Yu Xiyuan shrugged her shoulders, but when she saw the Oriental moon, she suddenly had an idea.

Looking at Yi Rong Dan in her hand, she swallowed it without thinking about it. Then she closed her eyes. After feeling some changes in her body, she suddenly opened her eyes.

Then I saw a group of people who were very surprised.

"Kite Kite, why do you... "

Luo Zhanqing stammered out a few words, suddenly stopped, closed his mouth, and sighed a long time.

Yu Xiyuan laughs and grabs the bronze mirror that Dongfang Mingyue is enjoying her face. She takes it and laughs.

"Ha ha ha ha, I didn't expect that I could really become this It's not bad. "

Luo Zhan has a cold face and looks at Yu Xiyuan, staring at Yu Weiran's face and doing something that Yu Weiran can't do.

He snorted coldly and put the pill in his hand into his mouth. A white light flashed through his mouth. When he was immersed again, Yu Xiyuan did not see Luo Zhanqing.

"Strange, why is his appearance different from ours?" The Oriental ghost moon can't help but wonder, "is this the gap between the boss and us?"

"Shut up, you!" Yu Xiyuan makes him stop. Her heart is searching for Luo Zhanqing.

How could

I can't even tolerate people anymore?!

"War?" Yu Xiyuan's eyes went further, but he did not see Luo Zhanqing's figure.

A moment later, Yu Xiyuan only heard a sad voice of a child: "look down!"

Yu Xiyuan was stunned. If he looked at it according to the voice, what he could see was a little boy in luozhanqing's clothes.

He was about ten years old. His height was just Yu Xiyuan's thigh. His clothes hung loosely on his body. But because he was too big to hang, his shoulder was half exposed.

She looks very delicate. Her eyes are big, her mouth is pursed and red. Her face is pink and tender. The hair is pinned on her hair. It is also the hair crown that Luo Zhanqing wore before.

Yu Xiyuan doesn't believe that this is what Luo Zhan turned into.

She reached out her hand and gently poked it on the child's face. That feeling Hiss, don't be too soft.

Yu Xiyuan couldn't stop at the beginning. She poked her hands in turn, and asked, "you Isn't it just what it looks like after the war? "

The child's eyelids drooped down, very helpless appearance, way: "otherwise

Yu Xiyuan: She stopped to poke her face and couldn't believe to look at the little Luo Zhan tilt in front of her.

What did he do just now? He boldly poked Luo Zhanqing's face.

But Luo Zhan fell in love with the inside even more awkward.

Originally did not like this movement, want to avoid, especially poke oneself person or a man's appearance.

So what made him endure it all.

It's love!!!

If he didn't know that the man in front of him was Yu Xiyuan, his hands might have been broken by little Luozhan.

Magic snow is one of the most surprised in recent years: "God, Lord devil, how can you become a child, kite, you didn't say that body shape and anything can be changed."

Yu Xiyuan laughed and said, "hidden function."

Moxue:.... "

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