The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 6 - 'I prefer the term GOD”

The paper talisman in my hand started glowing as I thought of where I wanted to go 'kirigakure' and like that a bright light surrounded both me and naruto. When the light faded our surroundings changed instead of a dense forest it was a dense mist, and tons of mountains around us.

"WOAH, HOW DID YOU DO THAT HISUI" exclaims Naruto In admiration

"Simple this paper lets me teleport wherever I want five times" I answered

"Wow how did you get it?" Asked Naruto

"Someone gave it to me, now let's focus on what we came here to do" I say

"Which is what, you didn't tell me what we're here for, is this our new village, if so why is there so much mist?" Ask naruto

"No, this is where we will find our fast ally, his name is Kimimaro, and this is the hidden mist village" I answer

"Ok, Where is he?" Asks naruto

" we're going to find him so follow me" i say while walking around and spreading my sense around for the second largest energy signature because naruto has the most energy I've sensed due to his Uzamaki heritage and nine tails on him. I grab Naruto's hand because he can't see through this mist and I can see perfectly fine and I can still sense around.

walking around I suddenly sense a presence hiding behind me and naruto, 'trying to sneak us huh?, think again' I thought to myself. "Attract" as I say that the person is suddenly sent flying towards me and I grabbed his throat and I stared at him face to face.

He looks average, brown hair, brown eyes, looks to be in his early thirties and is wearing the standard Kirigakure ninja outfit. judging from his energy level he should be a Chunin, how weak.

"What, how did you do that, that's impossible, you're just a kid, who are you?" The man struggles to say as I squeeze on his windpipe

"Wow Hisui, who is this?" Ask Naruto In surprised tone

"he is an enemy naruto, we don't show mercy to enemies. Now I have a couple questions for you" i say

"I'm not telling you shit, NOW GO TO HELL" shouts the man while pulling out a kunai and aiming it straight to my face

"Weak trash, repel" and like that the man went flying straight into a wall, i again say "attract" and he flies right back to my hand. "So will you answer my questions" I ask with a smile

"Monster, YOUR A MONSTER" this man shouts which I find annoying, like he can simply answer a few questions and he won't have to go through all this.

" I don't have the time for this, Naruto close your eyes and no peeking" I say and Naruto proceeds to shut his eyes and hold his hands over them. "Now onto you, you call me a monster, but I prefer the term GOD" and with that I will this man's head to do a 360 with my telekinesis and I send his body flying far away.

"Can I open them now, Hisui?" Asks naruto

"Of course" I respond

"Where did the man go?" Ask naruto while looking around

"Oh I just sent him away" I answer with a little chuckle while patting Naruto's head

"Ok" naruto say nonchalantly as he haves complete faith in me, 'I don't think I'll ever tell him he's dead' I think with a guilty smile, even though Naruto will face death in the future, he will still have a good childhood, i will make sure of that.

"Well let's keep on going naruto, I think I know the Kimimaro is" I say while grabbing hold of naruto's hand

"Really? let's go then Dattebayo '' Naruto says with a large smile, excited to meet what he hopes can be a new friend. After what seemed to be an hour of walking I can sense that the energy signature is close. "Hisui how much longer are we walking? My Legs hurt" Naruto complains

"It's ok naruto not tart much longer" I say with a smile

"Ok" he groans. After a few more minutes of walking we are in front of a cave, and that's where He is, I can sense it. "Hisui do we have to go in? It's probably dark, what if it has a monster inside?" Says naruto while shivering from fear

"It's ok Naruto, when I'm around you should have no fears. After all I'll always protect my little brother" i say with a smile

"Ok Hisui I trust you" Naruto says, we then walk inside the cave together. Naruto squeezes on my hand and I just smile

"It's ok Naruto I'm here, and after all how could the strongest ninja be afraid of a cave" I say and just like that naruto says

"A cave is nothing to the strongest ninja, I'm just holding your hand to make sure you ok Dattebayo" he says

"Yeah ok" I say with a chuckle. The Cave wasn't as dark as I thought it would be, once we reached the end I finally saw him. A pale child with vivid green eyes, two scarlet dots on his forehead, and long white hair tied in a loose pony-tail near the middle of his back,. Hugging his knees he looks up at me.

"Who are you" he asks in a weak voice

"I'm Hisui Tenno and this is my little brother Naruto Uzamaki" I answer with a friendly smile

"Are you here to kill me?" He asks ready to accept death, this makes me frown because why would I kill my allies

"No, I'm here for you, I know that your clan was annihilated, but I'm here for you. I need you, I want you to join me in my goal in creating a village of peace, where everyone is a true family " I say in a calm and friendly manner while holding out my hand for him to grab.

"A village of peace? A family? Are you saying we can be family?" He asks me

"Kimimaro from the second I walked into this cave I considered you my family" I say with a large smile. This causes Kimimaro's eyes to widen in shock, he then gets up and bows to me.

"I am happy to be your family, I swear to become your sword and shield for the future of your dream" he exclaims

"Then welcome to the family Kimimaro, you can call me Hisui" I say smiling

"Ok Hisui-sama" he says

"No just Hisui is fine" I respond

"As you wish Hisui-sama" he responds back

"No need for -sama at the end" I say

"As you please Hisui-sama" he says right back to me. 'Jeez this kid won't quit' I thought to Myself

"Ok call me Hisui-sama if it pleases you" i say with a sigh

"Nice to meet you, I'm Naruto" Says Naruto shyly but with a smile.

"It's great to meet you too, Naruto-sama," Kimimaro responds.

"No, your older than me so call me -sama isn't appropriate" Naruto says while secretly liking it

"Ok Naruto-sama," Kimimaro said with a serious face.

'This is gonna be a long journey, isn't it?' I think to myself. "Well off to our next allies" I say while Naruto and Kimimaro nod and follow me and we walk out of the cave ready to find the best ice user in naruto.

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