The Holy Grail War is a bloody magic ritual in which seven magicians and seven horsemen fight, and every battle should be accompanied by blood, so that the beliefs of both sides collide.

And yet….

Looking at the two salted fish on the ground, Fang Cheng really didn’t know what to say.

What about said good serious war?

What’s going on with this funny scene of the pit daddy!

“But… Evil…”

Astolfo, who had lost the magical support of the Imperial Lord, could not even maintain the conceptual armament on his body, and in an instant, the silver armor on his body turned into a little starlight and dissipated in the air, replaced by …

A ‘girl’ wearing a maid costume and panting appeared in front of Fang Cheng, and if someone else passed by at this time, they would see such a picture.

A thin little boy was knocked unconscious by the underworld forces in order to protect his girlfriend, and the beloved girl was bullied in words that could not be described, causing the girl’s clothes to be stained with dust and become tattered.

To sum it up, it is a sentence – the wilderness suburban girl bullies .AVI.

Without the treasure of battle, without the magic power to make him move, Astolfo knew that this time he really planted it completely, after giving up the idea of fighting…

He rushed with a salted fish, scooped Weber, who was dying on the ground, into his arms, and began to run in the position of a princess.

Although he is one of the twelve warriors under Charlemagne, he is keen on adventure, he is not as pedantic as Roland’s chief paladin, and he can’t beat and run, but he has always followed the iron rule in his adventures, but…


As if the heavens deliberately wanted to make a joke on him, his body suddenly made a strange sound, and the next moment, his body directly lost its entity, and Weber, who was held by his princess in his arms, also fell to the ground very unluckily and received a second impact.

Spiritization, this is the standard skill of followers, in the spirit state, slaves will lose the ability to interfere with reality at the cost of reducing mana consumption, but now, Astolfo hates this ability immensely….

He actually had no magic power supply at all, which caused his body to become spiritualized on its own.

Losing the last bit of resistance, he could only watch his own royal lord, like a dead pig dragged by the other party to the back compartment, after Fang Cheng stepped on the accelerator, like a floating Astolfo, he could only helplessly drive his body to catch up.

However, he soon became puzzled, and after leaving the suburbs, the other party did not do anything unfavorable to his imperial lord as he imagined.

On the contrary, after arriving in the city, he also took Weber to a hotel, and opened a room for Weber under the surprised eyes of everyone.

Although Fang Cheng was a participant in the Holy Grail War, he had no intention of killing Weber here, he knew that this boy would become one of the monarchs of the Clock Tower in the future, then…

“Now, it’s not bad to sell him a favor here.”

After leaving 500,000 yen in cash, Fang Cheng took a deep look at the seemingly empty bedside and silently left the hotel.


After Fang Cheng left the room, Astolfo, who was by the bed, finally breathed a sigh of relief, obviously the other party’s physical fitness was not as good as him, but he felt an invisible sense of oppression from that man.

The spiritualized him was originally an existence that ordinary people could not understand, but the man’s glance before leaving, as if he had seen everything, was stunned in Astolfo’s heart.

Time passed, and soon, dusk fell on Fuyuki City, and Weber, the sleeping beauty in bed, also woke up from his groggy sleep.

“Eh, I… Still alive? ”

“Of course, Lord.”

After Webb woke up, Astolfo also regained his physical strength, and he looked at Webb with a subtle face, making Webb feel uncomfortable.


The boy, who was stared at by Astolfo, got goosebumps and glared back very unpleasantly.

“What are you looking at?”

“Nothing, but…”

Astolfo pointed to Webb’s nightstand, and following Astolford’s finger, Webb found out….

——The suitcase that made him dream of a day lay quietly on his bedside table.

He hurriedly opened his suitcase, and inside, books and holy relics were not stolen, and the money was not less, but more than half a million yen.

“It seems that you Imperial Lord seem to have misunderstood that gentleman, and people not only helped you get the box back, but also gave you enough funds for activities.”

Astolford rushed closer to Webb, arching Weber’s lower ribs with a wicked smile.

“This level of concern is very similar to a father trying to help his ignorant son, Lord, can you say…”

“-Is he your dad?”

“Less kidding!”

After pushing Astorfo away, the blushing Weber also began to wonder.

The other party had his own suitcase in his hand, then he must have been the thief at that time, but instead of taking his own belongings, he gave himself a sum of money….

This guy, what the hell is the calculation.

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