Chapter 84 – Preparations
The next day, I make my way to “Night Sky’s Silver Rabbit”‘s blacksmith.
“Good morning, Alan.”
“Hmm? Oh, Orn, is it! Morning. You here to pick up the sword, yeah. Wait here for a bit.”
After Alan notices my presence, he moves to the back of his forge and brings me two sheathed swords of different lengths.
“Check them for me. The longer one’s got the same shape, weight and centre of gravity as that black sword I made before.”
I receive the swords from Alan and examine them.
The long sword has a lead-coloured blade, but other than that, it’s almost the same Schwarzhase.
Even though the materials used are different, I’m amazed at Alan’s skill in making something this identical.
The shorter sword is about half the length of the longer one, but it also suits me so well that I don’t feel any discomfort with it.
These swords have been made for the martial arts competition.
Weapons are allowed in the competition, but there’s a rule that all bladed weapons must be blunted.
So to comply with the regulations, these two swords were made in that way.
After verifying the feeling of using each sword, I replace them in their sheaths.
(It’s been a long time since I’ve put a sword in a scabbard. There hasn’t been much chance since I’ve obtained storage magic tools.)
Obviously a long time ago, it was common practice to sheath swords, but in this day and age, there are very few opportunities to do so.
This is due to the advent of storage magic tools.
It’s said that the reasons to sheath swords are to prevent damage to the surroundings while carrying the sword and to keep the blade sharp.
Both of these can be addressed by storing the sword in a storage magical tool, and it’s also less cumbersome.
Because of this, there are only a few people who use scabbards.
But since the use of magical tools is also forbidden at martial arts competitions, I had a scabbard made.
“As usual, it’s almost shocking how nothing feels out of place at all……”
“That’s cause everyone’s data is kept from when someone makes an order. When you’re doing something like upgrading equipment, this data’s got to be used. Well, if it’s been too long, obviously the accuracy’s gonna be outdated, so we’ve still got to do measurements again quite often.”
I see. If that’s the case…
“Do you happen to have the data of the beginners — the 10th Squad?”
I ask Alan about those guys’ measurements.
“Yeah, I’ve got them. Believe we got the beginners’ measurements shortly before the guided exploration.”
“If the data is from about two months ago, there shouldn’t be any problem. Then, is it possible for me to order weapons for the three members of the 10th Squad?”
“I can have them made, but you good with having the fee deducted from the 10th Squad’s activity fund? Sorry to say, but like that, the materials ain’t going to be anything good, yeah?”
“No, I’ll personally pay for the cost and materials. I have permission from the Exploration Management Department, and my materials from before joining the Clan all belong to me, so please make the best weapons using the remaining Black Dragon scales and deep layer materials.”
I know that if I go this far, the other members will claim that I’m playing favourites.
But no matter what they say, I have no intention of bending.
Even after going through that kind of harsh defeat, without giving up, they’re still trying to become even stronger.
When I see that, I think of wanting to help them, and I’m also their mentor. I have a duty to protect them.
“If you’ve got clearance from the Exploration Management Department then you should be good to go. Got it. Leave the materials here to me. Got free time during Thanksgiving anyway. Nice to have something to do. As for when it’ll be done, well… think it’ll probably be after Thanksgiving. I’ll let you know when it’s finished.”
There’s a ban on exploration until after Thanksgiving, so that’s perfect.
“I understand. Thanks for your hard work.”
“Alright. Then, let’s get back on topic. If you’re sheathing these guys, you’re gonna need a sword belt, right?”
A swordbelt is used for hanging swords near the waist.
The most common material to use is leather, I think, but since it’s only going to be used in the martial arts tournament, I’m thinking cloth would also be fine.
“That’s right. I don’t carry one because I haven’t needed one until now. I’m thinking of asking the Clothing Department to make one for me”
“Sounds good. I can arrange for a sword belt here, but if you’ve got time to spare, it’s better if you get one yourself. This competition’s got quite a bit of the Clan’s prestige at stake. Getting the best one made would be better. ‘Sides, I’m sure the Clothing Department’s also got a bunch of free time this time of year, so they should be able to get one done soon.”
The Clothing Department isn’t located in this city, but in the neighbouring town of Farila.
Farila is a town with a thriving clothing industry, and it’s only a few hours by horse-drawn carriage from Tutril.
Carriages run regularly, so it’s not difficult to get there.
I don’t have anything particularly urgent to do, so I think I’ll try to clear up some paperwork today and go there tomorrow.
“Thank you for your advice. I’ll try to visit the Clothing Department as soon as possible tomorrow.”
“Oh, if it isn’t Orn. What are you doing in a place like this?”
The next day, as I was waiting for the carriage to take me to Farila, Will appeared.
“Will? ……Ah, speaking of which, you did mention you were going out of the city for a few days.”
I was surprised that Will showed up here, but having heard about his plans, I immediately realise why he’s here.
