Standing in the bustling crowd and looking at the train ticket in her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked up somewhat numbly at the church-like dome of the Chicago train station above her head.

...She suddenly regretted coming here.

After two days and one night of traveling from home to abroad, flying, taking buses, jet lag, and the motion sickness buff she brought with her, she felt like she was about to burn out.

However, compared to her, Xia Mi and Lu Mingfei, who were traveling with her, were in relatively good spirits.

Xia Mi ran to buy Coke and fried chicken, while Lu Mingfei stood in the corner guarding the suitcases. There were four suitcases on the left and one on the right, and there were three backpacks hanging on his body.

To outsiders, Lu Mingfei was acting as a flower protector, and he carried the suitcases and backpacks alone, but in fact, most of the things in them belonged to him.

With Na Jie here, Mu Qingzhi and Xia Mi didn't need any luggage, so they simply packed a few clothes into the box, and then each of them carried a bag. It was enough.

But what Lu Mingfei said was extremely exaggerated.

When they went to pick up Lu Mingfei, Lu Mingfei gave them the feeling that he seemed to be moving. It didn't matter that he brought a brand new quilt that had just been made. He even stuffed an extra pressure cooker into his backpack. I also brought a sack of potatoes, bacon and eggs...

The entire set of equipment weighed almost more than himself.

Of the four suitcases, Xia Mi and Mu Qingzhi only occupied one. Lu Mingfei took the backpack, but it wasn't heavy.

"...How about sitting on the suitcase?"

Looking at the girl leaning against the wall with a dull look in her eyes, Lu Mingfei spoke after a little hesitation.

"If you still get motion sickness, I have motion sickness pills in my pocket."

There was a lot of traffic in the Chicago train station, and they were bustling with people. They arrived late, and there was no room for them to sit, so they could only stand in the corner so miserable.

"It's useless. I asked. I've been infected with the motion sickness meme. There's no cure."

Sighing, Mu Qingzhi squatted down by the wall, leaning against it.

"That's an infection at the bottom level of rules. How can a small motion sickness medicine relieve this symptom? It doesn't exist. You will still faint if you should."

Lu Mingfei: "..."

...As expected, he still couldn't keep up with the girl's brain.

"It's coming, it's been a long wait everyone!!"

At this moment, Xia Mi's whistling voice came from the side.

Carrying several bags and three large glasses of ice-cold Coke in her hands, the girl with a single ponytail squeezed through the crowd and came to them.

"The timing of our arrival was very bad. This time is when the Chicago train station has the most people, but if you wait patiently for about half an hour, a seat will be available. Don't worry, it will be available soon."

Passing a glass of iced Coke in front of Mu Qingzhi, who was almost speechless, Xia Mi started to comfort her.

"I bought a fried chicken burger, fries and a sandwich. Let's eat something to replenish our energy first."

...To be honest, she couldn't understand him either.

It's probably the funniest joke in the world that King Bai, who controls the spiritual power, would be so carsick... but the other party wasn't pretending on purpose, there's no need to fake that kind of discomfort, so it's very strange.


Without any intention of replying, Mu Qingzhi nodded feebly after taking a sip of ice coke to replenish her energy.


Just as Xia Mi said, half an hour later, the crowd in the train station became looser at a speed visible to the naked eye.

But when they successfully found seats and Lu Mingfei took the tickets to find the CC1000 express train, something happened.

——There is no express train here at the train station.

"CC 1,000 express trains? Never heard of it...the ticket looks real, but there really isn't such an express train here."

After checking the ticket over and over for a while, he reached out and scratched his head. The young attendant apologetically handed over a timetable that still smelled of hot dogs.

"This is a new version of the train timetable. It contains all the information about the trains at the Chicago train station. Why don't you go back and check it carefully?"

...But Lu Mingfei looked at this timetable over and over again, but couldn't find any information.

"It's about the entrance test, I understand that."

He stretched out his hand to adjust the glasses he had put on at some point, and Xia Mi's eyes shone with the light of wisdom.

"Academies like these always like to test students with some inexplicable tests. It's the same old routine. If I guess correctly, this should be a test similar to solving a puzzle."

"Solve the puzzle..."

"Yes, there is only one truth. Trust my intuition."

Interrupting Lu Mingfei's words, who was still a little hesitant, Xia Mi crossed his arms over his chest and looked like he had seen through everything.

"If I guess correctly, the answer to the puzzle should be hidden in the envelope Norma sent us. As long as we can crack the answer, we can successfully find the hidden CC1000 express train!!"

——The words of a certain Dragon King were full of confidence.


Seeing the two people over there who had actually taken out the envelope and carefully searched for clues, after a while of silence, Mu Qingzhi silently took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and then made a call to Angers.

"The train hasn't arrived yet?"

On the other end of the phone, Ange looked surprised.

"You said before that you were motion sick, so I specially sent someone to fly a helicopter to pick you up. Didn't you get the call?"


After looking at the dozens of missed calls displayed on her phone, Mu Qingzhi remained speechless.

In other words, when she drove to the Chicago train station, there seemed to be a phone ringing on the way...

"...I'm still a little afraid of heights, so I decided to take the train."

Angers: "..."

"...Well, I'll temporarily arrange a train to pick you up."

Reaching out and pressing his forehead hard, Ange answered in as calm a tone as possible.

"But if we make temporary arrangements, it may be a little late. You may have to wait at the train station for a day or so, okay?"


After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi reluctantly nodded.

"But if possible, I still hope you can hurry up."

"Don't worry, I will rush you here. You will only arrive early, not late."

Walking to the window and looking at the scenery outside the window, Ange rubbed his eyebrows.

"Also, after you get to school, come to my place first."

"...Someone has been wanting to see you for a long time."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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