The eastern ghost moon was particularly upset when she saw Luo Zhan leaning over Yu Xiyuan's arms. She kept her eyes on the past, but was warned by Luo Zhanqing's bleak eyes.


The eastern ghost moon suddenly realized what he had said, and suddenly he did not dare to look at Luo Zhan.

That's it. What did he just say?

He said a man was small?!

This is absolutely intolerable, and I don't know if the man who really makes the idol her angry, if it is true

Suddenly, there was a cold breath behind him. When the air was about to solidify, suddenly --

"Hello, are you going to the city?"

The eastern ghost moon was frightened by the sudden appearance of the voice, and when he turned around and found that it was the local guard, he slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Hoo Yes, we're going into town. "

"Oh, four are Miss Oriental Xiyue? "

The guard suddenly raised his head and saw the face of the eastern ghost moon. The whole person changed. From just cold to enthusiastic, the eastern ghost moon suddenly froze, and then under the control of magic snow, he finally reacted.

The Oriental ghost moon smile, shyly will fall down the hair hook behind the ear, way: "we want to enter the city, need to exchange crystal stone?"

The bodyguard quickly closed the open brocade bag and put it behind his back to block it. He quickly denied: "no, Miss Xiyue wants to come in and think of it at will, without making crystal stones."

The Oriental moon nodded and turned slightly to face the eyebrows of the three men in the back, which showed how powerful he was.

"But I haven't heard of Miss Xiyue leaving the city. I thought you were in the city all the time."

The eastern moon suddenly froze.

In the city?

So that is to say, Oriental Xiyue is really in baixiacheng now?!

This is not a case of piracy. If it happens, it will be more embarrassing to face to face.

Yu Xiyuan looked at the appearance of the eastern moon. She shook her head helplessly and said to the guard, "I'm sorry, sir. We are friends of Miss Xiyue. She came out to pick us up. She didn't disturb you before, and now I don't want to, but Excuse me

"Ah ha ha, so it is. I was abrupt. Miss Xiyue and these friends should come in quickly. The gate will be closed soon."

Right now? In such a hurry?

In Yu Xiyuan's impression, Baixia city can be regarded as a city that never sleeps in the divine world. It is still a good time for the sun to set. How could Baixia city close its gate so quickly now when it is generally dark?!

"Take the liberty to ask, this white city is known as the city that never sleeps. How could it be closed so early?"

Yu Xiyuan looks puzzled.

The guard was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the Oriental ghost moon, which had nothing to do with himself. He asked Yu Xiyuan, "since she is a friend of Miss Xiyue, she didn't tell you?"

Yu Xiyuan waved her hand and said to him, "although we are friends of Miss Xiyue, we also know that Miss Xiyue has a noble status. Naturally, we can't afford to climb high. How can we let Miss Xiyue explain such a small matter to us? That's the opposite. "

When the guard heard this, he asked them to enter the city and explained to them: "ah, there are some strange things happening in the city. Many monks disappear mysteriously. Everyone thinks it's very strange, and people are in danger. In order to protect everyone, we have come up with a way to close the city gate earlier. If it can be stopped for a while, it will be a moment." , the fastest update of the webnovel!

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