he was not worried that these words would be heard by the soldiers of Chu State and then spread out.

  Because from the beginning, Han Xin was not ready to let anyone go.

  Han Xin has been delaying time, and then used the so-called power to change the future, trapping all of them near Han Xin.

  "Ordinary person?" Han Xin frowned, then sneered: "Anyone, the moment they pick up a weapon, is no longer an ordinary person."

  "At the moment when they showed their minions to His Majesty, their result was like Chu, and it was already doomed."

  "Breaking Mans array!"

  As Han Xin's words fell, five blue light curtains quickly rose within a few hundred meters, and finally closed, locking the area completely.

  The light curtain is faintly transparent, refracting a faint light like a mirror, making people want to touch it.

  A Chu Jun standing on the edge accidentally touched this layer of light curtain, and suddenly let out a scream, the whole gully was wrapped in blue flames, burned to ashes in an instant and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

  · · · Flowers 0 0

  This is the breakout array!An exclusive high-level formation that can only be used by quenchers!

  First use "Soul Cutting Objects" to draw the Quincy Formation on the ground, and arrange five Soul Cutting Objects at the corners of the formation.If you drop the concentrated spirit, you can trigger a large-scale explosion in the array.It is a powerful and complex trap formation.

  There is no need to chant, but it will take some time to set up the formation, so Han Xin wasted a little bit of time to set up this shattering formation.

  Moreover, Han Xin did not immediately activate the Breaking Light Formation, nor did he cause the Breaking Light Formation to explode, but kept the Breaking Light Formation in a sub-activated state, trapping everyone in it, and focusing on strengthening the power of the light curtain, once someone touched it. , will be enveloped in the flame of the spirit child.


  As for the thing that cuts the soul, it is a weapon that is closer to a chainsaw in form.

  The surface of the blade is entirely composed of spirits, and the spirits continuously generate high-speed vibrations back and forth at a speed of 300 million times per second. The opponent's spiritual pressure.

  The soul-cutting thing can be attacked at close range like a sword, but the essence is still a bow and arrow, and it is the only weapon with a sharp blade among all the skills of the Quincy.

  "Damn, what is this!"

  "I don't want to die here, who can save me!"

  "Why is this? Are they all monsters? Go and report to the adults and let the adults handle these things!"

  Seeing that their compatriots were burned to ashes like this, the soldiers of Chu State were completely panicked, and they began to regret a little, why did they follow Zhang Mu here today.

  If you hadn't come here with Zhang Mu, you would never have encountered these things.

  After paying the lives of several soldiers again, they finally determined that they must never touch this light curtain, because no matter what touches this light curtain, even the armor that can defend against gold and iron on their gully will not touch the light curtain. Not a single trace of it was evaporated in an instant. .

Chapter 1069 I am a person from the invisible empire!

  "It's all his fault, kill him!"

  "Yes, as long as we kill this monster, we can go out!"

  "Avenge the general and kill this monster!"

  There was no hope of escaping, and Chu Jun's will to die was completely inspired. They stared at Han Xin with red eyes, wanting to kill Han Xin who had set up the shattering formation.

  "Good fighting spirit, but it's just good."

  Looking at the densely packed Chu army rushing towards him, Han Xin's brows did not wrinkle, he held the Jiaojiao sword indifferently, and even launched a charge against nearly a thousand people by himself.




  The sound of the sharp blade cutting through the ravine continued to sound, and the azure blue spiritual pressure mixed with the black sword energy, and it continued to pass.

  In the blink of an eye, hundreds of people died under Han Xin's sword, and they didn't even have the chance to become ghosts, they became part of Kong Nian's power.

  "Han Xin, stop me!"

  "You are also from the state of Chu, why do you want to hurt this group of soldiers of the state of Chu!"

  At this moment, a gully shadow suddenly jumped down from the restaurant, Zhong Limei blocked Han Xin's gully with a look of grief and indignation.

  "People from the state of Chu?" Han Xin's sword tip rested on the slate on the ground, frowning and looking at Zhong Limei impatiently: "When did the state of Chu treat me as someone from the state of Chu?"

  "I, Han Xin, are no longer from the Chu State, nor from any vassal state. I am from the Invisible Empire, and the blade in His Majesty's hand."

  "Zhong Limei, since you have appeared here, you should figure it out if you want to come to His Majesty just now."

  "Until you don't have the strength to implement your so-called justice, you'd better stand on the side obediently, otherwise... you can only humiliate yourself and let me cause more killings."

  Without looking at Zhong Limei again, Han Xin walked directly past Zhong Limei's gully and walked towards the already terrified Chu army. He was not going to let go of any soldiers.

  What Han Xin didn't see was that Zhong Limei's eyes began to gradually become firmer. Han Xin's words shattered the last trace of persistence in Zhong Limei's heart, and he began to gradually agree with the words of Han Xin and Kong Nianzhi.

  "If there is no power, then justice is just an empty talk, and it can't make any changes in the world at all."

  "I'm still too weak, weak like an ant, if I can have the power of Han Xin, and the power of Kong Nianzhi that can be inhuman..."

  For the first time, Zhong Limei had a strong desire for power, and Kong Nianzhi's words still echoed in his ears.

  Zhong Limei has already decided that he is going to find Kong Nianzhi, and then he will get more and more powerful power no matter what!


  Time had not passed at all, perhaps not even a minute.

  Because the Pomang Array completely sealed the vicinity, this group of Chu troops had nowhere to escape, so Han Xin quickly killed all the nearly [-] Chu troops.

  However, nearly [-] people died within a distance of [-] meters. What kind of scene is this?

  The corpses were almost piled up into hills, the blood on the ground almost converged into a river, and the air was filled with a disgusting, bloody smell.

  The corpses were almost piled up into hills, the blood on the ground almost converged into a river, and the air was filled with a disgusting, bloody smell.

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