“Well, you know. There ain’t any labyrinth exploration, so I thought I’d head back to my parents’ for the first time in a while.”
Parents’, huh…….
“–Oh, just nice, the carriage is here. Let’s get on right away.”
The carriage arrives at a good time.
After paying the driver, I get in.
“Where you going, Orn?”
Will asks as we’re rocked about in the carriage.
“To Farila. I was thinking of a sword belt and uniforms from our Clothing Department.”
“Uniform? You’re changing your design?”
Well, that’s what you’d normally think, yeah.
“No, not mine, the 10th Squad’s uniform. I’m going to prepare it for them as a celebration of their graduation from being beginners after they conquer the 30th layer.”
“Oh, you’re pretty caring for your pupils……”
“It’s not that big of a deal. It’s also for my own self-satisfaction. Still, I haven’t decided on the design at all, so the uniforms might just end with only a discussion…..”
Right. It’s good that I’ve decided on presenting them with uniforms, but I’m completely lost about the design.
To begin with, as someone who prioritises functionality, nothing comes to mind.
“Design huh……. Then how ’bout basing it on your own?”
“Yeah. I’ve got a younger bro, and that guy just copies me for everything. He’s even happy with my hand-me-downs with the emblems removed. Those bunch from the 10th Squad like you, so won’t they be happy to have uniforms that look like yours?”
Using my own Clan uniform as a base, huh…….
It’s a bit embarrassing to say, but I’m aware that it is true the 10th Squad are quite fond of me.
And I don’t really have any other good plans, so let’s consider that direction.
“Will, thank you. I’m starting to get an image of what I’m looking for.”
“Don’t mind it.”
After that and some more casual conversation with Will, we arrive in Farila.
Unlike Tutril, this town is rich in nature and has an easygoing atmosphere.
“It’s my first time here, but it sure looks like a cosy town.”
“Glad to hear ya say that. Ain’t it just the perfect place to get away from the hustle and bustle of the city?”
Will, who gets out of the carriage with me, says to me proudly.
Apparently, Will’s parents live in Farilla, so he’s going to take me to the place where the Clothing Department is located.
“Ho, here we are.”
The building Will shows me is about twice as big as the other buildings in town.
As expected of a building owned by a major Clan.
“Thanks for taking the time to see me here even though you were on your way back home.
“Don’t worry about it. You going back quicky? If it’s alright, you can spend the night at my place. Think my family will be happy too.”
“….I appreciate the offer, but I have some things I need to take care of after I get back, so please convey my feelings.”
It probably wouldn’t be nice for outsiders to intrude on a family gathering.
And…… I don’t think I’ll feel good seeing a family gathering.
“…..I see. Well, if you change your mind, you can still come over. You’re more than welcome.”
“Yeah, thanks.”
And like that, Will walks in the direction of his parents’ house.
I head into the building and see a girl who looks like a receptionist doing some sewing at the counter.
For someone who’s in her late teens, she’s got pretty good skills, I think….. I don’t really know much about sewing though.
Also, she seems really concentrated, it doesn’t look like she’s noticed me entering.
“Hm? Uwawawa, sorry! I was so focused I didn’t see you coming in! Have you been waiting for a while!?”
As soon as the girl notices me, the concentrated mood she’s been in earlier dissipates and is replaced by something more appropriate for her age.
“I’ve just arrived, so don’t worry. Nice to meet you, my name is Orn. I heard there was an appointment made, but did you receive any information?”
‘Um um, nice to meet you, my name is Marsha! You’re Mr. Orn, right? Just a moment, please!”
She sounds flustered, but she’s handling this properly.
Marsha flaps away and disappears into the back.
“Mom! Someone named Orn is here-!
I hear a loud voice from the back that I think belongs to Marsha.
Well…… it would have been better if she had kept her voice down.
I don’t mind, but some customers might be offended by being addressed without a title.
Though maybe since they knew I was the one coming today, they had her as a sort of receptionist.
I guess if we’re in the same Clan, a little impoliteness is forgivable.
While I think about such trivial things, another woman appears from where Marsha had disappeared.
The woman takes one look at me and then says.
“So you must be Orn. Nice to meet you, I’m Glenda Burnett, the appointed head of the Clothing Department. I heard about you from headquarters. It’s a bit sudden, but could you come over here so I can take your measurements?”
“Understood, thank you very much.”
I follow Glenda to the back of the building.
“Okay. With this, the measurements are finished.”
I enter a certain room to take measurements, but Glenda is so efficient that it’s over in no time at all.
“T, thank you very much.”
“No problem. The first thing you need is a, sword belt, right?”
“Yes, I want to hang this long sword on my left hip and this short sword horizontally over my back. The short sword should also have the hilt on the left side.”
As I convey my request to Glenda, I make the two swords that I had received from Alan yesterday appear.
“Wow, to use two swords, you’re pretty handy.”
Glenda sounds impressed.
