World· Faith· Domination, abbreviated as W· F· D, this is the treasure of the “king of invention” Thomas Edison, with his life as a microcosm.

As the king of inventions, he used his inventions to illuminate the darkness for the people, record the sound of death, reflect the real world, and reduce the people’s belief in mystery to zero, “world faith robbery” – treasures for the people.

Before these three things, the secrecy of the world became very low, and the mystery and magic that could have been hidden also increased the trickiness of exposure to the public because of these things.

Magic and mystery will decline their power with being known, and presumably most magicians in this world hate Edison.

Obviously, as long as you make money obediently, why let those fools have the power to touch the mysteries!

However, no matter how much they hated it, they could not change that fact – Edison. Thomas’s invention had a huge impact on the world.

His inventions created many conveniences for ordinary people, and people were praising the greatness of this inventor king, and the privilege wanted to curb the momentum of these inventions, but found that in front of a large number of people, the power in their hands had long become insignificant.

Perhaps at that time, the privileged people already felt their powerlessness.

Illuminating the darkness, recording the sounds of the past, mapping the real world – under this concept, the people’s belief in the mystery has descended to the freezing point.

Since human inventions can easily do what mythical heroes and gods can do, then of course, there is no need for the people to believe in these high beings.

After the lion-headed man defused his attack in a strange way, Artoria suddenly realized that there was a problem with her body.

There is another reason why she is so powerful, not only because her own quality is excellent.

Arthur. Pendragon, the knight king of Britain, and the legend of her and the knights of the Round Table are basically to the point that everyone knows it.

In this world, her popularity is of the highest level.

The follower’s attribute parameters will be improved according to her own popularity in the local area, but now…

World· Faith· Domination can reveal the secret, and under the power of this sublimation into a treasure, the people’s belief in the mystery is reduced to zero, and the blessing of popularity received by King Arthur is also reduced to nothing at this moment.

Although the knight king holding the holy spear did not show any inappropriate expression, only she knew it.

Her perception has begun to slow down, and her strength has gradually weakened, obviously the magic power of the imperial lord is still being provided, and the holy spear in her hand has actually become extremely heavy.

Looking at the cold sweat left on the corner of the knight king’s forehead, Fang Cheng knew that the other party had fallen into weakness because of the deprivation of faith.

If you want to test your current strength under the premise of ensuring your own safety, this is undoubtedly the best opportunity.

– “Retention of skills and change”

For some reason, he became the king of the inventor of the lion-headed man and gained the ability to change.

Edison, as a scientist, could not control his muscles when he changed, but Fang Cheng was different in this regard, no matter what his previous life was, as a mercenary at the moment, he was far more powerful in controlling the human body than that inventor.

Ignoring the mournful cry of the flesh due to excessive force, ignoring the faint pain of the feet because of the rush too fast, Fang Cheng in the gallop threw a swift punch at Artoria.

At this moment, the muscles in Fang Cheng’s right hand swelled to the extreme, and Artoria even vaguely sensed the crisis from his fist.

But even if the people’s faith disappears and her parameters go down—the gun in her hand and the skills she has honed over decades of warfare will not change.

Before Fang Cheng’s lion fist hit Artoria, the knight king of the holy spear took the lead and knocked him away.

Fang Cheng, who was slapped out, was not the slightest surprised, after all, the current Artoria is in a materialized state, and she is a real person.

Even if W.F.D. could influence her parameters, it was impossible to change the fact that now, both of them on the battlefield accepted the influence of the laws of physics, and Fang Cheng’s treasures could grind the faith blessings received by the other party, but they could not ignore Artoria’s attacks from the physical level.

Under the influence of ‘change’, Fang Cheng, whose flesh became like steel, did not suffer much damage, but – Artoria did not expect this blow to take the other party.

All she needed was a respite.

“Treasure release-”

The wind spread directly on the holy spear, and the pure white light, like a blazing sun about to melt the snow, swallowed everything around.

“Shine in the gun of the end!”

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