Kong Nianzhi's eyes flashed, and he continued to laugh: "This robber from Jiangyang, at the peak of his life, met a woman he loves, and had a child. Since then, Feng Dao has retired from the rivers and lakes, and the prodigal son can't change for gold, how beautiful it is. s story."

  "...do not talk!"

  "However, just when this Jiang Yang thief was immersed in sweet love and father-son love, his beloved wife and son were killed by Wei Si, this Jiang Yang thief collapsed, maybe the world has been destroyed for him, so he has to start A journey of destruction."

  "...don't say...don't say..."

  "One of the flying birds has been lost, what will happen to the remaining one? His temper became weird, withdrawn, cruel, and completely fell into the dark abyss. With the help of the power of the snare, he avenged his revenge. After that, he joined the snare and became the first-class killer of the snare, filling the vacancy in his heart by fighting against the strong and fighting between life and death."

  Kong Nianzhi sighed and looked at Xuan Jian with pitiful eyes: "I don't know, am I right, Mr. Xuan Jian."

  "I told you... stop talking!"


  The red murderous aura rolled and boiled around Xuan Jian's body like thunder and lightning!

  This matter is the biggest inverse scale in his heart!Also the ultimate taboo that no one can mention!

  The reverse scale was revealed, Xuan Jian suddenly lost all his sanity, his whole person was like a madman, his eyes were red and he rushed towards Kong Nianzhi. Quickly cut through the sky.

  Gee tut.

  Because of anger, has the strength been greatly improved?

  It seems that hatred is the source of your faith and strength.

  The corner of Kong Nianzhi's mouth twitched: "If I could still let you see you and your wife and daughter."


  Seeing that the sword was about to cut through Kong Nianzhi's throat, but at this moment, the black and white swords stopped, and Xuan Jian's voice trembled a little: "You... you are... lying to me! "

  "It's interesting." Kong Nianzhi stretched out his fingers, pushed away the bloodthirsty and murderous swords around his neck, and shrugged: "Why should I lie to you. You should have been able to sense just now that you can't beat me. In this case, if I have some bad intentions against you, why do I have to do it multiple times."

  Kong Nian took a few steps forward, his voice bewitching like a devil's whisper: "Make a deal, you sell your life to me, and I may let you see your wife and daughter again."

  "...Impossible, that was more than ten years ago..."

  "There is nothing impossible in this world."

  "There is nothing impossible in this world."


  Kong Nianzhi sneered: "If there is, it can only be because you don't know enough about the world, and your power is not strong enough to make the impossible possible."

  "Your wife, her death was caused by you, because you are not strong enough!"


  The black and white swords in Xuan Jian's hands fell to the ground, and knelt down weakly: "...No, that's not the case."

  "But the fact is that, because you are not strong enough, because you are not strong enough, so strong that Wei Si dare not provoke you, that's why this tragedy happened."

  "Don't say Wei Si is mean and hurt your wife and son."

  "The weak have no right to be fair."

  "Now, back to the point." Kong Nianzhi squatted in front of Xuan Jian, looking directly into his dazed eyes: "You agree with the transaction I just made, or do you disagree."

  "Of course, let me tell you in advance that this is not [-]% successful. Believe it or not, it's all up to you."

  "I... agree, even if there is only one in ten thousand hope, I am willing to try!"

  "very good."

  Kong Nianzhi nodded: "As you said, it's been too long, I'm not sure if there are any remnants of your wife and son's soul there, but as long as there is a little bit, I can let you see them again. ."

  soul? !

  Amazawa's crimson snake pupils suddenly shrank on the eaves, is it somewhat similar to the Exorcist's ability to peep at the soul, or... stronger!

  Kong Nianzhi hesitated: "Maybe it's okay..."

  Forget it, this is still unsure.

  The reason why Kong Nianzhi has this confidence is that it comes from the air transport system. Originally, he already has 38000 air points. He only needs to get another 12000 to exchange for a broken jade fragment, and only five broken jade fragments can be used. Combined into a complete collapsing jade.

  Bengyu has been coveted by Kong Nianzhi for a long time. Bengyu has self-awareness and can absorb and materialize the heart that exists around itself, and can protect the host's body from death and immortality. When the limit is reached or life is threatened, Bengyu can make the host endlessly evolve to the next dimension.

  As long as he gets Bengyu, Kong Nianzhi can ask for the imprisonment of his body and soul...

  Now it seems that we can only bleed heavily, first exchange two thousand-year-old soul congealing stones with 10000 luck value, and try to forcibly gather their souls...

  PS: This is Xuan Jian's wife and son in the comics... Xuan Jian is dead in the comics, it's the anime...

Chapter 141 Meeting a Lover Late at Night! (please subscribe)

  Under the dark moonlight, a layer of dark clouds suddenly shrouded.


