The next day, senior officials of the Dongying government urgently held an internal meeting.

After that war, Dongying ushered in nearly fifty years of peace as a defeated person, and although in these fifty years, the country was constantly caught in the Cold War because of economic trade and other countries, but there was no war that went wrong.

Now, however…

An official pointed to the photo in his hand and shouted angrily.

“Thermobaric bombs, rockets, Grimm machine guns – even the wreckage of a helicopter appeared! When the hell did our country become so terrible! ”

“Gangster fighting… Hmph, forget it, I don’t believe it myself. ”

On the other side of the room, another official pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose and made suggestions to his colleagues.

“This level of problem is no longer within the scope of Fuyuki City’s Shi Chang can solve. My personal suggestion – send the Self-Defense Forces to Fuyuki to suppress violent terrorist groups. You see, how about this suggestion? ”


“No objection.”

The remaining officials also expressed their approval of the proposal, but one of the officials at the corner of the table raised his hand with an embarrassed face.

“Well, guys… Just now I received a ‘suggestion’ from the American garrison, and they said that they were willing to assist us and had already sent troops to Fuyuki. ”

“Hmph, this group of guys…”

Everyone present did not know the other party’s intentions, saying that they were ‘assisting’, in fact, those people simply wanted to interfere in Dongying’s internal affairs.

“Let them go this time, after all…”

The bespectacled official had a narrow treacherous smile on his face.

“A few more people to explore the way, it’s not a bad thing.”


Hours later, the Winterwood Church Church.

Inside the church, Yan Fengli is getting information that the Self-Defense Forces and the US garrison are heading to Fuyuki through the intelligence sources of the church of the Holy Church.

Coupled with the big battle that took place in the old city last night, Yan Fenglizheng knew that he, the supervisor of the Holy Grail War, basically could not be done.

“But that’s fine…”

Thinking of the anomaly who appeared in this Holy Grail War, Yan Fenglizheng felt a chill in his heart.

Throughout the ages, the followers who will respond to the call of the Holy Grail War are heroes with a strong desire in their hearts, and in order to get the Holy Grail, they usually choose to abide by the rules of the Holy Grail War, obediently hiding their whereabouts with the royal lord to prevent the public from discovering their existence.

However, Caster, who was summoned this time, seemed to not care whether the Holy Grail War was exposed at all, not only did he keep making trouble, but also used modern weapons to dismantle the entire Fuyuki, and now Fuyuki has fallen into panic because of the endless layers of weapons on the other side.

Lizheng did not mean to accuse those people of being timid, after all, after being told the next day that a certain part of the city had disappeared, and the underground was full of rocket launchers, helicopters, and thermobaric bombs, it was not normal for people who were not afraid of talent.

“Knock knock.”

With a crisp knock on the door, Yan Fenglizheng said helplessly.

“Come in, is it Lancer’s royal lord, Mr. Eimiya Kiriji?”


Outside the gate of the church of the church, Emiya Kiriji gently retreated the gate and walked into the church filled with candlelight.

After turning around, the old priest took two steps back in surprise.

“You, you are…”

The black trench coat on Kiriji’s body had turned into a strip of rags, ridiculously draped over his body, and under the skin that the strip could not cover, it was full of scratches oozing blood.

This man seemed to have not slept half of the night, and looked at Yan Feng Lizheng with a fairy face.

“Long time no see, Father Lizheng, this time I came, I have something to ask for…”

“Mr. Eimiya…”

After hearing the other party’s tired voice, Lizheng helplessly grabbed Bai Dao.

“I am the Overseer of the Holy Grail War, and I refuse your request directly.”

“Hmph, I knew it would be like this…”

After the request was rejected, Kiriji showed a public attitude, sat down on the chair very casually, and cocked his legs.

“I came this time to ask you to give me the curse that attacked Caster in advance—don’t rush to refuse, Father. Now, Fuyuki City has become a mess because of Caster’s actions. I think Father Lizheng, your life is not very good-after all, as an overseer, you have completely failed to hide the Holy Grail War in front of the public. But…”

Looking at Yan Feng Lizheng’s increasingly tight frown, Che Si knew that he had bet right, it seemed that the other party was indeed the same as him now, and he was in a cornered situation.

In that case, add another fire!

“If the current Imperial Lord can fight Caster before you are punished, I think your situation will be slightly better – the price is just to pay a reward in advance, and you can exchange for a trustworthy thug, don’t you think, this deal is very cost-effective?”

“Indeed… Same as you said. ”

Thinking that the disgusting Caster forced himself into such a miserable situation, Yan Fenglizheng was angry, and his head was bloodshot, and he slapped his head and made a decision that he regretted for the rest of his life.

“Okay, stretch out your hand – the old man will give you this spell first!”

The successful cut, hiding the joy in his heart, stretched out his right hand very indifferently, and with the surge of magical power, a scarlet stigmata returned to his hand again.


“Thank you very much for your assistance, Father Lizheng.”

Before the old priest gave the eviction order, his brain door was covered by a slight rush, and in front of the cold iron, the old priest suddenly fell into chaos.

The next moment, Wei Gong Kiriji gently pressed his left hand, and after pulling the trigger on his index finger, accompanied by the sound of a sharp gunshot, Yan Fengli fell to the ground without a blindness.

After the old priest died, Cheji used magic to erase the blood from his face and walked out of the church without looking back.

“Find someone to take benefits, and if you get it, you will unload the grind and kill the donkey…”

On the side, Artoria, who was spiritualized, felt a little emotion about Kirito’s behavior.

“It’s a shame that you did it, Kiriji.”

“Ah, after all, if I can get the spell from him, it means that others can also use this method to get the spell from his hand. Instead of letting him keep a life for the enemy, it is better to dispose of him now. After all…… This is the Holy Grail War, a real battlefield and hell. You won’t have the slightest objection to my despicable behavior, Lancer. ”

“Of course, I think you’re doing the right thing, Lord.”

For the first time, Eimiya Kiriji heard a trace of approval from the words of his own follower, but…

What’s the use of that?

As long as Caster doesn’t die, they’ll be attacked all the time, and there’s no safe place in this Fuyuki until the slave is defeated.

The spiritualized followers, and the indifferent mercenaries, left the church wordlessly, and after a few minutes…

“The smell of rust… Gee, it’s late. ”

Looking at Yan Feng Lizheng, who fell in a pool of blood, Fang Yi smashed his mouth in dissatisfaction.

“This guy Cheji, it’s really fast.”

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