For Eimiya Kiriji, now is really the most critical moment in his life.

In the past mercenary career with his adoptive mother Natalia, the silver-haired succubus adoptive mother had blocked many crises for him.

After the death of his adoptive mother, he and his assistant Maiya Kuyu never encountered any life-threatening battlefields again.

Perhaps because of carelessness, or perhaps because the eight years of the Einzberen family were too leisurely, this hunting dog on the battlefield was finally inevitably deflated in the trap planted by the enemy.

The thermobaric bomb is a weapon that will produce extremely powerful high temperature and high pressure after detonation, instantly covering the surrounding heat wave and shock wave, directly catching the two people present by surprise.

This modern weapon should not have the ability to hurt a heroic spirit like Artoria, but now…

The knight king, who had eaten a lot of deflated, looked painfully at her hands blocking in front of her, and on them, the hand armor she had woven with magic power actually melted because of the shock wave mixed with the heat wave.

I knew that the ‘gift’ left by that bastard was not so easy to receive… Wait a minute?!

As soon as she thought of something, Artoria turned her head anxiously, and sure enough, it was as she expected…

——Her unlucky royal lord who likes waves, Eimiya Kiriji, has now fallen to the ground with unknown life and death.

The impact of this thermobaric bomb could even hurt her, and how could Eimiya Kiriji, who was not physically strong on the side, survive this disaster, and the heat wave tore the trench coat on his body and burned his skin.

Well, if that’s the case, the problem hasn’t reached a particularly serious point, but, through overnight information, Artoria already knows the characteristics of thermobaric bombs.

This weapon will absorb the surrounding oxygen to ignite at the moment of detonation, in other words, the two are already surrounded by oxygen-free zones.

Artoria was not interested in humans living for a few seconds under anaerobic conditions under the limit, she only knew…

If you don’t take this unfortunate royal lord beside her out of this range, you will wait to help him collect the corpse.

“Wind King Enchantment, open!”

The strong wind wrapped around the holy spear instantly blew away the surrounding heat wave, and taking advantage of this moment, she picked up Wei Gong Kiri, jumped a few times, and temporarily escaped the range.

“Hah… Call…… Ha…… Phew…”

Eimiya Kiriji, who had been suffocating for half a minute, gulped in fresh air, except for his face protected by his arms, his body was burned by the heat wave caused by thermobaric bombs, and there was no good meat.

The burning pain spread all over his body, and even because he could not hold his breath, he inhaled two mouthfuls of the respiratory tract of the heat wave, and there was also a certain degree of burns.

For him, however, the unfortunate break is not over.

Miss Artoria did not look at the road when she fled, and if she did, she would never have chosen to come here.

Inside the building, Fang Yi, who was watching all this, immediately stopped his orders for several other cars after seeing something.

Inside the two Katyusha rocket launchers in this vicinity, Fang Yi filled a hundred thermobaric bombs that he had modified with ‘concept improvement’, and if they were all fired at Eimiya Kiriji, the magician killer wouldn’t want to breathe half a breath of oxygen for an hour, but now…

“Hmph, it seems that it is no longer necessary.”

In the drone footage that Fang Yi watched alone, several helicopters had surrounded Emiya Kiriji and Artoria.

The place where the two fled happened to be the police station in Fuyuki City, and the policemen who had been trained by their superiors were planning to go out immediately to find Eimiya Kiriji.

Originally, two men and women who were unclothed and covered in burns were enough to attract attention, and the face of Eimiya Kiriji happened to be saved in the disaster…

Even the confirmation was dispensed with, and the police in the helicopter directly issued a warning to the two with the radio.

“Suspect Eimiya Kiriji, please give up resistance, otherwise…”

Before he could finish speaking, he felt that the helicopter was under attack, and below, Artoria very crisply shot down a helicopter with the holy gun in her hand.

In her opinion, since the other party has clearly expressed hostility, it is the right way to take the first step.

And this move completely intensified the attitude of those policemen, and they also gave up the warning and chose …

– directly with a machine gun from a helicopter, fired at the two.

If Eimiya Kiriji hadn’t been unconscious, then these helicopters, for Artoria, would have been just scrap metal that machine guns could solve, but now…

——After the Imperial Lord fell into a coma, Artoria’s magic supply actually had problems, and after a shot exploded a helicopter, she actually felt that her body became illusory.

In the next second, the follower who lacked magic power was directly forcibly spiritualized, and the unlucky magician killer fell heavily on the ground like this, and was directly arrested by the police who rushed in.


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