  At this moment, there was a dull sound of footsteps and the sound of Jin Ge colliding. Dozens of night guards in armor heard the sound here and trotted all the way~ Come over.

  "...do not move!"


  "...put down your weapons, or we'll be rude-."


  "In the darkest night, even your own shadow will leave you."

  There was a sneer at the corner of Tian Ze's mouth, a bloodthirsty light flashed in the scarlet snake pupil, and the monstrous figure instantly rose into the sky and landed on the street.

  Just watching this group of people pretending to be daggers for so long, Tian Ze, the forced king, couldn't hold back his turbulent heart.

  "You bastard, you still want to fight stubbornly! Come on!"


  A fierce light flashed in Tian Ze's eyes, and the six snake-skull chains wrapped around his body suddenly turned into six giant black snakes, rushing towards the patrol.

  Six black giant snakes, each about ten meters in size, instantly enveloped a huge area.


  Accompanied by a shrill scream, the large snake filled with black mist continued to bombard that area, and on the ground hit by the black giant snake, countless cracks appeared on the slate, until it became broken pieces.

  In the blink of an eye, a big hole was created out of thin air.

  "You...you, you dare to attack us, Lord Xueyihou will not let you go!" the surviving patrolman shouted.

  The man in blood? !

  It's good not to mention this, but Tian Ze's anger has grown exponentially: "This world is so cruel, there is no one in this world who can help you, if you want to survive, you can only rely on yourself, even if it's bloody. Wait... not too!"


  The black internal force on his hands flickered, and in the next second, Tian Ze's hands waved towards the patrolman in front of him!

  Immediately, the six black snakes let out an angry roar, and their scarlet pupils stared viciously at the group of weaklings, as if they were looking at their prey, and in the next instant, they protruded their bodies like lightning and bit the group of city defense soldiers. past.

  The thick black mist filled the entire street. At first glance, it was as if they had fallen into an abyss without a trace of luster, and the feeling of suffocation filled their hearts.


  "Please, who... who will save me!"

  "Please, who... who will save me!"

  "You...youkai, I don't want to die!"

  This group of patrolmen are just city defense soldiers. Although they belong to Xueyihou now, they have never been on the battlefield and have never seen the dead a few times. They belong to the kind of people who manage all kinds of chores in the city. Where have they experienced this kind of battle? .

  Arriving at this bloody and terrifying big snake, coupled with the mutilated corpse of the companion beside him, they suddenly turned into birds and beasts and fled in all directions.

  Tian Ze looked at the frightened faces on the faces of these weak prey, and took a deep breath in intoxication. The black snake meat grinder usually hangs them all on the spot, and for a while, blood on the street turns into a river of corpses. Blocks everywhere.

  "...I found that your resentment towards Xue Yihou is really not that big."

  Kong Nianzhi said faintly, "This group of people can make you angry even just mentioning a name. Your temper is not good, it's too irritable."

  Tian Ze: "..."

  Kong Nianzhi sighed, turned to Xuanjian and Weizhuang and said, "Brother Weizhuang, please arrange a room for Xuanjian first. Tianze and I will go to the palace and come back in a while."

  "By the way, when you come back later, Tianze, remember to clean up the mess here, this corpse should be thrown away, this slate should be repaired, you make it like this, and don't let Zi Lanxuan do it business?"

  You and he wouldn't have said it sooner!I said earlier that I wouldn't make the scene so gorgeous, so compelling!

  A blue vein suddenly burst out on Tian Ze's head, and he suddenly had the urge to swear.


  The palace, the palace of Mrs. Pearl.

  Since Mrs. Pearl had the ability to have an eternal nightmare, Han Wangan couldn't even catch a boat. As soon as Tiantian entered the door, Mrs. Pearl was brought down by Mrs. Pearl, and then fell into a dream.


  Then he just dropped it on the ground, of course, with a tattered blanket under him...

  Mrs. Mingzhu, who had rushed back from Hu Meiren's palace, sat gracefully on the golden chair, the slender Yuyue retreated on top of Zuoyue retreat, Bai Yun's jade hand held up her head, and fell into her own contemplation. , The curly long eyelashes trembled gently, the corners of his mouth smiled from time to time, and there was a flash of happiness in the beautiful eyes, as if remembering something beautiful.


  In the bright bedroom, the lights flickered suddenly, and a pair of powerful hands suddenly stretched out from behind Mrs. Pearl, encircling her charming Shenzi.


  Mrs. Pearl's body froze abruptly, her eyes suddenly flashed a fierce light, and her body began to emit invisible and intangible black gas, trying to kill the guy who touched her body.

  But just when the nightmare was just rising, Mrs. Pearl was stunned for a moment, her rigid body also leaned limply into the arms of the man behind her, her arrogant face was like a docile kitten, she turned her head and snuggled in. in the arms of a man.

  "...you enemy, why did you think of looking for me?".

Chapter 142 The husband is not as good as us...! (please subscribe)

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