The Isekai Game: Future Diary

Chapter 3 - Hard Knock Life

Midday, when cities were burning and Nazis were planning their next course of action, Carter led his team across the country in a stolen seven ton. Air brushed through the open flaps in the back. Logan sat with his girls Vanessa and Jaivva on a bench, mocking Carter to no end. Carter took the jabs and threw a few of his own. Kiki and Mike were sitting next to him on the opposite bench.

Vanessa couldn't ignore how happy Logan appeared. Likewise, Mike, Kiki, and even Carter each had smile up to their ears. No matter how vile their insults got, the four laughed each other off as though they were the funniest things to walk the planet.

After collecting what all she had been hearing, Vanessa found the funniest to be Logan's relationship with Carter's girlfriend. The four were in a strange agreement that she had in fact loved Logan more than Carter himself.

Vanessa died upon hearing that, "Why? Why? does she love you more than her own boyfriend? Tell me".

Carter smiled as he shook his head, "That's what I want to know".

Logan held his fingers up together, "It's because Carter is a moron".

Kiki chuckled, "Honestly, they just get along".

Mike spoke up, "Hey, for real though, ya'll need to bring Vanessa and them over to meet the whole crew though. You know they'll love his girlfriend".

Logan appointed him, "We'll do that, after the June Event".

"That's so stupid though," Mike's hands were conveying his emotion, "They ain't going to start any problems".

Kiki rose her hand, "I want to point out that I said that from the beginning".

Carter ċȯċked his head, "Maybe if our little devil wasn't so worried about beating on Vanessa, this wouldn't be a problem".

The entire back of the seven-ton fell quiet. Logan had a faint smile on his face while staring into Carter's eyes. He turned towards Vanessa who shared a lovely, yet forced, smile.

She shook her head, "He already say sorry a bunch of times".

Logan got down to a knee and clasped her hands into his palms, "Vanessa, I am sorry".

"Tell her why you did it Logan!" yelled Carter.

Logan smirked at him and back at Vanessa who was reddening from his approach, "I'm sorry I felt like I needed to settle an old score with you".

"That wasn't the only reason," said Kiki.

Logan thought for a minute, "And no, I didn't need to put you in your place. I actually talked to Carter's girlfriend about that. I like it that you like to mouth off to people in the team," he looked around, "What else? Am I done"?

"What did Travon say about putting your hands on women?" asked Carter.

Logan's smile froze and began falling. He had to really think about that one for a minute. Yup, that man was something else. One of the few people Logan had to call a friend over the years. He remembered what his old dealer taught him regarding hitting women. Despite the nature of the game, he was to never put his hands on one of his own women.

With that in mind, he quickly decided that Vanessa really was a woman that he wanted to have in his life. As for what role, that seemed to be a little unclear for some reason.

Mike slammed towards the driver, "Hey Mimi! We need to stop"!

Mimi opened her back window to talk to the guys, "What's up"?

"Back up real quick!" he demanded.

Carter peaked out as Mimi was driving in reverse, "That's the three guys you been telling me about"?

"Yup," Logan stood up, "That's them," he turned towards Vanessa and Jaivva, "Looks like my girls are about to see a good old fashion execution".

"Hm?" Vanessa's eyes were widened as she looked at the four veterans prepping to get out.

Mike snapped his fingers, "Hey Logan. You ain't off the hook".

In a hurry, he dropped back down to a knee in front of Vanessa, "And for as long as you are close to me, I will never put my hands on you like that," he stood up, "Now, time for more important things.

"Hey Logan," Mike gripped his Gewehr 43, "Don't be like those guys neither now".

"My girls!" called Logan, "Get up here and watch this".

The seven-ton stopped and the three boys were more than eager to get this done. Kiki jumped out behind them, blocking the sun from her face.

"What's going on?" Jaivva was following them with Vanessa.

Mike whistled towards the three men, "Looks like we getting our old theme song playing for this win".

The three men saw them coming. At first, they thought they were saved from the blistering heat. They'd been stuck for what seemed like hours. Upon seeing Logan and the cold demeanor of the three boys, they knew they were screwed.

Doug rose his hands, prompting the others to follow, "Hey guys. Hey, we're not looking for trouble".

The three boys ignored their plea and continued marching with their heads held high.

"Hey, we're sorry," begged Eloy.

"On your knees," commanded Mike.

Carter had his rifle up before he finished that sentence, and shot his knee caps, "We didn't ask you boys to speak. We said, 'on your knees'".

Eloy was ready to cry as Kiki sprinkled gunpowder around them, "Is this how it's going to be every time we come here?" Logan chuckled, "That's not funny!" Logan shot his hɨps, "Oh shit! That hurts"!