“The short sword is just in case. I’m planning to basically fight with just this one long sword.”
“Hmhmm. I understand what you want. For now, can you leave these two swords with me? When it’s finished, I’ll send them along with the sword belt. It’ll take me two to three days to make it, yeah.”
“Three days, huh…… That’s fast.”
“Fufu, I’m a professional clothier after all. Besides, during this time, we also don’t receive much work, and we’ve been told by headquarters to prioritise making your sword belt. After I send it to you, please make sure it’s comfortable. If you feel any discomfort, please let me know. I’ll adjust it.
“Understood. If that happens, I’ll entrust it to you. –Also, you said you don’t have a lot of work coming in at the moment, so is it possible for you to accept work from me personally?”
“It depends on the nature of the request, but basically there’s no problem. What kind of work is it?”
“Actually, I’d like to ask for three sets of uniforms.”
“Uniforms? You mean you want spare ones?”
That’s similar to what Will asked. I give the same explanation to Glenda as I had given to Will.
“I see~. That’s a wonderful idea! I’d love to make them for you!”
Glenda accepts my order with a twinkle in her eye.
…..I’ve been thinking about this for a while now, but she does tend to react a bit childishly.
She’s Marsha’s mother, so I think she’s in her thirties, but she looks so young, I don’t think I’d been able to tell that without that prior information.
“Thank you very much. Though, despite me making the request, I still haven’t finalised the design yet…….”
“Ah, is that so? Even if it’s not finalised, do you have an idea of what you want?”
“Yes, I was thinking that something based on this coat of mine would be good.”
“It’s a gift from a master to his apprentices, yeah? Then I do think it’s a good idea to use your coat as a base. If that’s so, then can you leave the design to me?”
“Right. I don’t have confidence in my fashion sense, so I would really be grateful if I could entrust the design to a professional.
“Understood. Then, may I ask about the personalities and preferences of those three?”
With that, Glenda starts to barrage me with questions.
Though I’m puzzled, with thoughts of Sophie, Carol, and Log coming to mind, I answer in as much detail as possible.
“Yes, I’m beginning to get an image. Well then, I’ll start on this after the sword belt is complete.”
“Yes, thank you very much.”
“And also, I’m just curious, but are your students going to be in a party of three?”
“That’s right. Currently three. I’d been thinking of increasing the number in the near future, but it’s hard to find good people…….”
“Really? But I somehow have this feeling that you already have a candidate.”
……A person with good intuition.
I didn’t think my attitude towards this issue was that obvious though.
“Right, well. Currently, there is someone who can fill in the gaps of those three. But she’s already in another party, so it’ll be difficult to pull her out. She has her own circumstances. And to begin with, her abilities are disproportionately superior to those three.”
“Hmm…….. Hey, isn’t it — that girl?”
I hardly gave any hints, but she guessed who I was thinking of.
“…..How did, you know who it was?”
“Woman’s intuition. Then, I’ll make one for her, too. She’s not your student, so I’ll change the design a little.”
For some reason, Glenda starts getting carried away……
“N, no, it’s still uncertain if, she’s going to join….! It would just be a waste.”
“Like I said before, there’s no work right now and I’m free. I won’t take your money, so let me make it?”
“…..Well, I won’t stop you if you say you want to make it. But I will pay you for it, so please charge me the full amount.”
“Oh, you’re so generous.”
“You’re going to make it with the Clan’s belongings, aren’t you? If so, it’ll be bad if it goes unpaid.”
“As expected of a Clan executive, being proper. I got it. Then, I’ll properly charge you.”
“Yes. Well then, I’m going to take my leave now. Please take care of the sword belt and the uniforms.”
“Leave it to me. –Ah, hang on.”
Just as I’m about to leave the room, Glenda stops me.
“What is it?”
“This might be a bit nosy of me, but you should make sure you get good sleep.”
This person is really observant……
Even though I haven’t had anyone guess that I’ve been sleep deprived.
Lately I’ve not been getting enough sleep.
But not because of insomnia or anything.
It’s simply because I’ve been working late into the night on various tasks.
“I’m fine. I’m taking good care of myself, so I won’t make the mistake of collapsing or anything.”
“Rumours have even come to me of Orn’s excellence. Still, as a human being, there’s always limits to what you can do. Also, since you have the martial arts competition coming up, at least for the sake of the Clan, I would want you to be in perfect physical condition.”
“……It hurts to hear you say that. I understand. I’ll definitely make sure to get good rest before the martial arts competition and be in top condition.”
“I see. If you know what I mean, that’s fine. you’re talking about, that’s fine. I was being too nosy after all.”
“No, that’s not true. I’m glad for your concern. –Then, I’m going to take my leave now.”
Although I said that, it looks like this life will continue for a while…….
But this is non-negotiable.
Because I don’t want to feel that way anymore.
For about two weeks after that, time flew by as I was busy preparing for Thanksgiving.
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