The situation in the attic is much better than Mu Qingzhi imagined.

She expected to see yellow CDs and wine bottles everywhere when she entered the place, and large-scale posters of hot girls on the walls, but she didn't expect that the inside was unexpectedly clean.

After seeing her arrival, the middle-aged uncle in a plaid shirt looked very enthusiastic. Although he was older than Angers, he looked much younger than Angers, but his beer belly was quite big. Eye-catching.

"Hello, hello, my name is Nicholas Flamel. You can just call me Flamel. This is my real name."

He enthusiastically pulled up a chair for her. The old cowboy looked at her with eager eyes, his face full of expectation, and his eyes just needed a special effect of star eyes.

"I have read your alchemy works many times, and I have always wanted to visit you, but I have no time. Now I am finally waiting for you to come. Can you explain to me the relevant design concepts of your works?"

Mu Qingzhi: "..."

...She felt like the other party had misunderstood something.

She stayed in the attic for an hour.

During this hour, she basically listened to the old cowboy in front of her happily talking about various alchemical theories, while she only had to listen with a smile on her face.

Mu Qingzhi also knew that her true alchemy level could never be concealed from the real alchemist master in front of her, so she just pretended to agree with her throughout the whole process. But what made her depressed was that she was obviously talking as much nonsense as possible. , but the vice principal in front of him nodded repeatedly, getting more and more excited as he listened.

When sending her out, the other party was grateful and said that this meeting provided a lot of inspiration to the other party... She suspected that the other party was pretending on purpose, but there was no evidence.

"Huh? Why are you still waiting here?"

As soon as she came down from the attic, Mu Qingzhi saw Chu Zihang waiting under the tree.

"I'll take you to the dormitory, Master."

Standing up from the bench under the tree, Chu Zihang had a concise expression on his face.

"Kassel College is very big. If you ask someone for directions, it will take a lot of time. I happen to have nothing to do today."

"...Okay, you lead the way."

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded.


At the same time, in the church attic, an old cowboy looked at the scene below through the window with a serious look on his face.

Perhaps because he is getting older, he always recalls the past easily. Looking at the boys and girls leaving side by side below, he unconsciously thought of his youth.

I still remember that when he was young, he stood on the pavilion like this and watched the youthful young girls below walking by...

"How's it going? What's your test result?"

At this moment, a voice sounded behind him.

Ange took out a bottle of red wine from the wine cabinet on the side and poured himself a glass without ceremony.

"The result? The result is that there is no result."

Turning his head to look at Angers, the old cowboy sighed in his mouth.

"Your guess is correct. She is indeed not Norton. This is not orthodox alchemy at all, but purely spiritual interference with reality."

Looking at the red wine glass in Ange's hand, he looked depressed.

"There is no alchemical matrix or alchemical ritual. She just held the wine glass in your hand for a moment and turned it into a brand new alchemical item... I have never seen this kind of alchemy. Technique."


Listening to the other party's story, Ange froze just as he was about to put the red wine in the glass into his mouth.

After a moment of silence, he silently put down the cup in his hand.

"What kind of alchemy tool is this?"

"You'll know after you drink it. It's easy to understand."

Sighing, the old cowboy sat down on his sofa.

"The liquid flowing out of that cup, no matter what was poured into it before, will change into random flavors when poured out. I tasted a handful of bitter melon juice and pickled cabbage soup before, and I thought it was quite interesting. You can do the same. try it."

Angers: "..."

... He silently pushed the red wine glass further away from himself.

"So this isn't alchemy?"

Raising his head, he looked at the old cowboy in front of him.

"No, this is also alchemy, but it's the most advanced kind."

The old cowboy lit a cigarette for himself and huddled half of his body on the sofa with a serious look on his face.

"There are seven top achievements in alchemy, called the Seven Kingdoms, which are element replacement, spiritual recasting, concept arming, time counterflow, space opening, life creation, and causal separation. The method she demonstrated should be among them [Spiritual Recasting].”

"...I always think this setting is nonsense."

"It's nonsense, but you have indeed seen it now. Things like [Nibelung] are themselves the product of space opening up in the Seven Kingdoms."

The old cowboy shrugged slightly.

"I have always guessed what [spiritual recasting] in the Seven Kingdoms would be, but I didn't expect it to actually be a literal meaning... purely using the spirit to interfere with reality and giving items unique attributes and abilities. This is the so-called [spiritual recasting]. "Recast" means to use the spirit to recast the object, which is simple and unpretentious."


"Who else do you think can master this top level of alchemy, which is also related to spiritual authority?"

Glancing at him, the old cowboy took a deep puff of the cigarette in his hand.

"Didn't you find a descendant of the White King in Japan? And she happens to be the eldest lady in that family. Her identity has been clear from the beginning, but you subconsciously don't want to believe it. That’s all.”


Angers remained silent.

Originally, he had suspected this kind of thing before, but now after the confirmation of the guy in front of him, this kind of thing was confirmed.

It's just that he can't judge whether this kind of thing is good or bad.

——Thousands of years later, the legendary white emperor returned to the world in the long history.


"'s really a dormitory building..."

Looking at the girls' dormitory in front of her, Mu Qingzhi looked disappointed.

In fact, the accommodation conditions in Kassel are not bad, and the dormitory for two people is quite spacious. However, she has too many things that she cannot show outside. Living in such a mixed dormitory is somewhat inconvenient.

"Master, if you are not used to living in the dormitory, you can go to Norton Hall."

After a slight pause, Chu Zihang added an additional sentence.

“…There are still plenty of empty rooms and no one is bothering them.”

"Norton Hall?"

Turning her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the other party.

"The prize I won during last year's Freedom Day was a luxurious villa on campus. Daily activities of the Lionheart Club are held there, and my daily office is also there."

While saying this, Chu Zihang raised the mobile phone in his hand.

"I have asked Lu Mingfei and Xia Mi before. They are both willing to move there. Now I only need your opinion, Master."

"...So why don't you take me directly to Norton Hall?"

"It's okay today. I'll take Master to familiarize you with the school environment."


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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