Holding a wine glass, Nono leaned against the railing on the second floor and silently looked at the lively crowd below.

Because of her past, she is actually a very insecure person, but most of the time, she is used to wearing several covering masks on her face.

This has nothing to do with anything else, it's just her own little rule of survival.

She was a little happy that Caesar could remember her birthday and specially held such a dance for her...but she was just happy.

The birthday present she wanted was actually none of these.

The surprises after the entire ball were far less than the bouquet of roses that Caesar hadtily gave her before the ball began.

...But it doesn’t matter.

After taking a sip of the red wine in the glass, Nono leaned forward slightly and rested his chin lazily on the armrest.

She knew Caesar. He was such a stubborn person, extremely confident and a bit of a middle-of-the-road person. He spent all his time hoping that others would say good things about him. In fact, she didn't really like his behavior...but it wasn't really annoying.

When the other party's younger brothers came to wish her a happy birthday, she could only keep smiling politely. She had to accept the kindness of those people. After all, in the eyes of those people, she was Caesar's natural fiancée.

… Bored people want to sleep.

There were so many people at the dance, and no one was having fun.

...Maybe there are still a few?

Moving his eyes slightly to the left, Nono looked at the dining table in the corner.

Dances are always elegant. Everyone wears a formal suit or dress and walks around the venue with a wine glass, talking and laughing with other people, or dancing with the person they like. Everything they say and do is full of elegance. Noble atmosphere.

The people invited to this ball are all elites. They have received the aristocratic elite education from their families since they were young. No one would do anything extraordinary on such an occasion...but there were a few surprises.

The A-level freshman named Xia Mi has been eating since she came to the dance. No matter how handsome the boy is when she invites her to dance, he will wave his hand and not even look up.

Logically speaking, this is actually a very rude behavior, but due to the other party's incredible appearance, this rude behavior actually looks a bit innocent and cute.

There's no way around it, but this is a face-based world.

...But Nono clearly understood that the girl named Xia Mi was by no means as harmless as she seemed.

As one of the experimental products created by the Chen family, she and her brother "Key" are two extremes. Her brother has a very high dragon bloodline and a mysterious spirit that can open any "door" in the world. However, for the sake of his own bloodline, Therefore, the other party can only keep the appearance and mind of a baby for life, and does not even have a decent name.

Although she is said to have the body shape and mind of a normal human being, and also has A-level dragon blood, she does not have a word spirit, and only has a special ability called profiling.

Through this special ability, she can often accurately read the hidden side of other people's hearts.

Some are kind, some are ugly, some are lonely, some are sad...all kinds of things.

What she liked to do most when she was bored was to use this ability to observe others. She had seen the purest goodness in the world, and also appreciated the purest evil in the world. Things that others took great pains to hide seemed to her like transparent.

Precisely because she has seen it too much, she is actually a very cold person in her heart, but she is very good at pretending.

She is like this, and so is the new student named Xia Mi.

——She saw several images of the other party.

The first thing I saw was an almost suffocating loneliness. The other person was sitting in the corner holding his legs. There was no sound on the screen, but there was a black despair.

Then, in the black despair, she saw a ray of light, as if someone had forcibly dragged the other person out of the darkness. The originally gloomy scene was covered with a layer of warm tones of the sunset.

In fact, if it were just that, this would be just a story about a person who had fallen into darkness and was redeemed... But the problem was, she also saw a third picture.

In the third scene, she saw the other party lying on the ground with a look of despair, with Lao Gao's mountain of debt weighing on him...

Just like the funny scene she saw on Mu Qingzhi earlier where a strange blue-haired girl waved and said hello to her, the third scene she saw was also full of absurdity and weirdness.

...So the other party is now in a state of owing a lot of money?

Putting one hand on the railing to support his chin, Nono looked thoughtful.

As for the rest...

Slightly looking away, Nono looked at Lu Mingfei, the S-class freshman who also joined the army of foodies, sitting opposite Xia Mi.

I don’t know what’s wrong with the other party. He obviously got his wish and danced with his crush before, but now he looks depressed. Compared with the previous time in the field, the other party seems to be a completely different person now. people……

Nono shook his head and didn't think about it any further.

"What, can't you get excited?"

At this moment, a voice came from behind her.

"Pretty much, the excitement doesn't belong to me, and the dances are all the same."

Standing up straight and turning around, Nono made a face at the person coming behind him.

"How's it going? Have your discussions with her come to fruition?"

"So much so."

With a sigh, Caesar handed over an invitation letter from his arms.

"She asked me to give this to you as an apology. She asked you to wait until 10 o'clock to open it."

"The invitation...what, is she planning to invite me to another banquet?"

While looking at the invitation in his hand, Nono looked curious.

"Speaking of which, she and I don't seem to have much interaction, right?"

"I don't know, but you can ask her yourself when the time comes."

With a chuckle in her mouth, she leaned down slightly and put one hand on her chest. Caesar stretched out his hand towards her.

"By the way, this beautiful lady, I wonder if I would have the honor to invite you to dance with me tonight?"

Because of the two tangos performed by someone before, he almost stole all the limelight from his family, especially the latter one, which almost grabbed 99% of the focus of the audience.

This is like when you and your lover are holding a wedding, and you suddenly find that the bridesmaid is wearing a phoenix crown and the best man is wearing a champion suit... This can already be regarded as ruining the scene.

——Although he was the first to applaud vigorously afterwards, it was impossible to say that he didn't mind at all.


He could tell what Caesar was thinking at a glance. He sighed secretly in his heart, put away the invitation, and put the wine glass in his hand on the table aside. Nono gave the other party a polite smile in return.

"My pleasure."

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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