Although it is said that the existence of followers depends on the Holy Grail to come to the world, what gives them the ability to act comes from the magic power of the imperial lord after all.

The loss of the Imperial Lord is a fatal blow to every follower, even if they have ‘retention skills. Gilgamesh, the knight of the bow, who acted alone, also felt that his strength began to decline sharply after losing his mana source.

“It’s really… Troublesome! ”

Although Jill can rely on the highest level of solo action to continue to exist on this battlefield, no matter how rational he is, he cannot avoid one thing – dignity.

He is the oldest king of mankind, a peerless hero and overlord, how can he endure himself with a broken body and flee in ashes in front of the enemy!

Instead of living, it is better to thoroughly display the dignity and power of the hero king before death!

Jill’s magic power is obviously declining rapidly, but Artoria and Astolfo, who are in the battle formation, feel a strong sense of crisis.

Whether it was a knight who loved adventure, or a king who unified Britain, he had never felt such a huge coercion in his lifetime, Artoria looked at the holy spear in his hand and compared it, since he found …

“This… This power actually surpasses the Holy Spear of Unrestrained?! ”

On the face of the blond child, indifference and calmness all disappeared, and in its place, an aura that did not belong to a child suddenly appeared on his body.

That is the sense of majesty that only the highest king can have!

The king’s treasure had stopped bombarding, and the evil dragon Bashum, who was raging below, actually stopped attacking because of Gilgamesh’s momentum.

The evil dragon stared at Gilgamesh and the scarlet sword that appeared beside him, and actually took two steps back.

Artoria immediately understood what the evil dragon’s move meant…

——This evil dragon, who is not afraid of heaven and earth, is actually afraid of Gilgamesh’s treasure.

“Although he did not fight before his death, it is not a good thing to be able to fight Bashum, the eleventh son born to the mother god Tiamat after death.”

The golden ark Vimona that Jill was riding on also disappeared into the sky at this moment, and the child with his eyes closed suddenly and cruelly opened his scarlet pupils.

“Just use this blow as a farewell gift!”

With the young man’s farewell words, the treasure in his hand suddenly gushed out a shattered magic power, just the scarlet wind pressure that was just a prelude to liberation, and it had actually blown away the ruins around him in an instant.

“When the heavens and the earth first open, there is no need to say false congratulations, the vortex of the stars, heaven and hell is the end of the eve of creation – it is the king’s obedient sword that tears apart the world!”

When this complicated incantation was chanted, the time on the scene seemed to stand still, whether it was a hero or an evil dragon, all of their attention was taken away because of the power of this treasure, and Bashum, who was originally planning to die and resist, even turned around and fluttered his wings directly after a mournful cry and slipped away.

But unfortunately, it has missed the best time to escape, and Jill, floating in the sky, with majesty, liberates the real name of the treasure.

“Feel this original principle – “Heaven and earth are departing and opening up stars”!”

In his hand, the obedient sword that kept spinning burst out an incomparably strong torrent, and Bashum, who was not far away, was directly hit the ground by this blow that tore the world apart.

“Done, did it work?!”

It was only after the liberation of the treasure that Astolfo felt that the sense of oppression disappeared, however, after the sense of oppression disappeared, it was replaced by weakness, which invaded him and the eagle in his crotch.

Without even a chance to struggle, Astolfo fell straight out of the sky and fell heavily to the ground.

Although Artoria did not show her embarrassed side like Astolfo, her body under her battle armor also began to break out in cold sweat.

She was not a confident fool, but a calm warrior, and although she was fully confident in her holy spear, after seeing that treasure today, she finally understood…

Although the holy spear is very powerful, it is not worthy of the strongest word, and in front of that scarlet sword, even if she lifts the thirteen restraints in the Lion King mode, she can only draw at most once.

However, what made her feel even more frightening was that the evil dragon, after being hit by this destructive force, not only did not die violently on the spot, but kept emitting that terrifying roar.

After the smoke and dust cleared, Jill took a very unhappy sip – Bashum, who was hit by the sword obediently, had actually healed most of his injuries by relying on his own strength.

“Hmph, only the ability to recover is worthy of the prestige of the son of the mother god.”

“Stand down, Archer.”

Looking at Gill’s starry body, Artoria knew that the bow knight was dying, and out of respect for the hero, she decided to free the holy spear in her hand again.


“I refuse, Lancer.”

It was clear that nearly half of his body had disappeared, but Jill still ordered Artoria in an unquestionable tone.

“You’re the one who wants to step down, but I still have a chapter of hole cards out.” If you don’t leave, I’ll even bombard you together. ”

With that, Jill raised the sword in his hand high again.

“As the exotic king of the island, you can enjoy the power of the ancient king on the side!”

It was clear that the other party’s attitude was extremely arrogant, but Artoria could not feel any disgust towards him, after all…

—While these words were being spoken, the child had begun to burn his spiritual foundation, ready to give up everything to defeat the evil dragon.

This time, Bashum, who was severely injured, could only watch as the boy with a sinister smile swung the sword in his hand again.

“This is the strongest mode of the sword, die under this blow, evil dragon!”

– “The Waves of Heaven and Earth, The Moment of the Endgame”


“Eh, this is?!”

In front of the jade algae in the magic workshop, she suddenly saw the evil dragon summoning array under her subordinates, which lost its color and completely collapsed.

“Bashum is actually dead?!”

It wasn’t that she didn’t think that Bashum would be killed, after all, in this Holy Grail War, there were several monsters that she couldn’t match, but…

“I died in less than thirty minutes after coming out, could it be Xiaoyu’s spell, is there something wrong?”

“All right, Tamamo.”

In his chagrin, Yu Moqian suddenly felt his body being hugged by a pair of strong arms.

“This time the strategic goal has been achieved, don’t think too much. Tamamo, you’ve done a great job. ”

Fang Yi gently approached Yuzao’s ear and whispered to her.

“I’m really lucky to be able to summon you.”

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