Italy, Portofino, splendid hotel.

Although it was almost midnight, the place was still brightly lit. A black Royce car wound up the mountain, entered the black iron gate of the hotel, and then stopped in front of a small building.

It was the largest suite in the Splendid Hotel. It was a single-family building with embossed white marble on the outer wall. It was originally a place for penance and introspection in the monastery. It faced the cliff and had narrow windows, like a small fortress.

This building is not open to the public and only receives a few fixed guests at fixed times every year. However, as it approached midnight today, the lights suddenly came on.

When Angers stepped into the room, he was a little surprised to find that he was the last one to arrive. At the conference table, only two chairs at the head and end were left empty.

This is a dark conference room with small windows high up. It was a place where ancient monks practiced asceticism.

After looking around the table and all the people paying attention to him, Angers smiled slightly, then walked around the table unceremoniously and sat at the front seat.

The Kassel School Board is the evolution of the Secret Party Presbyterian Church. The people sitting here are the real highest class among the mixed race, the holders of power. Angers is just the executor elected by them.

"Okay, can we start? I'm going to go to the hot springs later."

Looking away from Ange, who was already seated, he reached out and scratched his head. The middle-aged man wearing a bathrobe complained in his mouth.

——From his still wet hair and the bathrobe on his body, it is easy to see that he came from the hot spring.

Unlike other school directors who came from all over the world, he lived here in Portofino, so among the people present, he was the only one who dressed so casually.

"Hot spring? Count me in later."

Looking towards the middle-aged man, Angre nodded slightly.

"I was busy catching a flight from Kassel to come here, and now I am very sleepy."

"No problem, I happen to have two bottles of nice wine there."

The middle-aged man was beaming.

"Ange, you came just in time, we will..."

——A sudden cough interrupted his words.

Using a cane, an old-looking man rubbed the family ring he was wearing on his hand.

"Let's talk about small talk later, let's talk about business now."

Raising his head, the old man looked at Angers with hawk-like eyes.

"As the principal, Angers, should you give us an explanation about what happened on Freedom Day this year?"

"Explanation? Didn't you read the post that Flamel posted on the Night Watch forum? That post has been posted for more than three hours."

Spreading his hands, Ange looked surprised.

"He should have already explained everything that needs to be explained."

"You know, we never want something that's just perfunctory."

Staring directly at him, the old man's face was expressionless.

"The crimson sky, the giant dragon that appeared on campus, the miracle of resurrection from the dead, the ferocious scarab... these things cannot be explained by a simple alchemy product. As the school board of directors As a member of the Turban, we have the right to know the truth."

"...Okay, I admit what you said."

After a moment of silence, Angers sighed.

"Those things are a collaboration between the thousand-year-old reclusive alchemy family in the East and Cassel Academy. After [Kui Suspicion], this is another great alchemy creation restored by that family."

As he spoke, Angers took out the documents prepared in advance from the briefcase beside him and distributed them one by one.

"The document contains photos and detailed information of the alchemy item. It is called [Kunlun Mirror]. Its main function is to cover reality, thereby creating a large-scale illusion that is too fake to be real. Although the illusion will be injured, it will not be real. Death is equivalent to another form of Nibelung, the dragon and the scarab are all simulated after inputting reality-related data."

While several school directors were looking down at the documents, Angers explained patiently.

"It's not that I don't want to report this kind of thing to the school board, but that thing just arrived at Cassel College today. Later, Flamel and I studied it together for a long time, so we lost track of time."

"Is [Kunlun Mirror]... a creation of the same level as [Kuiyi]?"

After reading the contents of the document carefully and carefully, a young and exaggerated girl who looked to be sixteen or seventeen years old at most asked out of curiosity.

Each of the school directors sitting here has personally experienced the full-condition adaptation effect of [Kui Sui], so for this brand-new alchemical creation, they accept new things very quickly.

Although the effect of this [Kunlun Mirror] is outrageous, compared with the even more outrageous effect of [Kuiyi], it is only on par.

"It's not easy to draw a conclusion on this. We have to wait for further research by Flamel."

Turning to look at the girl, Ange smiled kindly.

"The use of [Kunlun Mirror] is not as simple as [Kunlun Mirror], and its scope of application is also limited to mixed races. If an ordinary person dies in that illusion, he is likely to usher in true brain death. If If you, the school directors, need it, you can borrow it from Kassel after Flamel has clarified all the functions of the alchemy creation and created an instruction manual. However, when using it, it is best to strictly follow the instruction manual. Require."

"What about that brand new word spirit [Feng Jue]?"

Putting the documents in his hand back on the table, the old man who spoke first was still sharp in his words.

"Also, regarding the alchemy family that has been hidden for thousands of years, the secret party cannot find any information. Is it possible that..."

"The history of that family is much longer than the history of the secret party. It is strange to be able to find information about them."

Shaking his head slightly, Angers interrupted the old man's words, his tone still calm.

"The other party is a friend, not an enemy. We all stand on the same stand. It was hard for me to replace our secret party and gain the friendship of that thousand-year-old family. I hope the Gattuso family will not do anything unpleasant again."

"...What about [Feng Jue]?"

After a moment of silence, the old man asked.

"How do you explain Mu Qingzhi, the A-level freshman who enrolled this year? Or rather, the eldest lady of the Uesugi family of the eight Seraki families in Japan... Uesugi Zhizhi?"

"You should know better about her identity information."

Leaning back on the armrest of the chair, Angers smiled slightly.

"In the Unnamed Port incident that occurred in Siberia more than ten years ago, she was not the only survivor who escaped from there. Weren't all the three of Khorkina taken away by you? You should have Enough information was mined from them.”

As soon as Ange said these words, the old man fell silent.

He originally wanted to use this incident as a breakthrough point, but unexpectedly, Ange admitted it openly. A set of combos caught him off guard.

According to his intelligence channels, the girl named Mu Qingzhi has been living in China in the past few years, and she is indeed comparable to the thousand-year-old alchemy hidden family that Angers said...

He has understood the culture in China, and he also understands that those reclusive families like to come up with the name of "walking in the world". If nothing else, Mu Qingzhi is the contemporary walking in that family.


"Okay, it seems that everyone has no objections to this matter. Let's move on to the next topic."

With a slight smile in his mouth, Angers looked away.

"The next topic is about this day of freedom..."

——The night gradually darkens.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Give me a few days to adjust...

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