After evacuating from Artoria’s presence, Fang Cheng returned to his station, relieved Fang Cheng, who Edison was relying on, looked at his body, and began to analyze the information obtained after today’s experiment.

W· F· D, this is the treasure tool derived from Edison’s three major inventions after the people praised.

After Fang Cheng’s test, this treasure can indeed weaken everything that originates from fantasy, or even take it away.

At the very least, the legendary peerless knight king, Arthur. Pendragon was indeed weakened by this treasure.

This time, although Fang Cheng chose to withdraw from her eyes because Artoria was too strong, this did not mean that Fang Cheng denied W· F· D possibility.

On the contrary, because of this experiment, he valued W· F· D’s ability, after all….

– He is not the ideologue Edison. Thomas, the first time he used the treasure tool, did not understand W· F· At the time of D’s principle, this effect had been achieved.

So, after he skillfully used this treasure tool and fully exerted its effect, Artoria, an existence formed by the fusion of historical facts and legends, could retain a little strength in front of Fang Cheng?

“But you can’t just be so careless…”

Recalling Artoria’s attack that day, Fang Cheng sighed slightly.

He looked at his own body under Faraday’s cage, after Artoria was weakened and he turned on the change skill, the other party could easily break his own bones, which made Fang Cheng understand another thing at the same time.

No matter how weakened the other party is, King Arthur after materialization is still a difficult opponent to deal with.

Moreover, as the holder of the treasure tool, Fang Cheng knew one thing very well – this treasure tool had two huge flaws.

First, W· F· Although D can nullify and seize those things that are completely derived from fantasy, it cannot ignore what is embodied in reality, in other words….

——The modern weapons in the hands of Wei Gong Kiriji still have the ability to take Fang Cheng’s life.

Even if Fang Cheng scattered all the drones at Dongmu, there was no guarantee that he would be able to confirm one hundred percent of every move of Eimiya Kiriji on a daily basis.

Not to mention a sniper headshot, maybe one day, Fang Cheng will be counter-tracked, and then buried explosives by Weigong Kiri, and sent to the sky with a shot into the soul.

Although he did not have the slightest affection for that old yin, he very much agreed with the other party’s methods.

That man, because he was too dirty, was able to survive from the blood-covered Asura path to this day, and was valued by the Einz Belen family.

If he is a little careless, no matter which imperial lord it is, it may be planted in his hands.

At the same time, another weakness also bothered Fang Cheng.

For those heroic spirits who are not derived from legends, but come from real history, they are not in W· F· D is within the crushing range.

For example, Arthur. Pendragon, this follower who is fused by reality and legend, is not something that Fang Cheng can directly kill with a treasure tool, he can only cause deprivation of faith to her, but cannot directly take away her treasure tool and existence, and let her die directly.

If you play against such a follower, he does not have enough cards in his hand.

“At the very least, lethality is not enough.”

Although he was thinking about how to deal with the followers, Fang Cheng did not forget what he was here for.

The process of the battle is not important, the means or something, he does not care, what he cares about is only the result.

Thirsty for the Holy Grail, he does not care about the glory and faith that a heroic spirit should have.

Fang Cheng, who was looking through the black technology in his mind, kept using skill concept improvement and flow electricity, rubbing parts with his hands, and even had a very terrible plan in his mind.

“Well, is the cloud bomb so powerful… Or not…”

“Create a few cloud bombs, and directly wash the ground to annihilate all the group of imperial lords hiding in the shadows.”

At this moment, a deafening sound entered Fang Cheng’s ears from the outside.

Judging from the source of the sound, the source was very far away from Fang Cheng.

And in that direction, Fang Cheng has a little image, it is not a place of great fame, just an ordinary hotel, Fang Cheng can remember it, it is only because of the name of the hotel.

Looking at the black smoke bubbling above the hotel, Fang Cheng sighed helplessly after a pause.

“It seems that the hotel owner can’t escape this calamity after all.” Who let you, receive Kenneth that strange man? ”

The Hyatt Regency Hotel, today is also under the efforts of Eimiya Kiriji, absolutely praiseworthy explosion.

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