According to the general rule, as long as you can sit at a dining table, even if you are an unending sworn enemy, you will temporarily put aside the grudges in your heart, after all, no one wants to blow their beards and stare at people while eating.

But at this moment, Emilia and Rem felt a feeling at this table at the same time that should not appear, if you have to describe it specifically…

——Between Fang Yi and Rozval, there was a killing aura of drawing a sword and opening a crossbow, making it impossible for others to get involved.

Obviously, both of them had a faint smile on their faces, and they also greeted each other very kindly, but for some reason, everyone else present always had an illusion – in the next second, the two people might take out machetes and paste them directly on each other’s faces.

Even if Rem wanted to speak, Amelia couldn’t bear to see the two of them fighting each other, but they finally succumbed to the momentum of the two.

These two intelligent girls knew that even if they were the trusted maids of their masters and the king’s chosen ones with a transcendent status, they could not intervene in the conversation between Fang Yi and Rozwal, the two imperial nobles.

“Well, this is the end of the pleasantries.”

Fang Yi looked at the food in front of him, put down the knife and fork in his hand with a slight disgust, he stared at the clown-like border uncle in front of him, and said lightly.

“Although our Council of Sages has not yet found a fifth king’s choice, the kingdom cannot be left without a king. If the fifth person cannot be found in the near future, the Sage Council will hold a meeting of Wang Xuan in advance, and then ask Border Uncle and Miss Amelia to prepare in advance. ”

After hearing this, Rozwal’s eyes narrowed slightly, and in the heart of this smiling clown, Fang Yi’s image had completely turned into a conspirator.

If the fifth person does not appear, then there are only four people participating in the king’s election, leaving aside Fang Yi’s wife Priscilla Balière…

As the eldest daughter of the Karsten clan, Kursius Karsten is powerful enough, but she is young but has no wisdom, and she cannot match Fang Yi, who has been wielding power for sixty years.

In the previous trade war, Anastasia Hexin planted in the hands of Fang Yi because of something stupid, and the girl who was mastered by Fang Yi could make waves in the hands of this duke.

As for Amelia…

Looking at the silver-haired half-elf, Rozval reluctantly gave up the idea of letting her fight Fang Yi, although I don’t know how the process was, but now it seems…

——The foolish little girl didn’t jump out and tell Rozvall that ‘the old lady is not working’ and then ran directly with Fang Yi, which was already very face-saving for him.

With just a little analysis, Rozvall understood why Fang Yi wanted the Sage to speed up the opening of the Wang Xuan, as long as there was less variable of the last person, the winner of the Wang Xuan had basically been determined.

“What a plan, Duke.”

Rozwal, who had figured everything out, asked Fang Yi very calmly.

“The Duke personally came to the Hanshe, surely it was more than just informing me of such a trivial matter, right? Please be blunt about your purpose, after all, we are both busy. ”

“Oh, the border is really fast.”

For Rozval’s slightly squeezed words, Fang Yi did not pay attention to it, and while he spoke, he took out a document from his pocket and displayed it in front of everyone.

“This is the latest document ‘Tui En Order’ issued by the Sage Society, in order to prevent certain noble families and other heirs from enjoying the treatment due to nobility, from today onwards, the Sage will require that the heirs of noble families are eligible to inherit the territory and wealth of the family equally.”

To be honest, this document did not make Rozvall any interest, anyway, he is essentially the reincarnation of the original Rozval four hundred years ago, in this Mezas family, there will always be only one heir, there is no family infighting and power struggle, but…

“Duke, I accepted this document first. However, please be blunt about your purpose. ”

Rozvall knew that the purpose of that man was definitely not as simple as coming over to send a document, Fang Yi, as a great sage of the Sage Society, how could he come here in order to send a document, he definitely had other purposes.

“Well, here’s the big thing. Rozvall S. Count L. Mezzas, I, Fang Yi Balière, inform you in the name of the chief of the Society of Magi——”

After glancing at Tribus with bad intentions, Fang Yi immediately said solemnly.

“The country now needs the forbidden library and the gospel in your mansion, please hand them over here.”


After hearing Fang Yi’s words, Tribis, who was originally weak, immediately patted the table and stood up.

“You guy, you actually want to rob the forbidden library left by your mother?! Betty, I would never allow…”

Before she finished speaking, this angry girl felt that it was dark before, and the dizziness that had just retreated a little invaded her brain again, so that this girl did not even have the strength to speak.

“It’s not your turn to interject, little ghost.”

After lightly mocking Tribis, Fang Yi looked at Rozval and pressed.

“Jiuwen Border Uncle is a person who understands great righteousness, so he must not do treason for his own selfish interests, right? Excuse me, when will you hand these two things over? ”

If Rozvall was just vigilant just now, then after Fang Yi said the three words ‘Gospel’, this funny clown completely fell into panic.

After barely stabilizing his mind, he made a choice with a wry smile.

“You can remove the forbidden library at any time, but the gospels are not in my hands, and even if you want me to hand them over, I can’t conjure them out of nothing.”


After hearing that nonsense, an unconcealable sneer appeared on Fang Yi’s face.

“Since the border uncle is reluctant to cut love, then I will not force it. But, as a price – ”

Rem and Ram, who were on the side, suddenly saw the man raise his hand and point at the two of them.

“Can the border uncle give me these two lovely maid ladies?” After all, I have a very good impression of them, and their arrival may be able to calm my heart and make me less irritable. ”

Before it was just a threat, but now it is a naked robbery, Rozvall looked at Fang Yi’s arrogant and domineering face, and fell into deep thought again.

Rem and Ram are important pieces in his hands, and if they are abandoned here, his plan will be several years slower.

But if he provokes Fang Yi here, he will face the wrath of the Baliel clan.

In the midst of the dilemma, Rozvall could only sigh helplessly with deep despair.

“Please don’t push too much, Duke. After all…”

“Be merciful and spare.”


PS: I have to say that Emperor Wudi of Han’s Tui En order, the routine is very dirty …

At that time, the Tui En Order was completely unsolvable, and the princes did not even have a reason to rebel, and they would be promoted by most of the heirs in the family except for the eldest son…

Therefore, since then, the princes of the Han Dynasty have not turned over until Wang Mang usurped the Han.

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