When the morning breeze blew into the room, Fang Yi, who had already woken up, pinched his fingers and calculated, and after hearing a rush of footsteps, he said to himself lightly.

“Is it finally here?”

“Mess with things, give me death!”

With a fierce roar, the door was directly torn into wood chips by a sweeping hurricane, and among the flying wood chips, Ram in anger held a wind sword and stabbed directly at Fang Yi’s heart.

Fang Yi, who had long known that the other party would come, frowned slightly as he looked at the sharp sword.

He was not dissatisfied with Ram’s attack on him – anyway, the girl’s radical approach would only pull her and Rozval into the fire pit, and the reason why Fang Yi frowned was mainly because he saw two lines of tear stains on Ram’s face.

– “Possession of skills. Change”

Incarnate as Thomas. Edison’s Fang Yi directly pinched the Wind Sword with his thick fingers, and pinched the weapon into crumbs with huge force.

The girl, who had already fallen into madness, directly transported all the magic power in her body after the weapon was destroyed, because of some misunderstanding, this girl had already regarded Fang Yi as Fang Yi as the enemy who killed her sister.

Since the most important person was no longer in this world, of course Ram lost all scruples, she hugged Fang Yi’s rough body fiercely, and tried to use all her magic power to directly use her body as explosives to self-detonate.

“Reim’s killer! Even if I die, I will drag you to hell with me!” ”

“Then you have to have this ability.”

Feeling the intense magic power raging in the space, Fang Yi finally understood why Ram suddenly fell into such a violent state, according to the words and actions of the other party, Rem seemed to have lost his life for some reason.

Fang Yi, who didn’t even need to think, knew this plot for a long time, instantly understood what happened, and after sighing with a subtle expression, he liberated the treasure.

In the black and white light, Ram felt that all the magic power she released disappeared without a trace in an instant, and the girl who had lost all her strength could only kneel weakly on the ground and look at Fang Yi angrily with resentful eyes.

“Won’t forgive you… Definitely won’t forgive you…”

“It’s a real trouble.”

Feeling the girl’s hateful gaze, Fang Yi naturally lifted the powerless Ram out of the room, ignoring Ram, who was struggling madly, and he walked lightly to the room where the two sisters lived.

On the bed, Rem had long stopped breathing, and from the distorted expression on the girl’s face, Fang Yi seemed to see that Rem was still in pain at the end of her life.

Ram, who had calmed down a little, instantly roared angrily at Fang Yi after seeing Reim.

“Why do you pretend to look like this after killing Reim? Fake murderer, I will not spare you even if I die!” ”

“Ahhh, it’s really disturbing to be misunderstood.”

Fang Yi threw Ram aside and strolled to Reim’s side, and before Ram could storm away, he took the lead and aimed the power of the treasure at Reim, covering the girl’s stiff body with light.

Ram, who was originally in a rage, suddenly stopped the movement in her hand, and she looked at Reim’s ‘corpse’ in disbelief, covered her mouth and exclaimed.

“Rei, Reim?!”

Reim, who had lost her breath, suddenly came back to life, and Ram looked at her sister’s undulating peaks and rushed up to Rem with joy and tears.

The sister, who was worried about her sister, hugged her sister who had come back from the dead, and formed a picture scroll with the fragrance of lilies—this kind of thing did not happen.

Before Ram could rush to Reim, she was once again like a chicken and was lifted in the air by Fang Yi.

If it was before, Ram could also be angry with this so-called ‘murderer’, but after knowing that he misunderstood the other party, the grumpy kitten instantly turned into a docile husky.

“Although I can understand your feelings, ah…”

Fang Yi looked at Ram, whose eyes were dodging, indifferently, and analyzed rationally.

“Your sister was cursed and took away a lot of her magic and now desperately needs a good rest to recover. Are you rushing up now without saying a word, do you want to kill her again? Obediently, what you should do now is not to hold your sister and cry, but to go outside to breathe in the fresh air. ”

“And then?”

After hearing what Fang Yi said, Ram immediately asked.

“Lord Duke, since you can pull Rem back from Hades in an instant, you must know why she became like this, right?”

“Of course. All I need you to relax, after all, if you want to avenge Rem later, there is a hard fight to fight. ”

It was clear that Fang Yi’s tone was very steady, but Ram vaguely felt a hint of concern from it, and then thought that this man had also saved his most important sister, Ram really felt that all his past actions against him were too much.


“Please wait a minute!”

Rozwal, who appeared at the door at an unknown time, looked at the girl on the bed and showed a scowl on her face.

Rozval, who had cooperated with Meili, instantly understood that this was a curse released by Warcraft after seeing Reim’s ’cause of death’, and in the territory of the Meizas family, only Meili was the only person who could drive Warcraft.

That damn little bitch is taking revenge on me by killing Rem?

Rozwal, who was dark in his heart, had already had killing intent on the so-called ‘ally’ after misunderstanding Meili’s actions without authorization, and since the other party planned to cross the river and tear down the bridge, there was no need to pay attention to morality on his side.

With a rare serious look, Rozvall walked up to Fang Yi and took the initiative to petition.

“Lord Duke, please let me accompany you, since the enemy is unknown, you, as the chief sage of Lugnica, are not suitable for battle. Besides, I also want to avenge my lovely maid! ”

“Correct it, Border Uncle.”

Looking at Rozwal, Fang Yi said grimly.

“Rem is already my maid, we don’t need your intervention in the affairs of the Baliel clan, so it’s better to think about how a villain who can manipulate Warcraft invades here through the magic enchantment.”

Saying that, Fang Yi took Ram’s hand and forcefully pulled Ram out of the room, and Ram, who originally liked to contradict Fang Yi, actually did not make any resistance for the first time, allowing the other party to leave with him.

Looking at Ram’s obedient appearance, the haze on Rozval’s face became a little stronger, and after a few clicks in the air, Rozval connected with Ram’s thinking link.

“Ram, I know you want to avenge Reim. But remember, don’t forget your current task. If the man fights with someone else, find a chance to kill him—don’t tell me you can’t do it. ”


Ram, who originally planned to respond to Rozval, fell into hesitation when she thought that the other party had saved her most important sister, she was not a hard-hearted person, and after Fang Yi saved Remu, she felt that she could no longer kill this benefactor.

Perhaps sensing the hesitation in Ram’s heart, Rozwal’s tone became a little more impatient.

“Actually confused? Don’t forget who saved you from the witch cult years ago! Be clear where you stand, Ram! If you can’t complete the task…”

“Then I can only judge you as a traitor who betrayed me.”

After leaving behind his cold words, Rozvall unilaterally cut off contact, and Ram, who was still running with Fang Yi, suddenly felt a dizziness in front of him.

Rozwal, who originally shone like the sun in the darkness of Ram’s heart, threw Ram back into the darkness from the warm sun after leaving these threats, and at this moment, Ram finally understood.

Rozvall never had any feelings for her from the beginning, and from the moment she was saved by Rozvall, she was used as a pawn by the man without permission.

The lost girl cried out in a whisper that no one else could hear.

“Obviously, I longed for Lord Rozvall so much, but now…”

“I, what should I do…”

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