The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 54 - Give me all you got

In a dim messy room with scrolls scattered around, and various tubes filled with different things were Orochimaru and Kabuto were looking at a small red rock "we did it" Orochimaru exclaimed

"Is this is it? The energy stone?" Kabuto asked as he tried and reached for it

"Don't, any being with chakra who touches it, gets theirs chakra drained" Orochimaru stated

"So the only person in the world who can touch it, is Hisui himself" Kabuto said, just like that the doors flung open and in fake Hisui, Sasuke, Naruto, and Kimimaro

"Speak of the devil" Orochimaru said

"Orochimaru, it's been like three years. You don't yet?" Hisui asked with a smile

"You've been asking me that every single day, but today is your lucky day. I've done it" Orochimaru answered s he pointed to the red rock

"Really?" Hisui asked surprised by Orochimaru's answer, he looks toward the rock and picks it up "it feels like a regular rock" Hisui said

"Well that's because it's empty, hand it over to Naruto" Orochimaru said and Hisui did just that. When Naruto held it he was shocked

"Jeez, this thing is eating away at my chakra really fast" Naruto exclaimed

"Fantastic" Hisui said as he took it back, but this time he felt the energy within and could actually use it. He opened his palm to a wall and used a minuscule amount of energy from the stone and then a ball of energy shot out from his hand and blew the wall apart

"Did you have to do that in my lab?" Orochimaru asked frustrated

"Oh sorry about that, this is the closest thing I've gotten to a gift if you think about it. Thank you Orochimaru" Hisui said

"It was nothing really, as long as you don't forget the deal" Orochimaru said

"Of course I didn't, Naruto how long can you hold this rock until you completely run out of chakra" Hisui asked

"Around three days" Naruto replied after doing the math in his head

"Well do me a favor and hold onto this for a day, Orochimaru tomorrow I shall grant you what you always wanted" Hisui said as he handed Naruto the rock

"I look forward to it" Orochimaru said with a smile and a hint of excitement in his eyes

"Oh and there will be a war soon, if you wish to participate you can" Hisui said

"A war? Who has declared it? Is it the stone village?" Orochimaru asked a little bit displeased

"No, it's Madara Uchiha" Hisui said

"That's impossible, he died years ago" Orochimaru said

"Well he says he is, but we couldn't see his face because he was wearing an orange mask" Naruto said

'Orange mask? Sounds familiar' Orochimaru thought you himself "well if you wish for me to be part of this war, then say the word" Orochimaru said

"Perfect, I'll inform you when it starts, as for now? Do what you won't, experiment what you want, as long as it isn't morally wrong. So no experimenting kids or people unless they truly wish for it I guess, but no kids even if they ask for it" Hisui said in a serious tone

"Of course, no need to worry" Orochimaru said as he started to sweat a little

"Good, well I'll be off, thank you again" Hisui said as he started to leave the room, but before he left he sent a look at Kabuto who nodded in response

"What to do now?" Naruto asked as he played with the rough energy stone in his hand

"I'm making an announcements to the others, Kimimaro please go fetch them" Hisui asked

"As you wish" Kimimaro said as he dashed away

"What did you truly talk about with Madara when you entered his dimension" Sasuke asked

"Nothing much" Hisui said

"Your hiding something" Sasuke replied

"Am I? I'll tell you if you can beat me in fight" Hisui said with a smile

"Tch" Sasuke suċkėd his teeth in response aggravated by his response

"Relax, put your faith in me, everything I do always has a reason, even the smallest things" Hisui said seriously

"I trust you" Sasuke said

"Good" Hisui said, they were now in his throne room and everyone was already there awaiting his announcement

"What did you call us here for?" Zabuza asked

"I want you all to know that the fourth great ninja war is coming" Hisui said as he sat on his throne

"What? How can that be?" Karin asked

"Madara Uchiha declared it after me and the Raikage refused to hand over our little brothers" Hisui said

"Madara Uchiha? The Uchiha Ancestor? The one who helped create Konoha and the strongest Uchiha yo ever exist?" Shisui kept asking a multitude of questions

"Yes, that's why I've decided upon something" Hisui said

"What is it?" Haku asked

"All of you will fight me, if I'm not satisfied with your power I won't let you fight in the war" Hisui said in a serious tone

"All of us against you?" Karin asked as she thought back to the last time they all tried that

"Fine by me, I've been itching to see the gap between us" Zabuza said as he grabbed his blade

"It pains me to go against you Hisui-sama, but if you wish it then I can not refuse" Kimimaro said

"Bring it on" Jugo said as he palmed his fist

"It's always violence with you guys" Karin says with a sigh

"I wanna see how long I can last this time" Shisui said

"Let's see how these eyes fair against your power" Itachi said activating his Sharigan

"War, such a shame. But if I can stop the people causing it then I will, even if it means fighting you" Haku said

"I want to bring out your true power" Sasuke said

"I'd rather not fight if I'm being honest, but when it's against you, our blood boils in excitement" Naruto says with a smile, Kuruma doing the same

"Good, get excited. Let's hope you don't disappoint" Hisui said as he stood up and opened a portal to a barren land far away from the country. The first thing he did was take off the robe of the sage, leaving him shirtless while wearing some pants

"So you're underestimating us" Zabuza said as he saw what hisui was doing

"I'm not underestimating, I'm making the fight more entertaining" Hisui said

"Are you ready?" naruto asked

"Give me all you got" Hisui says with his arms wide open

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