The bleak Arashi anchor, as if it was about to tear the world, directly tore apart everything in the past.

Gilgamesh, who was directly hit by the holy spear, disappeared into the atmosphere along with the street lamp on which he was standing, however…

Fang Cheng, who had reached the vicinity of the battlefield, felt a powerful magic fluctuation from the place where Gilgamesh had disappeared.

“This magic fluctuation… Hmph, Ling’s spell? ”

The oldest king still did not die so easily, and Tosaka Shichen, who was monitoring the battlefield with an enchanter in the distance, still used a spell to transfer Gilgamesh at the last moment.


Although Gilgamesh was transferred, it did not mean that he was not harmed, and Fang Cheng, who observed the battlefield with a drone, even saw Gilgamesh’s face, which was beaten to deformation under the raid of Arashi’s anchor.

After subconsciously touching his face, Fang Cheng looked at Artoria with a palpitation.

“It really hurts.”

Artoria on the battlefield, of course, also knew that she did not kill the golden retriever, after all, she was a direct attacker, and the moment the other party used the spell to transfer, she felt that the touch was a little wrong.

“Whew, is it still too slow.”

After exhaling softly, Artoria’s heart was filled with chagrin.

Although the arrogant blonde follower just now is a disgusting second goods, his strength is really strong, and it is too wrong to kill the other party because he is too hasty in his shot.

But now, she can only be annoyed, after all, time will not turn back, she has no means to track the other party, now she can only continue to aim the holy spear at the remaining enemies, thinking about how to send them down.

On the container, Emiya Kiriji, who used magic to hide his figure, witnessed everything Artoria did, and he really didn’t expect it…

The knight of knights, Arthur in the name of knight king. Pendragon, actually such a person.

According to his ideas, the knight king should be a pedantic person who adheres to the way of knighthood, and when she fights, she will put the so-called “glory”, “etiquette”, “justice”, “justice” and other pedantic words, but …

“It actually sneaked up on it like that…”

Artoria sneaks up on the other party by any means, completely breaking Kirito’s prejudice against the knight king.

Where is this knight king who abides by the knightly thinking, Emiya Kiriji feels that she may not be cruel.

Of course, this is not a bad thing – the same style means that they can get along, the lord and the follower can get along, and many things will be easy to do, and the Eimiya Kiriji, who is squatting on the container, has already gone to this Lancer after planning to talk about it again.

However, he also had to get through the crisis in front of him before he had the opportunity to talk freely with his followers, after all…

Inside the helicopter suspended above him, a young man had already surrounded a large number of trucks carrying gunpowder.

If the things surrounding the surroundings were the magicians’ enchantments, the followers and lords present now must have found themselves in danger, but…

——These blasting trucks, which do not contain the slightest magic at all, are simply ordinary means of transportation for these insider world walkers.

Even if it was as dark as Eimiya Kiriji, when he observed these trucks, he would only think that someone was coming to transport goods at the Weiyuanchuan Pier today, and he would not think that there were explosives hidden inside, which could allow him to ascend to the sky on the spot.

As for Webb and Kenneth, the two standard magicians, not to mention – the master-apprentice duo who were frightened by the Knights of the Holy Spear, even if they had normal discernment, could not analyze how tricky these trucks were.

In this way, none of the people who were quietly approached by the trick realized that they might go to hell at any time.

With the help of the magnetic levitation system, Fang Cheng quietly parked the helicopter above the Weiyuanchuan pier, watching everything below, and he remembered the scene that had just happened.

The ancient king ‘Gilgamesh’, who was known as the follower killer, was also deformed by Artoria’s face in a hurry, and even if he thought back to that scene now, Fang Cheng would feel that his cheeks were constantly twitching because of the phantom pain.

“Sure enough, try not to fight this woman head-on, then…”

Through the sighting device on the helicopter, Fang Cheng put his hand on the button on the dashboard, and at the same time, the rocket nests on both sides of the helicopter were also slightly raised and aimed at the person who thought no one had found Eimiya Kiriji.

“Wouldn’t it be too arrogant to bombard people with a rocket nest… Forget it, anyway, the church side will cover everything. ”

With a pleasant smile, Fang Cheng put his hand on the trigger of the rocket nest, he had already aimed the rocket nest at Eimiya Kiriji, as long as the timing was right, he didn’t mind using such dirty means to clean up this guy.

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