Kong Nianzhi's words were not interrogative sentences, but were spoken in a definite tone.

  Qin State is now the most powerful country among the vassal states, and the snare organization is spread all over the vassal states, among which the intelligence organization and this kind of organization are more like tentacles.

  Ying was the capital of Chu State, and Qin State could not be restless to set up a stronghold here.

  "Mr. Hui report, there are three strongholds in this Yingdu, all of them are our people."

  Sure enough, Wang Ben's words immediately confirmed Kong Nianzhi's thoughts, and Wang Ben looked at Kong Nianzhi suspiciously: "But why did you suddenly mention this?"

  "It's nothing, I'm going to send the Chu Kingdom's palace to the sky and blow it up."

  Kong Nianzhi waved his hand and said indifferently, but his words shocked everyone's attention.

  "What? Blast to the sky?!"

  "What a joke, it turns out that Kong Nianzhi is also a big talker!"

  "It's ridiculous, do you know how big the palace of our Chu country is, it's ridiculous to even think about sending the palace to the sky."

  Hearing Kong Nianzhi's words, Chu's Manchu civil and military officials couldn't help it, and 033 revealed their ridicule to Kong Nianzhi.

  In fact, their idea is also right, how can human beings send a palace to the sky.

  Not even a palace, even a house, humans cannot send it to the sky with their own power.

  Destroying a house is easy, but sending it to the sky can't be something that humans can do on their own.

  "Don't use your poor brains to question me." Kong Nianzhi sighed helplessly: "What others can't do doesn't mean I can't do it either."

  The Forbidden City, a thousand years later, covers an area of ​​about 72 square meters. You must know that this is only a royal palace, not a royal city!

  And the biggest palace in history is Ying Zheng's palace, Xianyang Palace!

  At the same time, it is also the largest palace in the world!

  That's right, it is the largest palace in the world, and its scale is beyond everyone's imagination!

  The total area of ​​Xianyang Palace is nearly [-] times the size of Chang'an City in the Han Dynasty, and it is also more than [-] times that of the Forbidden City.

  Xianyang is the first capital city planned according to the astronomical phenomena in history, and Xianyang Palace is the Xuanji center of the heavenly capital, and it is the place of the monarchs and dynasties of all dynasties. .

Chapter 1081 Reiatsu restricted by liberation!

  Although Yingdu is not as huge as Xianyang, and the palace is not as big as Xianyang Palace, its scale is equally terrifying.

  As the royal capital of Chu State, the royal palace of Yingdu is even more surprisingly large. It can be said that it is ranked very high among the vassal states at this time.

  Such a big palace, it is logically impossible for humans to send it to the sky. Even if it is destroyed, with the power of one person, if it is not set on fire, I am afraid that it will not be completely destroyed in a few months or even a few years. Drop a palace.

  But is Kong Nianzhi an ordinary person? !

  Obviously not, Kong Nianzhi is the king of all quenchers, the master of all quenchers, and the king of all spiritual sons and spiritual pressures.

  The role of spiritual pressure is very many, and the way of its use is also very flexible.

  Reiatsu is not only a means to attack the soul, but also can cause physical substantive breaking words. It can also oppress other souls and cause their souls to collapse. It can even be used as a momentum and so on.

  And Kong Nianzhi is going to use this kind of spiritual pressure use method now, it is another kind.

  In the original book of Death, in the decisive battle between Habach and Death, Habach went to the palace of the Spirit King, the creator of the world of Death, and the Deaths temporarily lost all ways to enter the palace of the Spirit King.

  At this time, Aizen, who was in a sealed state, did not use any means of attack, and just relied on the spiritual pressure to blow the Lingwang Palace down from the sky!

  The method that Kong Nianzhi is going to use now is similar to the way that Lan Ran used a spiritual pressure to blast down the Lingwang Palace, except that Kong Nianzhi did not want to blast down the palace of Chu Kingdom, but planned to blow up the palace of Chu Kingdom.

