The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 193 Chu Zi’s route is clear

Carrying his suitcase, Chu Zihang stood in front of his house.

This time I went home not only because the school was on summer vacation, but also because the school’s enrollment plan was specially approved by the principal, and he was the examiner for the Chinese enrollment.

In the next month or so, he will travel to 13 provinces in China.

… Overall, it’s a very thankless job.

However, Chu Zihang was very indifferent to this. The only thing that puzzled him was that Caesar suddenly had a convulsion and wanted to join the recruitment team.

There are many clubs in Kassel College, but in terms of influence and scale, only two clubs can stand at the top.

One is the Lion Heart Club under his leadership, and the other is the Student Union under Caesar's leadership. After he joined the Lion Heart Club and served as president, he naturally formed an opposing layer with each other.

In the last free day, after he single-handedly killed Caesar and won the final victory, the other party seemed to have been pestering him and would get involved in anything.

...Frankly speaking, he felt a little annoyed.

He admitted that Caesar's strength was indeed good, and he had obviously received special training, but compared with him who had gone through several hell-like trials, he obviously seemed a little inadequate.

Originally, he wanted the other party to give up when faced with difficulties, but he did not expect that the other party had the kind of character that became more courageous the more frustrated he became. He suffered repeated defeats and repeated defeats. In the past year, the other party had approached him for 75 dates. times, the current record is 24 wins, 50 losses and 1 draw.

...Chu Zihang felt that the other party was treating him as a whetstone.

It is precisely because of this that after the plane landed, he said goodbye to the team without stopping and went straight home, fearing that the other party would get bored and catch him to compete again. Anyway, the enrollment started tomorrow, and there was no need for him to squeeze in with Caesar and the others. A hotel.

"Aren't you at home..."

After returning home and putting away his luggage, Chu Zihang ran to the next door to have a look... His master had authorized the door lock password to him.

But neither his mother nor his master and Xia Mi were at home at this time, and they didn't know where they went.

Originally, there should be Mai Shutoku and Eri at home, but they had already returned to Japan a year ago. However, due to the existence of the random door, the space barrier is no longer a problem, so they often come over in groups to open doors. A party.

Chu Zihang still remembered the scene when he went home last time, when he was dragged into a competition by his master's younger brother Yuan Zhisheng. It was said that the opponent was an outstanding graduate of his predecessor from Kassel College and was currently struggling. His younger step-sister has assumed the position of Director of the Executive Bureau. His biggest wish at present is to hope that his younger brother Yuan Zhennu will grow up quickly and take over his duties, so that he can sell sunscreen oil on a nudist beach in France...

Shaking his head slightly to disperse the thoughts in his mind, Chu Zihang lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to check the time. After thinking about it for a while, he walked to the refrigerator and opened it to take a look.

...Then Chu Zihang fell silent.

The refrigerator was densely filled with Coke and orange juice. The ratio of the two was about 2:1, filling up the space in the refrigerator.

As for the lower shelf of the refrigerator, in addition to Coke and orange juice, there are also ice creams of various flavors.

Whenever it's time for meals, Mai Shutoku will use any door to come here to help cook, and occasionally other people or together, so Mu Qingzhi's refrigerator has not been stocked with vegetables for a long time.

He sighed helplessly, closed the refrigerator, took the car keys and went out.

Because her master suffered from motion sickness, there were no cars in her home. In Nuo Da's garage, there were only two bicycles, one red and one blue, placed next to each other.

After staring silently at the two bicycles in front of him for a while, Chu Zihang returned to his home, and then drove a Maybach from his garage.

I don’t know if it’s because of that man’s influence. Although there are dozens of luxury cars in his garage, he always only drives a Maybach.

An hour later, carrying the results from the vegetable market, Chu Zihang parked the Maybach into his master's garage. After moving all the dishes he bought to the kitchen, he picked up the The apron on the side was tied around his waist.

His cooking skills are actually very good. After all, his mother is not very good at cooking. Although there is a nanny at home, he is still used to doing it himself.

When Aki Shutoku, Eriki and Minamoto came here through any door, what they saw was Chu Zihang wearing an apron and working in the kitchen, looking like a good wife and mother.

Shude Aki: "......"

...She suddenly felt that the meaning of her existence had been deprived of her.


Because Chu Zihang often came here to have dinner, Chu Zihang recognized Minamoto's daughter Jiudoku Aki and the others, so the situation was not awkward at all.

After a few simple greetings, Yuan Zhennu took the initiative to get into the kitchen and help. In the past few years, his cooking skills have become more and more sophisticated. Although he still only knows how to scramble eggs, if he puts it in Japan, , he will definitely have the title of Egg Fairy.

Unlike her brother's dream of selling suntan lotion on a nudist beach in France, Yuan Jingnu also has her own great dream, which is to become the number one legendary cowherd in the industry.

For this dream, he and Sakurai Kogure have secretly practiced many times, and now they have successfully debuted under the alias Kazama Ruri.

Although due to lack of time, this name is unknown in the Cowherd world, Yuan Jingnu believes that where there is a will, there is a way, and one day he will become a legend on Cowherd Street.

——Faced with the two brothers’ dreams that were more bizarre than the last, Chu Zihang could only remain polite and silent.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when it was almost dark, Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi finally returned home.

I have to say that this party was quite worthwhile for them to attend.

Mu Qingzhi never thought that the little goddess Su Xiaoqiang would choose this time to confess her love to Lu Mingfei in the cinema, and she didn't know if it was Zhao Menghua's idea. The scene of the little goddess' confession completely replicated Zhao Menghua's method in the original plot. , it’s just that the protagonist has been replaced.

In the original plot, Lu Mingfei is the lowercase i, the protagonists are Zhao Menghua and Chen Wenwen, and the supporting role is Su Xiaoqiang. In this plot that she has greatly rewritten, Zhao Menghua is the lowercase i, and the protagonists are Lu Mingfei and Su Xiaoqiang. The supporting role is Chen Wenwen...

To be honest, watching Lu Mingfei stand helpless under the spotlight and face Su Xiaoqiang's affectionate confession, Mu Qingzhi felt a sense of satisfaction that her adopted son had finally grown up.

Sitting in the last seat with Xia Mi, the two of them were eating melon very enthusiastically. When Lu Mingfei glanced over, she gave each other an encouraging thumbs up...

——The only pity is that Lu Mingfei’s firm refusal failed to end the confession.

"Is it still Nono? But that's not right. At this time, the two of them probably haven't met yet..."

On the way home, Mu Qingzhi was puzzled.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later, probably before three o'clock.

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