The treasures of the Mountain Dragon and the Knight King, at this moment, distorted time and space.

The weapons in the hands of both sides shone with a fierce fierce light at the same time, and the holy spear and the death sword seemed to devour each other, blooming with a fierce fighting spirit.

The strong enemy fought and lost both, which should have been a good thing for Fang Yi who was watching, but looking at the picture below, Fang Yi helplessly covered his eyes with a lion’s palm.

“What a misstep.”

According to his plan, a sufficient amount of self-detonating trucks were arranged around to surround the old city and then directly blast, even if the remaining slaves joined forces to deal with this explosion, they could not disperse the heat wave that swept in all directions.

Even the holy spear in Artoria’s hand and the obedient sword in Gilgamesh’s hand would be difficult to complete this task.

The reason why it is impossible to drive away the heat wave is not that the output of the two treasures is not enough, but in the shape of the release of energy – these two treasures are both types that condense light cannons into straight lines, and they cannot do the function of sweeping at all.

But now, since the old man used the treasure tool, everything is different – the aftermath generated by the collision of the two heroic treasures is circumferential, just uprooting the house and dispersing the surrounding heat wave at the same time.

Although Eimiya Kiriji in the house suffered several traumatic injuries because of this shock wave, he did not have any dissatisfaction in his heart at the moment, after all…

——A living eunuch is better than a dead emperor, leaving the green mountains and not worrying about firewood.

“Well, it turned out…”

“Hmph, interesting.”

The Lion King, who completely liberated the holy spear, looked at the old man in front of him who wanted to kill himself, and increased the strength in his hand.

“Obviously, the great sword in your hand is not an outstanding treasure, but—why, why can’t my holy spear tear it!”

“Very simple reason, Lord of the Holy Spear.”

In the face of the Lion King’s force, the mountain dragon caught the traces and unloaded the power aside, and very indifferently pulled away the holy spear that shone with the aurora.

“Your skills are excellent, and the gun in your hand definitely overwhelms my sword, but unfortunately – there is still confusion in your heart. The confusion in your heart dulls the tip of your gun. ”

After pulling away the holy spear, the figure of the mountain man gradually became shadowy, and before he disappeared, Artoria heard a word that she could not ignore.

“I hope that the next time we meet, you can let go of the confusion in your heart and fight with me again.” I will also adjust and wait for that day. ”


A shot was stabbed, but Artoria did not have the slightest feeling of hit, in her opinion, the old man did not disappear, but temporarily chose to leave.

“Confused… Am I confused? ”

Asking her own king, she lifted the deification of the holy gun, and at the moment of divine stripping, she finally felt the long-lost sense of collapse.

“Damn, what the hell is that assassin pretending to be a ghost!”

“Lancer, if you still have strength, listen to me…”

In the midst of the ruins, Kiriji Emiya who was healing his injuries with healing magic, looked at something on the original building with the telescope in his hand.

“Last time you said you were attacked by a lion-headed slave—that bastard calf is now watching a show three kilometers east of you.” You know what to do. ”

“Ah, of course.”

In the battle just now, in order not to affect the war horse, Artoria specially let her war horse “Dong? Starrian” temporarily returned to the illusory space, and at this moment, she could only temporarily use her feet as a means of movement.

Looking at the girl who released her cyan magic power to the extreme, Fang Yi snapped his fingers in disdain.

“Hmph, the guy who has almost run out of magic wants to catch me too?”

On a nearby building, a parked helicopter suddenly rose automatically and flew towards the building where Fang Yi was, and in just 2 seconds, Fang Yi could take this improved helicopter and flee the area directly.


“Eh, Uncle Lionhead, are you going to go?”

A crisp voice suddenly came from Fang Yi’s head, and after instinctively raising his head, Fang Yi saw a huge shadow.

It was a golden ark made of a combination of gold and emerald gemstones, and there was only one holder of this Vimana in this world.

“It seems that I left a little too late this time, but I didn’t expect that I had become a popular player before I knew it.”

The helicopter above Fang Yi’s head was naturally blasted into pieces by Jill, and watching the fragment with the flames fall towards the defense, Jill snapped his fingers at him like a learner.

“Well, in this Holy Grail War, all the followers and lords seem to have eaten in your hands. So…”

With a faint smile, Jill’s very friendly Fang Yi waved his hand.

“I’m also doing this for the Sky Walking Dao, remember that don’t resent me in hell – Gate_of_Babylon King’s treasure!”

Under the call of the young man, dozens of treasures ready to go were aimed at Fang Yi at the same time, and even the process of aiming was omitted——

These treasures tore through the atmosphere and shot directly at Fang Yi’s body.

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