In the Holy Grail War, tactics are divided into several types.

It is more normal to let the followers and the other party’s followers pinch each other and win by strength.

The dirtier ones are to let the slaves secretly touch the vicinity of the other party’s royal lord, and when they see the opportunity, they will directly confuse their faces and take them away.


Chiko Village was looking at Kenneth with a confident face, and finally couldn’t help but hide his face in despair.

Let him, Saber, who has the power of magic, deal with Caster, well, this is not a big problem, the main problem is…

Even Lancer from the Einz Belen camp rushed to this side, please the royal lord, can you not be full of confidence and kill the other party’s magic workshop, are you really not going to send people’s heads?!

The originally quiet swordsmith unconsciously transformed into a sullen spit in the action of the imperial lord full of slots.

However, Chiko Muramasa, who became a complaining servicer, was still the indifferent swordsmith, and he looked at the back of the imperial lord leaving, and could only sigh silently and pray a little for this fool.


In the castle, Eimiya Kiriji and Alice Phil certainly noticed the arrogant Director Ken a long time ago.

Looking at the man’s arrogant appearance, Wei Gong Kiriji comforted his wife and let her step aside, and decided to personally take action to solve the eldest young master of this clock tower.

Kenneth, who had overcome difficulties along the way, looked at the castle full of antique colors in front of him and smiled contemptuously.

“Fervor,meisanguis。” (Boil it, my blood)

A short section of chanting, completed in an instant, after the chant, Kenneth’s slime-like dress ‘Moon Spirit Essence’ suddenly turned into a huge city-breaking hammer, directly shattering the gate of the castle.

As the monarch of the Clock Tower and a genius magician who hopes to advance to the ‘crown’ in the future, Kenneth certainly looks down on a local aristocrat like Einz Belen, but in his personal values, etiquette still needs to be entered.

“The ninth generation heir to the Archibald family, Kenneth. See you in Ermeiro! Magician of Einz Belen, can you come out and see you! ”

The loud voice, under the blessing of the wind technique, resounded throughout the castle of Einzberen, and the Eimiya Kiriji in the room, after hearing Kenneth’s announcement, showed a disdainful smile.

As a mercenary who hunts magicians, he has killed many magicians in the past, and the most common one is a fool like Kenneth, who does not have a force in his heart and emphasizes aristocratic thinking.

It’s too easy to deal with this kind of idiot.

For Kenneth’s slightly provocative declaration, Emiya Kiriji has no intention of responding, he is a hunting dog on the battlefield, and he has no dignity from the beginning…

– Instead of spending time choking each other, it is better to attack first.

Kiriji, who was in the ward, pulled the silk thread beside him, and with the pull of the silk thread, a violent explosion suddenly occurred in the hall where Kenneth was.

Tripping thunder, this is the means that Emiya Kiriji buried in the castle during his illness to deal with hostile magicians, only need to gently pull the thread, and the tripping thunder at the other end of the silk thread will be pulled open and directly blasted because of the power from the silk thread.

“Automatoportum_defensio (self-discipline defense)!”

The extremely brief chant spit out of the man’s mouth, and his sudden collapse of the ceiling and the endless explosions around him, finally regretted his overly pretentious behavior.

As a magician, Kenneth never thought about it at all…

——In this world, someone would actually blow themselves up in their magic workshop at the beginning, and someone really did this stupid thing!


Fang Yi, who was outside the Snow City, looked at the castle that emitted a mournful sound, and a mocking smile that could not be concealed appeared on his face.

“Oooh, fight, fight. Director Ken really didn’t disappoint me in terms of intellectual disability. ”

While watching the play, he casually released several drones to monitor the actions of Chiko Muramasa and Artoria, and after confirming that the two followers did not intend to approach Snow City for the time being, he gently pressed the button of the remote control in his hand.

At this moment, a small fixed-wing drone appeared near the Snow City, and it came to the sky above Einz Belen Castle at a very fast speed, and then…

——The aerial bombs on the fixed-wing UAV, under Fang Yi’s instructions, were all dropped on the castle below.

Eimiya Kiriji, who had planned to demolish the castle and trap Kenneth in ruins, suddenly had a sense of foreboding.

With this premonition, he raised his head slightly, looked out the window, and was instantly dumbfounded.

“Hmph, notice at this time, it’s late, this time Checkmate, Eimiya Kiriji.”

Not far away, the troublemaker who was watching the Snow City instantly turned into a strong man with a lion’s head, and he grinned slightly, revealing sharp steel teeth in his mouth.

“After all, equivalent is justice.”

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