The gunpowder Kiki sprinkled around and on them began to glow. Both Vanessa and Jaivva had become familiar with this glow already. It was the banning technique. What's worse, Kiki sets the powder on fire.

Carter chuckled, "No, this will never happen again," he stepped to just an inch outside the circle set by Kiki, "Reason being because you guys will never step foot in our studio again".

Logan, Mike, and especially Carter were ready for a fight. This was not a game. Eventhough Vanessa didn't know the reason, she knew they were willing to take this fight to every end of the Earth.

The boys rose their rifles and tapped on the trigger. It took a minute, but their receivers began to glow. It appeared for this ban to work, they needed to be close. One could also ȧssume that they needed to aim for the head. Or maybe that was just their sick preference.

They fired in sync. Blood splattered across the field. Yet, the men were only slowly dying. Eloy decided to quit he game. His body stiffened like glass and blew apart.

Kiki smiled, "That one was mine".

The other two felt their body become hallow. They were fooled to believe they were nothing more than mere puppets for a few seconds. Soon, there bodies glowed and blew apart in a similar fashion as Eloy.

Mike faced the seven-ton with Logan and Kiki on line, "Hey, let's get our victory dance out one last time".

The four weilded their rifles on their shoulders, pointing into the air. Jay-Z's voice was heard asking for a baseline check. Jaivva and Vanessa found it a little humorous when they heard the chorus singing, "It's the hard knock life, for us".

They stood back to watch the three boys and Kiki walk towards them in what felt like slow motion. All four had on their mugshots as though they were trying to impress a crowd. Their walk was bold. Nothing could break their concentration. Even Kiki appeared to be a force that owned the streets. Perhaps she held a collection of souls in her room for the people that crossed her the wrong way. Regardless, this look the four had was new to the girls.

While Vanessa and Jaivva gushed over the sight of their friends walking through the field, memories played in the heads of Logan, Carter, Mike, and Kiki. Memories of times when they slept a few feet apart in a giant room within a shelter.

Those memories stretched across the two plus years they were a team. When the high school kids chased them in and out of the stadium for the things they did. Or maybe to even for their hard earned money. A time where their entire bodies were sore and still found the strength to fight back and defend themselves. Where they worked together to jump the older players and performed odd tasks to make their money.

In these times, Logan smashed an older woman's face for stealing Kiki's cash. Yet would also chase and drag Kiki by the hair for fun. He and Mike often times hid in tight spots to throw things at player's heads to ȧssist others or likely for their own amusement. It may or may not have been the reason they were racing outside with a car tied to each of their necks. Or the reason why they were standing outside the stadium in their undies while older players whipped their backs with belts to see who pissed first.

Carter had more fond memories at the stadium. Times of chillin' with the older cats. He made quite a few friends here. None looked after him like the three weirdos by his side. In fact, nobody else would even think to utter a word for him. It was still better than his home at the shelter where many of the ȧduŀt women insulted and hated him. Including his own mother.

Kiki, to her own surprise, felt warmth thinking back on those days. They were terrible. She was glad that they were behind her. Those three bastards never left her alone. She hated them with every bone in her body. They used to call her names, including "boy", all the time. It gave her serious insecurities growing up. Yet, she had to admit, her entire success and survival for those years and even the ones to come were in thanks to those three morons.

Kiki stepped towards Vanessa and Jaivva, "Yeah..." she smiled and rocked her head, "That actually felt good".

Carter lit himself a cigarette, "Yeah, I remember you teaching Kiki how to do that walk".

"I remember him teaching both of you that walk," Logan blurted loud for all to know.

Jaivva giggled, "So that was ya'lls gangsta walk"?

Energy filled Mike's face, "Hey! We had to let them know"!

Logan rubbed his face repetitively, not wanting to admit how much he enjoyed those days and the little corny things they did. But Vanessa's stare with her red cheeks embarrassed him to look away and scratch his head.

"What's wrong Logan?" Carter laughed, "You're feeling embarrassed"?

Just as Logan kissed his teeth, Kiki spoke up, "I remember Logan was pissed when you broke up the team".

Carter nodded with that shallow memory of his, "Yeah... I did. We're fine though".

"Alright," Logan waved towards the seven-ton, "Let's go," he held Vanessa's hand to help her inside.

"There we go!" shouted Kiki, "Show her how my mama taught you".

Jaivva hopped in, "What"?

Mike laughed over to his seat, "Yeah, ya'll don't even know the half of it. I can't wait to actually invite all of you guys over".

Carter stood out of the seven-ton to finish his cigarette. Or rather, to dwell on a few things.. Logan was for sure a factor in driving everyone apart. But he wondered, was it really Logan to blame? Or had Carter himself dug the hole he's in?

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