After resting for a while, Amelia got up from her seat and said regretfully.

“As much as I’d love to continue talking to you, I have other things to do. After all…”

“Dragon Emblem, I understand, I understand.”

Fang Yi took out a miniature tactical tablet from his pocket, clicked it lightly on the screen, and then said to Amelia.

“If you don’t fight or know each other, as the host, I naturally have to solve problems for guests who come from afar.”

With the snooping of satellites, Fang Yi did not need to find someone to inquire about the location of the slum like the original, and just now, he had already used the positioning system to find the location of the ‘treasure house’.

“That, Fang Yi, do you know where the other party will go?”

Amelia looked at Fang Yi suspiciously.

“You shouldn’t know a burglar, do you?”

“How is that possible. This is just based on common sense, thieves want to sell stolen goods, the most suitable place is that place. If you want a coat of arms, follow along. ”

A moment later, the two walked on the dilapidated street –

Although the slums are also part of the royal capital, this is obviously not a place where ordinary people can stay.

On the potholed sheep intestine path, civilians with a sour smell on their bodies, like wild dogs who have not eaten for more than ten days, stared at Fang Yi and Amelia who had just arrived here with their scarlet eyes.

They are all the bottom of the bottom of Lugnica, of course, they will not have the slightest affection for Fang Yi wearing aristocratic clothes, in their opinion, it is these aristocratic lords who embezzle the money in the treasury that will cause these poor people to fall into this field.

As for the little girl Amelia, in the eyes of these poor people, she has already been regarded as a little slut who curries favor with her beauty, and the nobleman and his lover appear in the slums, and the people who were already hungry instantly ignited endless anger.

Labor and management can’t even eat, and the noble lord is actually still here to take his sister?

This bastard must die!

In the past, these people could fight for a piece of black bread, but under the common hatred, they actually rushed to Fang Yi and Amelia from all directions with a tacit understanding.

It was not that these people did not see Fang Yi following the Guards Knights behind him, but under the anger, rational thinking was already impossible for these people.

“Everyone! Kill this damned nobleman and share the money on him. That chick over there, we can still he…”

I don’t know who took the lead in shouting such obscene words, after hearing this idea of death, a strange smile appeared on the faces of those male paupers at the same time, and in the laughter of everyone, the untrained Amelia actually took two steps back in fear.

“Okay, don’t be so afraid.”

Looking at the girl’s scared look, Fang Yi hugged the girl’s delicate body lightly, and then he whispered to Amelia in a gentle tone.

“Leave everything to me.”


Although Fang Yi’s words did calm Emilia’s mind, after calming down, she was too kind again.

“Although they are not good people, they are also poor people after all…”

Looking at the pity on Emilia’s face, Fang Yi could only face it with a wry smile.

Obviously the other party wants to catch you, hehe, you actually think about the other party, such a naïve word, it is difficult to survive in this deceitful world.

Of course, complaining is complaining, surface kung fu still has to be done, Fang Yi made a gesture to the knights behind him without looking back, while the guards knights pulled out their weapons in understanding.

Behind Fang Yi, the guards knights dressed in exoskeleton armor were like giants in the subhumans, just standing there could exude an aura that no one should enter, and in normal times, they did not dare to be rude to these knights by borrowing the courage of the poor.

However, now nearly fifty people killed Fang Yi at the same time, and in the eyes of the ignorant mob…

——The knight can’t hold up the crowd even if it is strong, and so on is not going to be beaten by us with tear down the armor.

Looking at the approaching mob, the captain of the knight led by him could not help but sigh with pity.

“A bunch of idiots.”

“Ah, yes, knight.”

Fang Yi put his arm around Emilia and suddenly looked back at the captain of the knight behind him and said.

“Don’t kill them, they are foolish, but they are Lugnica’s people after all. I don’t want unprovoked killings in Lugnika. ”

After hearing Fang Yi say these words, Amelia felt that the arm she relied on was more solid, and at this moment, in the girl’s heart, Fang Yi’s image had completely become an elegant gentleman who pity his people.

However, after seeing Fang Yi’s expression, the knights also understood the lord’s thoughts – labor and management want to take their sister, you don’t make this place bloody in front of labor and management.

I have to say that this is the style of the lord.

The knights, who knew the true intention of the lord, put down the guns in their hands, drew sledgehammers and giant shields from behind, and then…

——The poor people who were close to Fang Yi were just seven or eight meters away by the giant shield in the opponent’s hand.

“Okay, here the knights will solve it, let’s go first.”

Fang Yi, who put his arm around the girl, immediately took advantage of the moment when the poor people were frightened and took Amelia to escape, and before Emilia left, she looked at the poor man who was beaten away, and some doubts appeared in her heart.

“That, Fang Yi…”

Emilia said weakly.

“The pauper who was beaten into the air has his face deformed, if according to my inference, he has been seriously injured.”

“Don’t worry, girl.”

Fang Yi looked at Emilia with his eyes and said softly.

“You can’t trust them, can’t you trust me?”

“…… It’s the same. ”

Thinking of what Fang Yi had done before, Amelia let go of the worries in her heart and followed Fang Yi’s footsteps with a smile.

“I believe in you.”

For Amelia’s reaction, Fang Yi nodded with satisfaction.

Very good, looking at her reaction now, the fooling has been a great success, it will only be a short time before she will trust me completely, sooner or later one day…

– This girl will voluntarily give her body and mind to me.

Old driver, plan through!

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