In the gloomy forest, two figures in black robes looked around sneakily, and after confirming that no one was hiding in the forest, the short figure spoke first.

“Ever since Elsa’s capture of Elsa, our organization has ordered to refuse to accept your mission. You asked me over this time, shouldn’t you still want to throw the mess in your hands on our organization? Uncle Frontier, please clarify one thing—”

“We are your allies, not your pawns!”

“Oooh, please don’t be angry.”

Rozwal, cloaked, as before, like a dignified clown, said to the little girl in a smooth voice.

“I can’t blame Miss Elsa for being captured, after all, I didn’t expect her to be so unlucky to meet that man. It’s useless to blame each other now, let’s discuss how to work together in the future. ”


When these two words came out of Rozval’s mouth, the girl exploded instantly as if she had encountered a barrel of explosives in flames, and she stared hatefully at Rozval’s smelly face smeared with paint, and almost didn’t kick it.

“You actually have the face to mention the word? After Sister Elsa was captured, I kind of understood that you hippie smiling bastard said it nicely, but behind the scenes, you are testing the strength of a strong enemy. Although we are mercenaries, we are not outcasts that you will abandon when you run out of hands! We will refund the employment money to you through the intermediary, so let’s not get along with each other in the future. ”

With that, the huffing girl took a step forward with Rozvall on her back, apparently she was completely disappointed in this so-called collaborator.

“Go freely. Employment money is just a trivial matter for me, but…”

Rozvall looked at the girl’s departing back, whistled and said in a tone full of care.

“Since Miss Elsa has been caught, sooner or later the assassination of the King’s Chosen by your organization will also be exposed to that man. Guess what, can you stay out of it now? ”


In the other party’s understated words, the girl turned around angrily.

“Rozval, you bastard intended to trap us from the beginning?!”

“Well, it’s just an accident.”

Faced with the girl’s angry questioning, Rozvall spread his hands helplessly.

“No one knows why the busy man, who is the chief sage, happened to be wandering on the street a few days ago, and happened to meet Miss Elsa. But you won’t believe me when I say this, so I won’t mention it more, there are only two choices in front of you now…”

“Kill him with me to get rid of the consequences, or you will be caught when I am killed.” Smart you, you should know what to do, right? Warcraft Angel Miss Melly. ”

“I decided, let’s beat you guy to death first!”

The girl in anger drove the monster beside her to Rozval, but soon she found out helplessly…

The cunning man didn’t come here at all, and what remained in this place was just a doppelganger he made with magic, and with the claws of the monster tearing the doppelganger, Meili looked at the dust flying in the sky and let out a sigh.

“Forget it.”

Although she was dissatisfied with Rozval’s action of pulling them into the water, it was indeed not the time for infighting, and even if Elsa had a superhuman will not to tell the truth, she could not guarantee that the man would not have the magic to make people confide their true feelings.

One more day, Mei Li and the organization behind her will have a higher probability of being detected, and if she doesn’t want to end up like this, she can only kill the other party before Fang Yi realizes the truth.

“But it’s not easy. After all…”

“The opponent is that Lugnica’s ‘military god’, I’d better think about how to solve the other party…”

In despair, the dejected girl walked out of the forest, and at the entrance of the forest, a sentence was marked in the official language of Lugnica.

‘There are Warcraft inside, please do not enter. ’

The next day, early in the morning –

Under the costumes of the two little maids, Fang Yi, who had changed his clothes, took the initiative to make a request to the two.

“Well, I’m idle anyway, you two take me to Meizasqing’s territory for a stroll.”

After hearing this request, Ram’s face instantly darkened.

There was nothing wrong with the request itself, but Miss Ram had not forgotten what Fang Yi had said when he was scolding her in the carriage a few days ago.

I’m the chief of the Society of Sages, but I’m very busy. Wasting the time of the chief of the Sage Society, but it is no different from harming Rugnika’s interests, should you think again…”

“Obviously I said that I was very busy at that time…”


After hearing Ram’s whispered thoughts, Fang Yi turned his head with a kind smile.

“Ram, do you have anything to say?”

“Nope! Yes! ”

The girl who was so angry by the other party walked out of the door of the room with a puff out, and after seeing her sister leave, Rem, who was still calm, immediately bowed deeply to Fang Yi.

“If Lord Duke wants to come with us, it’s now. We go to the village next door every few days to buy, and today is the day of purchasing. ”

“Oh good, then lead the way.”

Saying that, Fang Yi walked out of the room indifferently, and then in the unmanned corridor, he glanced at the drone outside the window and showed a sneer.

Hmph, really think I don’t know what you’re doing Rosswal, I heard all the conversations you had with that imp last night…

Since you’re going to get a head start, then I’ll give you this opportunity, but I’ll let you know…

——You can’t bear the consequences of angering me.

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