  Then, through the spiritual pressure, the palace of the Chu Kingdom was solidified on the sky, forming a palace that was permanently solidified on the sky.

  "Cough, sir, it's really amazing, but what does this have to do with your question just now' ' ."

  Wang Ben was almost choked to death by his own saliva, but Gan Xin on the other side reacted and pinched Wang Ben fiercely, only then did Wang Ben wake up.

  "I just promised Ying Zheng and I'm ready to quickly unify the vassal states." Kong Nianzhi squeezed his chin and continued, "So I'm going to do it myself."

  "I'll send this Yingdu palace to the sky right away." Kong Nianzhi patted Wang Ben's shoulder gently: "Then I'll give the high-level officials of Chu State a pot."

  "Without the king of Chu and this group of officials, Chu will be in a panic. At the same time, there is no one to command the army of Chu, and they will not be able to resist Qin's attack."

  "So when the time comes, you need your people to help you, and you should prepare to take over the state of Chu first."

  Like no one else beside Kong Nian, he explained to Wang Ben what he would be responsible for for a while, and immediately shocked Wang Ben.

  However, the people of Chu State were not as shocked as they were, but fearful and angry. Kong Nianzhi simply did not take all of them in his eyes, and even regarded their entire Chu State as a commodity.

  If possible, they would like to rush out and fight Kong Nianzhi immediately, but that is only if.

  "Prepare to take over the state of Chu? Cough cough!" Wang Ben was so frightened that he pulled over on the spot: "Cough cough, sir, I really haven't made the preparations for this, why don't you get another person, sir."

  "Whatever you want, get ready when you're ready, how come there are so many things."

  Kong Nianzhi said angrily, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, instantly liberating the restriction and suppression of his spiritual pressure!

  Kong Nianzhi said angrily, and then his eyes narrowed slightly, instantly liberating the restriction and suppression of his spiritual pressure!


  next second!

  There was no sign at all, and the blue Reiatsu completely materialized!

  As if Wang Yang began to spread unscrupulously in all directions, forming a giant vein like a spiritual pressure, constantly flying and fluttering!

  Even the sky within a radius of thousands of miles, hundreds of thousands of miles, and even further distances has completely changed its color.

  It's just that their naked eyes can't see such a long distance, so they don't know how far the sky has undergone such a change. Replaced by Reiatsu!

  One after another huge space cracks began to tear wildly, and it seemed that the cornerstones that constituted the origin of this world were collapsing rapidly. Although the world was trying its best to repair, the speed of this collapse was still showing a geometric increase in speed. on.

  If this momentum continues, I am afraid that it will not be long before the rules of the entire world will completely collapse, and the world will also be destroyed.

  "¨ˇ Can't do it like this." At this moment, Kong Nianzhi suddenly frowned: "Hey, it's really troublesome, I haven't really gotten into it yet."

  The unscrupulous release of the spiritual pressure suddenly began to calm down a little, and gradually the speed of the world's collapse and the speed of repair also maintained a proportional ratio.

  Kong Nianzhi showed a speechless expression when he found a balance that could maximize his power without causing the world to collapse.

  To be honest, Kong Nianzhi did not expect that his current strength has reached such a level.

  I didn't feel the force just now, and it was only just a moment after the restriction was lifted, and it was just a little bit of spiritual pressure was released, and the world began to collapse completely.

  next moment!

  A huge earthquake like an earthquake suddenly appeared, and everyone could clearly feel that the ground began to shake crazily, and this vibration was still increasing at an extremely terrifying speed. while standing on the ground.

  "What happened, is there an earthquake?!"

  "Run, let's get out of here immediately, this hall is about to collapse!"

  "Protect the king, hurry up and protect the king!"

  The officials of Chu State and the King of Chu were completely panicked and wanted to flee the hall immediately, but they didn't notice Kong Nianzhi's disdainful eyes.


