The Jade Emperor In Naruto

Chapter 8 - Fighting Zabuza

"Now come Demon of the hidden mist, Zabuza" I say wielding The blade of Tathagata

"That blade, it looks normal, but I can sense that it's beyond my understanding" Said Zabuza

"Of course, a blade that I wield must be up to my standard" I say

"Only by clashing our blades can we settle this dispute" Zabuza says

"Indeed" and like that Zabuza dashed towards me and swang his sword to my neck, to a regular ninja this would be fast but to me "too slow" I parried his attack and went for his ċhėst. He blocks it and moves back.

"You're very fast for your age, I guess it's time I get serious" says Zabuza as he releases his chakra that took the form of a demon. After using some hand signs Zabuza blew with his mouth filling the area with a thick mist. "Water style: hidden mist jutsu" he says. Normally this would blind an opponent, but this is nothing to my senses. I sense him, he is above me, no behind me. I turn around and block his blade only to have another trying to slice my head off above me. I then slash towards both of the zabuzas slicing them in half

'Water clones?' I thought to myself. if those were clones then the real one is-

"Water style: water prison jutsu" said Zabuza and suddenly water engulfed me forming a ball. Zabauza walks out of the mist and says "you've lost" only to see me smile at him

'Repel' and like that all the water blew off of me. "Come one was that all you got?" I say in a ċȯċky tone

"Fine" says Zabuza and then he started throwing hand signs at an incredible speed.I could stop him but I chose to see what he would throw at me. After what seemed to be a 10 seconds he is finally done "water style: water dragon jutsu" and a huge amount of water is released from his mouth and takes the shape of a dragon and charges at me

"Oh nice one, let me show you a bit of my power" I say. I then ready my sword and do one of the sword stances I read about. Putting some of my power into the blade I then do a vertical slash, slicing the dragon in half and making it disperse into the air.

"Impossible, your just a child" exclaims Zabuza shocked by how powerful I am

"Wow that was super cool Hisui, can I learn how to do that" exclaims Naruto with determination in his eyes

"Hisui-sama you really are the coolest" says kimimaro with admiration

"Zabuza" says Haku in a worried tone

"Don't you think it's time we ended this Zabuza?" I asked

"I agree, I'll hit you with everything I got" says Zabuza while suddenly making hand signs

"Yes give me your strongest attack" I say while reading my sword

"Water style: giant waterfall" says Zabuza while putting everything he has into the jutsu. A huge amount of water even bigger than the water dragon came towards me at high speeds.

I look at the jutsu and say "Your strong Zabuza momochi, but" dashing towards the jutsu I slash it completely destroys it and going straight to Zabuza I swing my sword towards him and he blocks it with his blade, I send a kick to his abdomen which sends him back a couple meters. He gets up and swings his sword toward my arm but I dodge it and with one final swing of my blade manage to send his sword flying. Leaving him defenseless I put my blade to his neck "your too weak"

" I lost" he says in disbelief

"Do you submit?" I ask him

"On one condition" he replies

"The mizukage must die" he says

"Sure, but not now, in the future" I answer

"Then I submit" he says with a sigh, I then remove my blade from his neck and return it to the other dimension.

"YAY YOU DID IT" shouts naruto with glees as he comes by my side

"I knew you could do it Hisui-sama" says kimimaro

"Are you ok Zabuza" says Haku as he helps him up, and bring him his sword

"Who are these brats?" Ask Zabuza

"This is Naruto, my little brother and this is Kimimaro one of the future pillars of my village just like you and Haku" I answer

"Me too?" Ask Haku

"Of course, were family now" says Naruto with a smile

"What he said" I say while patting Naruto's head

"So when do we go to this so called number one village" Zabuza ask

"Well first we need to go find 2 people well I guess you can say three" I answer

"Where are they at" ask Zabuza

"Well first we need to rest, been walking for an entire day and we haven't eaten yet" I say

"I agree, I enough ryo for one meal" says Zabuza

"I'll go ask some for food at a shop owner, you guys stay here" I say


After "asking" for something to eat from a hot meat skewer shop owner,

Me and kimimaro went back to the alley. At first I wanted to go by myself but kimimaro insisted he come with me as he would feel sick knowing I could be In danger.

"So I was only able to ro- I mean ask for five hot meat skewers, so we each get one" i say while passing them around. After we were done eating Naruto fell asleep and so did kimimaro. I let them sleep knowing that they must be exhausted. I also felt like sleeping, even though I can stay awake for days, I enjoy sleep. And like that we all fell asleep in an alley


Kimimaro was the first to wake up, then me and Zabuza, with Haku and Naruto last.

"So where do we go next" asked Zabuza

"Well it's time we get a medic" I say while pulling out the paper talisman

"What's that" everyone but Naruto asks me

"A seal that teleport me anywhere five times" and like that we were all engulfed in a bright light, and when the bright light ended not even a trace of us were left

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