The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 26 - Konoha Crush Part 1

"Someone is behind us" said Temari to Kankuro who had Gaara on his back. They were running away in the forest, jumping from branch to branch

"I finally caught up to you" said Naruto as he stood in front of them on a tree branch. Temari looks in shock

"Naruto Uzumaki" she says, while grabbing the fan off her back "let me handle this" she tells Kankuro

"Be careful, he has that vanishing jutsu" Kankuro tells her

"I got this" she said, she went in front of Kankuro and Gaara with her fan open. She swung it and a large gush of wind went toward Naruto. He jumps up and while he is in the air he throws a tri-pronged kunai to Kankuro is

"You missed" he says with a smile, as the kunai lands next to him

"Are you sure?" Naruto responds, as he is already in front of Kankuro. He punches him hard in the abdomen which throws him back

"DAMN YOU" shouts Temari as she tries to swing her fan again, but before she could Naruto kicks her in the stomach, which sends her flying away.

"AHHH" shouts Kankuro as he commands his puppet to attack Naruto. Naruto dodges the attack, and counterattacks with a punch to the puppet, which destroys it

"Sorry, didn't mean to do that" said Naruto

"GO TO HELL" shouts Kankuro as he throws a kunai at Naruto, who easily catches it.

"I'm going to need you to go now, you're going to thank me later" says Naruto as he kicks Kankuro away similar to what he did with Temari. After Kankuro was gone Gaara started waking up, he stood up and cracks started spreading on his face. He held his head in pain

"You are called Naruto, you have friends, you have goals. By killing you, I can exist in this world as the one who erased your existence" said Gaara with a smile

"I see, I shall show you Gaara, that you already exist" said Naruto with a smile

"I can see it, in your eyes, YOUR JUST LIKE ME" shouted Gaara, sand started covering the right side of his body, it became a monster-like with vein-like lines throughout it, the right side of his face became the same. He dashed toward Naruto with the intent to kill

"So he has taken control huh? I'll just bring you back then" said Naruto as he pulled out a tri-pronged kunai.


"You won't get my head that easily" said Hiruzen as Orochimaru had a kunai to his neck

"You better find a fifth hokage, because your going to die here" said Orochimaru, he then moves his Kunai with the intent to stab, but instead of stabbing Hiruzen he stabs his own hand

"That's what I thought" said Hiruzen as Orochimaru walked off

"I don't like when things don't move, like a windmill that doesn't turn, well it may have some appeal sometimes. But most of the time it's not worth looking at. But with a wind called 'destroy' the leaf village, I want to turn that windmill" Orochimaru said to Hiruzen

"I should have killed you all those years ago" Hiruzen replied

"You don't really mean that, your too soft" Orochimaru responded

"I won't make the same mistake twice" said Hiruzen as he then started doing hand seals, Orochimaru did the same but Hiruzen's were faster "Earth style: earth dragon bomb". A mud source appears and a dragon head comes from it, it then shoots mud balls from its mouth "Fire style: fire dragon bomb" says Hiruzen as a large stream of fire comes from his mouth, they combine with the mud balls and make them searing hot. Orochimaru is completely engulfed in the attack. When it is finally over Orochimaru emerges from the ground completely unscathed

"I'm being greatly underestimated" he says

"A hateful fellow as usual" Hiruzen says with disdain

"It's about time we stop playing charades, this isn't an academy class" Orochimaru responds

"I agree" said Hiruzen as he threw off his robe and cap, revealing his battle armour with his helmet on. Orochimaru also takes off the Kazekage robes revealing his regular attire. They both stood in front of each other releasing their chakra, cracking the roof tiles.

"I won't go easy just because your doddering" said Orochimaru

"I look forward to it, depending on what jutsu you use, I might have to send you back to the academy" responded Hiruzen. They both then started dashing toward one another while doing hand seals "Shuriken shadow clones justify" said Hiruzen as he threw 3 shurikens that multiplied to to several shuriken

"Summoning jutsu: reanimation" Orochimaru Replied "first" one casket came from the ground, "second" another casket came "and third" the final casket was coming up.

"I must stop the third one" said Hiruzen as he sent most of the shurikens toward it. But before It could hit the caskets, everything stopped. The shurikens stopped in mid air, Hiruzen was shocked

"Sorry for interrupting" said Hisui as he controlled the shurikens with telekinesis

"How did he get in the barrier?" Asked one of the four ninjas holding up the barrier

"Do you truly believe this weak barrier could stop me? I wanted to enter, so I entered" Hisui responded, The ninja got scared as Hisui looked at him

"So you're on his side now?" Asked Hiruzen

"Not necessary he has something I need." Hisui responded

"What could you possibly dėsɨrė?" Asked Hiruzen

"It's not for me" Hisui answered

"What do you mean?" Hiruzen questioned

"You shall see, now Orochimaru, bring him out" Hisui says

"Of course" Orochimaru says, as he fully summons out the third casket.

"You don't mean?" Asks Hiruzen in shock

"Yes I do, it's time he sees his village isn't it?" Says Hisui with a smile

"I won't let you" says Hiruzen as he starts doing Hand seals. That's when a great amount of pressure pushed down on him, it was so heavy he could bȧrėly move, much less do hand seals

"Watch" says Hisui as he watches the casket open to reveal a tall man, with spiky yellow hair, he has blue eyes and jaw length bangs on both sides of his face. He wore a Konoha jounin outfit with a short-sleeve long white haori with flames on the bottom

"Where am I?"

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