  At this moment, a louder sound suddenly rang in everyone's ears, and then the entire palace began to vibrate frantically, as if the ground was shaking.

  When this vibration reached a certain limit, it was suddenly pulled up with a piece of land, completely violating the effect of gravity, and slowly moving towards the air!

  The palace of Chu Kingdom actually began to fly towards the sky! .

Chapter 1082 Unique physical fitness!

  The whole earth began to vibrate, and the tremor was so strong that it could be clearly felt for thousands of miles.

  In Yingdu, the royal palace belonging to the state of Chu was uprooted, and flew towards the sky with a large piece of soil.

  If someone looks at it from the perspective of God now, they will find that the ground near the palace is slowly cracking, and when the palace is completely detached from the ground, it begins to move towards the sky with an inexplicable force. fly away.

  At the beginning, this speed was still very slow, but after a few seconds, the speed of the palace's movement suddenly began to increase sharply, and in the blink of an eye, it disappeared in front of all eyes and appeared on the sky of thousands of meters.

  If you look up, you can even see the small shadow above the sky. This is not because the palace has become smaller, but because of the perspective, the palace appears to be much smaller.

  "My God, what happened, why did our Chu Kingdom's palace suddenly fly into the sky?"

  "Is this a manifestation of God, this is a miracle!"

  "I... our king ascended to heaven?!"

  All the people of Chu State were stunned and looked at the palace that was quickly rising above the sky in horror. Now they only had one thought in their minds, that is, how did their palace in Chu state last for 647 days.

  "Cough, it's so uncomfortable, I seem to be out of breath."

  "Who will save me, I don't want to die."

  "How is it possible that our Chu Kingdom's palace actually flew above the sky? How did this happen?"

  After a few officials of Chu who wanted to escape ran to the door of the main hall, they looked around and saw the endless blue sky and white clouds outside the door, and immediately fell to the ground in horror.

  What follows is the altitude sickness that ordinary people absolutely cannot adapt to.

  Altitude sickness, also known as altitude sickness and altitude sickness, is strictly a type of altitude sickness.

  It is a variety of discomfort caused by the human body rapidly entering a plateau above 3000 meters above sea level and being exposed to a low-pressure and low-oxygen environment. It is a common disease unique to the plateau area.

  Common symptoms include headache, insomnia, loss of appetite, fatigue, and difficulty breathing.Headache is the most common symptom, usually throbbing in the forehead and bitemporal region, and the pain worsens at night or when you wake up in the morning.Increased lung ventilation, such as mouth breathing, light activity, etc., can relieve headaches.

  However, they (chah) have not yet fully entered the altitude sickness. Now they are only in a situation of insufficient oxygen because they suddenly entered the altitude of thousands of meters. Coupled with the influence of air pressure, they have endured extreme great pressure.

  You must know that oxygen is very thin at an altitude of thousands of meters, and the air pressure far exceeds that on the ground, which makes people's internal organs and glutes can withstand great pressure.

  The quality of this group of people in Chu country is only the level of ordinary people, and it is absolutely impossible for them to adapt to changes in this environment in a short period of time. Staying in this environment for a long time may even lead to their death. .

  Even Black and White Xuanjian, Han Xin, and Tian Yan felt a little suffocated when they entered the altitude of several thousand meters. Adapted quickly to this environment.

  Even Black and White Xuanjian, Han Xin, and Tian Yan felt a little suffocated when they entered the altitude of several thousand meters. Adapted quickly to this environment.

  Only Jing Salamander, as a Daxu with a broken face at the Vastord level, her quality and skills are terrifying to the extreme, so she is completely immune to changes in this environment and adapts to it, which is far from her tolerable limit.

  Having said that, I have to mention that the quality of human beings in the pirate world is probably really terrifying.

  Not long after Luffy went out to sea, he entered the sky island above [-] meters, and he fought with the lightning fruit, the so-called god Anilu, and he was completely used to it in just a short while. Air pressure and rarefied oxygen levels above [-] meters.

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