
Kuyu Maiya felt that her heart was full of negative feelings for a long time.

You know, on the battlefield, any kind of negative feelings may lead to the death of the soldier, following Kiriji to the battlefield Maimi, reason has long given up the ‘impatient’ feeling, but now…

On the way to the airport, Maiya became impatient because she did not see the man.

Within the monitoring range of her enchantment, no trace of the man was found, and from the beginning, she used the GPS monitoring system to locate Fang Cheng and disappeared inexplicably.

After confirming that there was no problem with the GPS, Maiya thought of another possibility.

No matter how frivolous and incongruous that man was, he had established the elite of Huanghuang through the sniper rifle in his hand.

Such a mercenary has long inscribed the words ‘act carefully’ in the depths of his soul, and even if he is in a hurry to leave Fuyuki, the battlefield that is about to turn into purgatory, he will not act recklessly.

Eliminating the cell phone signal and dressing up is obviously a very common trick, but Maiya can’t identify from so many people who the enemy she needs to assassinate is.

“Wait, this is?!”

Suddenly, she found a strange thing, the GPS locator that had just lost the signal suddenly appeared again, and the location of this signal was inside the airport.

Oops, has that guy slipped to his destination without noticing?

He must be intercepted!

Thinking that the other party might leak information, causing Kiriji to face more danger, Kuyu Maiya rushed out of the car with an arrow.

Even the car was too lazy to lock, she directly used the strengthening magic to take the muscles to the extreme, although as a price, she felt an incomparably painful pain in her legs, but at the same time, she also gained superhuman mobility.

The people around her could not catch her figure with the naked eye at the moment, these people could only see a dark whirlwind hanging, and a burst of afterimages dispersed in front of their eyes.

In less than a minute, Maiya came to the location where she had just been GPS….

– Men’s toilets inside the airport.

Ignoring the strange gazes of the men around her, Maiya decisively strengthened her right fist with enhanced magic, and she punched straight at the only closed wooden door.


The delicate wooden door broke in response to the sound.

Looking at this scene in confusion, the men in the toilet ran away in a panic, leaving Maiya alone, staring at the empty toilet with an ugly face.

Inside the toilet, she didn’t see the hateful frivolous man.

— And on a toilet tank, a mobile phone and a GPS locator on it, as well as a note on it, are lying quietly there.

After picking up the note, Maiya unfolded the note, glanced at the contents on it, and then…

This usually cold-looking woman punched through the partition of the toilet.

“This bastard dares to fool me!”

The note held tightly in the woman’s hand only had a few words written –

[Respected Mr. Eimiya Kiriji and Miss Assistant, Lao Tzu has long known that you two old concubines will unload the grind and kill donkeys. So I have already flown away, I wish you all a laughter and laughter in this city GG ahaha ~~].

Take a deep breath, take a deep breath, don’t get acquainted with this garbage, if you are angry, you lose, lose, ah, ah!!!

After barely calming her anger, Maiya dialed Emiya Kiriji’s phone and briefly explained what had just happened.


“Don’t beat yourself up, it’s not to blame you. Hurry back, since the man guessed what we were doing, he may have laid other traps at the airport. ”

After instructing Maiya a few words, Emiya Kiriji hung up the phone, and only now did he realize that he underestimated the guy.

Although he usually looks unorthodox, as an elite mercenary, how can he be a stunned man.

Escaping so skillfully, perhaps he has long been accustomed to betrayal and being betrayed, and for the war hounds wandering on the battlefield, it is not surprising that he has done anything.

“Really, troublesome…”

Sighing deeply, Emiya Kiriji expertly tapped on the laptop, since he couldn’t intercept the other party, at least he had to know when that guy ran away.


At the same time, Fang Cheng, who was inside the power plant, finally completed another of his creations.

——Battery, or rather, it can also be called “prototype – portable – large capacity – magic reserve device”.

Well, the naming method full of science and technology, the longer the general name, the more awesome, such as a certain “all-field-general-continuous strengthening-mobile weapon-system mechanism”, which perfectly interprets the strange naming law of scientific and technological flow equipment.

That’s right, I’m talking about Gundam.

For a long time, the supply of mana had been quite annoying to Fang Cheng, although he could convert electrical energy into magic through flow electricity, it was impossible to lead the wire to fight.

Therefore, he chose to complete the research and development of the magic storage device after making various equipment.

The battery, or “trial type-portable-large capacity-magic reserve device”, is a magic technology product that he spent a lot of energy developing.

Needless to say, technology is productivity!

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