The next day, Fuyuki City Prison.

In the dim daylight, several prison guards lazily patrolled the vicinity of the prison.

They yawned, rubbed their sleepy eyes, and chatted idly while rambling, the unfinished work in their hands.

If you let their top boss see their current state, it will definitely not be as simple as frowning, it will be over.

However, under the sudden disasters today, their top boss also had to participate in the meeting of the Ice Chamber Dosnow Organization to decide the next course of action of each unit.

It is human nature to fish when you have time, not to mention, Fuyuki’s prison has never had any escapes and riots, so stable that the prison guards, even if they want to be serious, do not know where to start.

In this way, they spent a leisurely time, and then ….

A nightmare has come.

A prison guard saw a beautiful woman in a black suit, and suddenly rushed towards the prison guards patrolling outside at a speed beyond the limits of humans.

“Stop me! Otherwise…”

Looking at the woman, the prison guards raised their electric batons very nervously, in the time of touching fish, their combat skills have long become unfamiliar, these crazy devils can only threaten each other with their fierce words.

But, unfortunately, the woman ignored the guards’ words, and amid the guards’ hurried warnings, she took a step and rushed to the prison guard who shouted the loudest, and hit him in the abdomen with an elbow.


Of course, the woman’s fist did not have the power to punch through the opponent’s abdomen, but the prison guard, who had not exercised for a long time, fainted because of too much pain after receiving the impact.

The woman who killed the enemy with one blow did not stop, she did not turn her head, and she was a back kick to the prison guard behind her.

The prison guard who was kicked in the chest, like a crow on a plane, hit the wall hard and slipped to the ground.

Next, there is one-sided bullying.

After shooting two people, the woman expressionlessly pulled out two Glock 19-style pistols from her cuffs, and fired at the remaining prison guards around her, and the prison guards who were pointed at the pistols were injured one after another.

After seeing the pitch-black iron that spewed tongues of fire, no matter how big the injury was, the prison guards present were stunned…

——These prison guards, they are not equipped with guns, if they confront this woman head-on, they will definitely be directly shot by the other party’s gun.

However, they did not find that although the colleagues who received gunshot wounds were in pain and even incapacitated, the gunshot wounds were actually very accurate, avoiding their vital points.

That woman, from the beginning, did not come to kill.

The electronic lock of the prison was easily cracked by the woman.

The iron prison that Fuyuki City spent a lot of money to build was easily broken open by the woman’s hands.

Obviously, the woman looks just an ordinary cold beauty, but the other party’s performance makes these conscious prison guards and prisoners remember something they have only seen in the movie.

“This, this guy… This guy is fiercer than the Terminator! Everyone, run! ”

I don’t know who started it, the remaining prison guards left their jobs at the same time, and the woman, very domineering, knocked a group of felons unconscious and dragged them into a truck.

After completing this issue, she immediately drove the truck and walked straight away.

Half an hour later, the pale ice chamber Daoxue saw this scene through the screen of the surveillance system.

The previous arsonist has not been caught, and now a woman who robbed the prison has appeared, and the successive man-made incidents have involved the entire Fuyuki in the disaster.

Of course, more importantly – after these disasters, even if he finds out the real culprit, he will not be able to erase the negative impact of the disasters.

His achievements this year are cold.

The irritable Ice Room Daoxue roared angrily at the chief of the security station beside him.

“Haven’t found out yet? Is that prisoner’s whereabouts so hard to find! ”

“No, it’s not like that…”

The chief, who wiped his cold sweat, lowered his voice. Explained softly.

“The truck has been found, driven to an abandoned factory on the outskirts, and…”

As if to please the other party, the director immediately brought out a piece of information.

“I also found the identity of this woman. Maiya Kuyu, a native of Toei, is an outsider who has recently arrived in Fuyuki. At that time, there was an outsider named Emiya Kiriji who came with her on a flight, I suspect…”

“Doubt a fart!”

Without waiting for the other party to finish speaking, the ice chamber Daoxue, who was as angry as a leader, used all the strength of his whole body and let out an angry roar.

“Go and arrest that man for me! Immediately, right away! ”


In an abandoned factory on the outskirts, the woman who attacked the prison slowly stopped the truck.

After walking into the abandoned factory, she was like a machine, moving her body stiffly… No, it’s not so.

In the wound she had just produced when she had fought with someone, it was not scarlet blood that flowed.

At her joints, brown oil slowly dripped onto the ground.

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