The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 43 - Uchiha revenge 2

At the entrance of the Uchiha hideout were three people "only one of you may continue, it's Itachi's orders" Kisame said with a grin

"Is that so? Do you think you can stop us?" Asked Sasuke as he pulled out his sword

"I would like to see how powerful you really are, claiming to call yourselves the strongest ninjas alive" Kisame said as he clenched Samehada

"Sasuke it's alright, go on" Shisui said

"Why?" He responded

"I haven't let loose in so long, I'll catch up in a few minutes" Shisui said as he cracked his neck and activated his Sharigan

"If you say so" Sasuke replies as he entered the hideout

"That just leaves me and you" Kisame said as he grinned

"Indeed it does, now tell me Kisame, do you know the reason I'm renowned?" Shisui asked as he pulled out his tanto

"Of course, Shisui of the body flicker" Kisame stated, and at a speed faster than the brain can comprehend, Shisui vanished and reappeared behind Kisame like he teleported. He swung his tanto but Kisame quickly blocked the attack with his sword Samehada

"Impressive" Shisui said

"This is nothing" said Kisame as he dashed toward Shisui, but just as his sword was about to hit him, Shisui vanished

"That's not going to work on me" Shisui stayed as he appeared behind Kisame again with his tanto is coated in flames "Uchiha style: Dance of the sun halo" then he swings his tanto a multitude of times releasing waves of flames toward Kisame

"Damn" says Kisame as he puts Samehada in front of him to block the flurry of attacks

"Did you really think I was done?" Asked Shisui as he used body flicker in such a way that it looked like he was in three places at once, above, and to the left and right of Kisame. The ones on the ground dashed toward him and swung their Tanto, while above Shisui did some hand signs "fire style: fireball jutsu"

"Do you think I can't handle this? Don't underestimate me" Kisame states, he clenches his sword and rotes blocking all attacks coming at him from the ground, then he swings at the fireball splitting it in half

"Impressive, you passed my test. I would actually try but I have things to do, besides if I kill you Zabuza will probably be mad at me" Shisui said as he puts his tanto back into its sheath and is about to enter the hideout

"Who said this is over? I'm just getting started" Kisame says as he starts doing hand signs "water style: exploding water shockwave" he says as he releases an enormous amount of water from his mouth filling the entire area. It causes huge waves which Lidmae tried to use to crush Shisui

"Wow, you really won't let me go" Shisui said as he jumped up, avoiding the large wave "I guess it's time I get a little serious" Shisui said

"Show me everything you got" Kisame said

"If you say so" Shisui said, his Sharigan started to spin and formed a four pointed pinwheel

'Those eyes' thought Kisame

"I'm not going to kill you, but I really want to. But I know for a fact Zabuza is going to be on my ȧss for it" Shisui said with a sigh

"Your very confident" Kisame said

"I am, Zabuza will be mad if I kill you, but I don't think he'll care if I take an arm" Shisui said with a smile as he released his chakra pressure, forming the visage of a beast ready to tear Kisame apart

'Monster' Kisame thought as he started to sweat


"Tell me Sasuke, what do you see with those eyes?" Itachi asked on a throne as he sat in front of Sasuke

"The truth" Sasuke answers

"The truth? Well then, what is the truth?" Itachi asked

"I'll tell you if you beat me" Sasuke responded

"Is that so? So be it" Itachi said as he dashed forward

"You're still using these parlor tricks?" Said Sasuke as he pulled his sword out and cut Itachi in half. "Stop with the genjutsu" Sasuke said as he looked at Itachi who was still on his throne

"You've gotten much stronger. I went looking for you a few years ago, but I heard you betrayed the village for a man. King of Nox was it?" Itachi said

"Good times, back when I was blinded. Now I know, let's truly settle this Itachi" said Sasuke as he dashed toward itachi with his sword in hand. Instead of going to where Itachi sat, he went behind it where the true Itachi sat on a throne

"Impressive, but you don't have enough hate to beat me" Itachi said as he blocked the sword with a kunai in his hand

"Hate? When did I ever say I ever had hate for you?" Sasuke said

"Then you can never beat me, especially these eyes" Itachi said as he activated his Mangekyō and parried the attack. He quickly moved back and started throwing a multitude of Shurikens and threw them

"Child's play" Sasuke said as he blocked every single one of them with his sword. Itachi dashed forward and kicked Sasuke in the gut sending him flying back and crashing into the wall. He quickly went to him and pinned his arm to the wall

"Forgive me Sasuke, for this is my reality" Itachi said as he reached out to Sasuke's eye

"Is that so" Sasuke said with a smirk, suddenly Itachi was kicked in his head and sent flying

"Now we're even" said Sasuke who had just kicked Itachi, the Sasuke being pinned to the wall turned to snakes

"No matter how strong you become, you can never beat these e-" Itachi then stopped, he was surprised. Sasuke stood in front of him, with his own pair of Mangekyō Sharingans. "So you do have those eyes" Itachi said

"I've had them for years" Sasuke replies

"Who did you lose?" Itachi asked

"You" Sasuke responded which shocked Itachi

"What do you mea-" Itachi was once again interrupted by Shisui who appeared behind him and karate chopped his neck, knocking him out

"Enough with the fighting, I thought you were just going to talk" Shisui said as he grabbed Itachi and put him over his shoulder

"We were and then I realized, for Itachi to truly join us I have to beat him" Sasuke said

"That'll take to long, let's just go back to the castle and get him healed up" Shisui said

"Fine, but what happened with Kisame" Sasuke asked to which Shisui smiled and responded with a

"Let's just say he won't be lending anybody a hand for a while"

"What does that mean" Sasuke asked

"Let's not worry about it, we got other things to focus on" Shisui said as he pulled his sleeve up to reveal a golden tattoo of the Nox symbol. He sent chakra to it and a portal quickly opened up in front of them, they both walk through it and appear back at the castle

"Welcome back, how did it go?" Hisui asked

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