The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 24 - Chunin exam Finale part 1

It was the start of the finals, and eight people stood in the arena instead of eleven. Even the proctor had changed

"I am Genma Shiranui, and I will be the proctor of the chunin exams finale. I am replacing Hatake. Kin Tsuchi and Dosu Kinuta have been removed from the exam due to death, so those scheduled to fight them will fight each other instead, so Shikamaru Nara shall fight Haku Yuki" said Genma to Naruto, Neji, Gaara, Karin, Haku, Shikamaru, Temari, and Shino

"What a drag, I already didn't want to fight that woman, but now I have to fight Haku" complained Shikamaru

"I look forward to it" said Haku with a smile

"The first match of the finale is Naruto Uzumaki vs Neji Hyūga" announced Genma. everyone else left the arena leaving Naruto and Neji by themselves

"Hey do you now where Sasuke is?" Asked Sakura to Ino

"No, I guess he is running late" replied Ino

"I hope he makes it back in time" Sakura said

'Naruto-kun, I know you can win' though Hinata

"You got anything to say to me?" asked Neji as he stood right in front of Naruto

"Only what I told you last time, when I win, you shall see" said Naruto with a smirk

"You'll see, when a person is a failure they will always be a failure" replied Neji

"Are we gonna stand here all day, let's get to the fighting. I'll even go easy on you." responded Naruto

"Let the first match BEGIN"

"Watch Hanabi, there is no one in the Hyūga clan who inherited such a strong Byakugan. Stronger than your sister" said Hiashi, the father of Hinata to his youngest Daughter

"Stronger than Hinata?" said Hanabi in shock

"Perhaps even stronger than yours" Hiashi said

"Show me what you got" said Naruto. Neji then dashes toward Naruto with his byakugan activated and an open palm, when he tries to hit Naruto he easily dodges it. Naruto goes for a kick to his head but Neji ducks down and aims for Naruto's abdomen. Naruto turns sideways avoiding the attack and throws a right hook to Neji's face which he dodges. "Nice reflexes" says Naruto

"Not so bad yourself, but it isn't enough" responds Neji as he goes for another open palm attack, but this time instead of dodging it Naruto just grabs Neji's wrist. He pulls him forward and hits him with his knee. This pushes Neji back and causes blood to release from his mouth

"Is that all you got?" Asked Naruto with a yawn.

"Damn you" says Neji with anger, he then dashes toward Naruto trying to kill him, but just when he is about to hit him, Naruto vanishes. There wasn't any yellow light so this was just his pure speed. He senses Naruto behind him and turns around, but it was too late as his face was grabbed and he was slammed head first into the ground, causing a crater. This knocks Neji out cold. Everyone stares in shock

'He could have done that the entire time, he was just playing with him" thought Genma "the winner is Naruto Uzumaki" he announced. Everyone cheered and Naruto did a little bow

'How is he so strong? He is at peak jounin level just at the age of thirteen' thought hiruzen with shock, he then looked at this person who did all that, Hisui. Hisui stood in between Hiruzen and Rasa(Orochimaru).

'That Naruto is very strong, such a nice body. If I were able to acquire his body and fuse it with the sharingan I could finally achieve my dream' thought Rasa(Orochimaru)

'Don't even think about it, if you even try anything of the sort I shall show you the rage of a god' thought Hisui while sending his thought to Orochimaru. This shook Orochimaru to his core

'Who was that, who is in my thoughts?" He asked with shock

'I'm right next to you Orochimaru, I'm telling you this for your own good, forget about Sasuke and don't even think about Naruto, or else' Hisui thought

'How is this possible? What kind of jutsu is this? Who are you really Hisui Tenno' thought Orochimaru while trying to stay calm

'You just said who I am. Just know that you should know your place, or else. As a free sample of what will happen, tell me, where is your arm?' He asked

'What?' Thought Orochimaru, but when he looked down he was absolutely shocked, his right arm was gone, completely disappeared, he didn't even realize. That's when Orochimaru got scared, he realized he offended somebody he should have never offended 'what do you want from me?' He asked in fear

'Nothing much' Hisui responded with a smile

"The next fight of the finale is Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara" says Genma, gaara goes on stage but Sasuke does not "where is Sasuke Uchiha?" He asks

"Move the fight to the last one, he shall be here soon" said Hiruzen

"As you wish Hokage-sama. The next fight is Karin Uzumaki vs Temari" he announced

"I'm happy to be fighting you" said Karin with a smile

"Hmm, don't be. You're nothing compared to me, your trash just like those other girls" said Temari in a ċȯċky tone and smirk. This angers Karin

"If that's how you want to be, I was going to try and prolong the fight and make it entertaining, but I've changed my mind. I'll show you not to underestimate me" says Karin, clenching her fist and releasing her chakra ready to pulverize Temari. When everyone feels her chakra they are shocked.

'How is she the weakest ? How strong are those two' thought Ino and Sakura while looking at Naruto and Haku

'Jeez, what are those Nox kids made out of, she is even stronger than me' thought Asuma, the jounin instructor of Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji, with shock.

'She messed up' thought Naruto while looking at Temari

'She messed up' thought Haku while looking at Temari

'I messed up' thought Temari

"BEGIN" Genma announced, scared for Temari's life. Temari quickly removed the fan off her back and open it

"Wind stye: great breakthrough" said Temari as she swung her fan toward Karin, Karin suddenly vanishes from her previous spot and is already to the side of Temari

"DON'T UNDERESTIMATE ME" she shouts while punching Temari right in the face sending her flying and knocking her out. Everyone's jaw is dropped

'Thank god I don't have to fight her. Wait, if she is that strong, how strong is Haku?' Thought Shikamaru as he realized that his fight is next

"Well umm, the winner is Karin Uzumaki" said Genma. People are still silent but Karin smiles at everyone and does a little bow. Nurses come and pick Temari up to get her checked out

"I can't wait to kill him for you mother" mumbled gaara while looking at Naruto, even more excited to fight him

"The next fight is Shikamaru Nara vs Haku Yūki" announced Genma

"I forfeit" Shikamaru announced. He saw no point in fighting knowing winning is impossible, he was also kind of happy because now he doesn't have to fight

"Well then, the winner is Haku Yuki" announced Genma

"That's disappointing" said Haku with a frown

"Then the next match is Sasuke Uchiha vs Gaara" Genma said, but again Sasuke did not appear "If he doesn't come in the next minute that I see it as a forfeit". Genma start counting down, and when he say five he hears

"Wait, I'm here" said Sasuke, he was wearing a black one piece, with small belts around his left arm. This time though he was no longer wearing his konoha headband. On his right was Kakashi and on his left was a masked Shisui

"Your almost late" said Genma

"Sorry we're late, you wouldn't believe the traffic" said Kakashi

"I'm ready to fight" said Sasuke as he stood in front of Gaara

"Prepare yourself" said gaara with a smile


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