In a classroom filled with stressed students who seemed to be taking a hard test, were three students who easily finished the test. 'That was easy, Hisui always did force me to study' thought Naruto after flipping his paper over

'This is way easier than I thought' Karin was thinking with a smile

'I'm surprised that it was as easy as this' though Haku

"Now that the hour has passed it is time for the tenth question, but first you just choose to either take the tenth question or quit right here. Just know if you get it wrong, you are never allowed to take the chunin exams again. if even one person quits, the entire team is failed." declares biki, shocking all the students. Some even started complaining.

"Silence, you all complain about how it's unfair, but being a ninja means you take risk" says Naruto with a smile

"Oh? And you are?" Shouted a boy with a dog on his head and triangular face paint on his cheeks

"I'm Naruto Uzamaki of the village of Nox" he says calmly

'Damn it, Hisui-sama told us to not bring unnecessary attention, but here he goes again' thought Karin while shaking her head

"Quiet down, so now students who have chosen to not take the tenth question, you may leave" declared ibiki and like that a couple kids got up and left the classroom with embarrassment. "Those of you who have stayed have passed the tenth question" Iniki says which shocks the students

"But you didn't ask us anything" asked a boy with short spiky brown hair and an ordinary face

"It seems as though the tenth question was a test of our will power, so in the end I was correct" said Naruto while laying his head back, this causes all the students to look at him with annoyance, because he seemed ċȯċky

"Correct, the first nine questions were to test your ability to gather information, so it tested how well you could cheat. Even though some of you seemed to be extremely knowledgeable" said ibiki while looking at Naruto, Haku, and Karin "while the tenth question was to see if you had the heart of a ninja, So all of you have passes" he declared, which puts a smile of everyone's face. Then suddenly a shadow like figure jumps through the window shattering it, then two kunai are thrown to the ceiling holding a large piece of cloth. It was revealed to be a dark haired woman wearing tight mesh armor, the cloth had 'second exam protector Anko Mitarashi' written on it

"I'm the proctor for the second chunin exams Anko Mitarashi, let's move onto the next stage, follow me" she declares


"So Hiruzen, tell me who had the highest written exams scores again?" I asked while sitting in an office-like space, it was me, Hiruzen, and Rasa the Kazekage, or should I say the man under Orichimaru's control, but I'll let Konoha deal with that. The others were Zabuza, Kimimaro, Asuma, Kakashi, and a dude named Baki and some unknown Suna ninja. In front of us was a television that broadcasted what was going on during the exams

"The title of the best highest written exams score is held by Minato Namikaze" he answers while staring at me with hate

"I know I'm handsome, but I don't swing that way. So please stop staring" I say to him. This causes Zabuza to chuckle, Asuma and Kakashi looked at me curiously wondering why Hiruzen seemed to hate me so much. "Well it seems as though the second exam is about to start, let's pay attention" I say

"This is the forest of death, losing your life here is a normal occurrence, each team will be given either an earth scroll or a heaven scroll, the objective is to bring both types of scrolls, to the tower in the center. You have five days" she says while passing around scrolls of either earth or heaven. Naruto's team got the earth scroll and Naruto decided to hold on to it. "There are 44 different entrances, each team will go through one. LET THE EXAMS BEGIN" she declared and the teams dashed into the forest of death.

"Karin your sensory is better than mine, look for any teams" Naruto asked her

"On it now" she says as she closes her eyes and look for a team "1 mile that way" she says while pointing

"Perfect let's go and ask them 'kindly' if they have a scroll for us" he says with a smile

"I hope it can be a peaceful encounter" Haku says

"Of course it will haku, I don't feel like fighting people so much weaker than me" Naruto replies

"That is true" Says Karin. After a few minutes they were on a tree and stood above a team that consisted of A boy with dark hair, with a blue shirt with the Uchiha crest on the back, and white shorts. Beside him was the same short spiky brown haired boy from before, and the final member was a pink haired girl with a big forehead

"Who is there I can sense you" says the browned hair boy

"Really Akuta? Well with Sasuke-kun here they can't beat us" says the pinked haired girl

"Is that so?" Says Naruto who suddenly appeared behind them scaring them. They got into a fighting stance and the boy who seemed to be akuta dashed toward Naruto, but with one slap the boy named Akuta was sent flying into a tree, and knocked unconscious

"AKUTA" shouted Sakura, while looking with fear toward Naruto

"Now I'm just gonna ask you calmly, can I have that scroll of yours?" Naruto asked

"Who are you?" Asked The boy named Sasuke

"My name is Naruto Uzamaki of the Nox village, now I'm going to ask you one more time. Can I have that scroll of yours?" Naruto asked calmly. Sasuke's eyes then turned blood red, with three tomoe inside each

"You'll have to get through me first" he says while grabbing onto a kunai

"I don't feel like fighting you, hey Karin don't you always say that you want more sparring partners? I found one for you" says Naruto

"This isn't a spar Naruto, this is a real battle" She says as she jumps down from a tree to Naruto's side

"Well considering your strength it could count as a spar to you" said Haku while also jumping down

"There's more of them?" Says Sakura with shock and fear

"Sakura stay back" says Sasuke while dashing toward who he believes to be the weakest, Haku. But when he was close to him, he realized that he couldn't move his feet, when he looked down he realized they were encased in ice. He looks at Haku with shock

"I would rather avoid fighting, so please just give us your scroll" Haku says in a calm and soothing tone

"I would listen to the man" Naruto says

"Man?" Sakura asked

"Yes, Haku is a dude." Naruto responds with a blank expression which shocks Sakura and Sasuke even more "so now, that scroll of yours, I recommend you hand it over" Naruto say

"SAKURA DONT, JUST RUN" shouts Sasuke. Sakura then look hesitant at Sasuke and Akuta and then starts running away

"Why do people have to make things so complicated?" Asked Naruto while looking annoyed

"I got this" says Karin while dashing toward Sakura and hitting her on the neck, knocking her out "I learned that from Hisui-sama" she says with a smile

"That is something he would do" says Naruto

"He does after all not like fighting" says Haku. Karin then searches through Sakura and pulls out a scroll, but when she looks at it she gets disappointed

"It's an earth scroll" Karin says

"Damn it, this was a waste of time, let's just go" says Naruto. Karin then drops the scroll and haku unfreezes Sasuke

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?" He ask while shouting

"To someone with a heaven scroll" replies Naruto

"I have a heaven scroll for you" says a woman, she had long black hair and slitted pupils, she had fang like teeth and wore a plain grey garb with a black polo and pants underneath and a thick purple rope belt tied in a large knot behind her back.

"And you are?" Asked Naruto

"Here for the last Uchiha" she says with a long tongue sticking out. When Naruto heard that he thought back to what Hisui had said to him


"Naruto, there is a man you're going to meet during this exam, he will have a snake like feature and will be going after Sasuke Uchiha, the last Uchiha. He may be dressed as a girl though. fight him if you want, but if you feel danger get out of there" Said Hisui

"What's his name?" Naruto asked


(Flashback end)


"You must be Orochimaru, I wonder why you're pretending to be a woman though?" Said Naruto. This shocked Orochimaru

"Oh so you have heard of me, now I definitely can't let you live" he said with a smile

"Let's see about that" say Naruto with a smile "you guys stay back, this is my fight" he says

"Sure" says Karin

"Be careful" says Haku

"What's going on?" Asked Sasuke

"Orochimaru, let me see how strong one of the three Sannin really are"

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