The Holy Palace Medical Association is a mysterious organization that is deeply hidden in human society.

In the past, before Mu Qingzhi retired from the position of director of the Executive Bureau, while pursuing information about Herzog and Bondarev, he had briefly come into contact with the information of the Holy Palace Medical Association.

In the following years, when she built the Any Door and started running around the world, she also caught the tail of this organization many times.

But it is a pity that this organization is extremely cautious. After realizing that someone was investigating them, they decisively cut off all clues. In the next year, it was difficult for Mu Qingzhi to find any information about this organization. .

Just like Herzog who seemed to disappear from the world, this organization was completely hidden in the fog... Gou's group.

——Currently, the only clues she has about the organization [Holy Palace Medical Association] are from the Chen family.

According to her previous investigation results and the information fed back by Su Enxi, there seems to be an inextricable connection between the Chen family and the [Holy Palace Medical Association]. Whether it is the "key" or Chen Motong, it is very likely that they are "Products" manufactured by [Holy Palace Medical Association].

...then the problem arises.

Regardless of the meaning of the key, what is the meaning of Chen Motong's existence?

... Just marry Caesar and become the bride of the Gattuso family?

Combined with the fact that Chen Motong was the bride arranged by the Gattuso family for Caesar, Mu Qingzhi did not believe that there was no relationship between the Gattuso family and the Holy Palace Medical Association.

The intelligence from the Chen family is currently being investigated by Su Enxi and Jiude Mai, while the Gattuso family and Chen Motong can only look to her.

"Holy Palace Medical Association? I've never heard of it. What's wrong?"

Listening to the girl's question, Caesar couldn't help but be slightly stunned.

If the first two questions were related to Nono, then he was completely confused about the last question.


After staring at each other for a while, Mu Qingzhi shook her head and stood up from the spring with her shoes in hand.

"You said before that you wanted to become my disciple, right? You have nothing to do right now, let's have a fight."


Looking at the girl standing up in front of him, Caesar's reaction speed was obviously half a beat slower.

——The other party's topic changed so quickly that he couldn't keep up.

"Otherwise? Sitting idle is just sitting idle anyway."

Mu Qingzhi threw the shoes aside indifferently, and walked barefoot to the open space aside.

"Do you understand teaching students in accordance with their aptitude? Since you want to be my teacher, I must at least find out your level first, right?"

"...Fighting and kicking?"

With some hesitation, Caesar stood up.

Because he was attending the dance just now, he was still wearing the white dress and handmade leather shoes on his feet, and he didn't even have the hunting knife on him.

"No, more than anything, you can attack me in any way you want."

After moving her wrist slightly, Mu Qingzhi shook her head.

"As for the dress being inconvenient for fighting, didn't I give you a dress-up camera before?"

"Uh...I put that in the safe..."

"It's okay, I have another one here."

After waving her hand, Mu Qingzhi took out a camera from the ring hanging around her neck.

"Tell me, what outfit do you want to change into? Whatever...what's wrong?"

"When you sold me that interchangeable camera before, I remember you said that it was a rare treasure that was the only one in the world."

Staring at the camera in his hand, Caesar spoke with a faint tone.

"Oh, I lied to you."

While lowering her head and fiddling with the camera in her hand, Mu Qingzhi looked calm.

Caesar: "......"


The commotion caused by them could not be hidden from the barbecue team over there.

After learning that the two were going to compete on the spot, Xia Mi immediately moved a small bench and sat down on the side.

——As a second-generation species who has reached the peak of Dzogchen, she will never miss any melon-eating scenes.

Among the people present, only Susie was a little worried.

"Is this... really okay?"

Looking at the situation over there, she couldn't help but frown.

"Zhi is a freshman after all, and his foot was injured before. This competition...wait, a real knife was used? Where did the knife come from? And the clothes..."

Unconsciously, Susie opened her eyes wide.

As if by magic, she watched helplessly as her schoolmate pulled out two knives from the air, and then her clothes instantly turned into a long black windbreaker, and her waist-length black hair gradually Stained with a hint of crimson red... The word spirit also has a transformation effect?

Seeing that most of the people around her looked like they were used to seeing strange things, Susie looked confused.

...Another person who was equally confused was Nono.

"Feng turns out it's really Xia Na..."

Thinking of the counselor from the student union who was crazy about making advances to them, Nono whispered in his mouth.

——She had a vague premonition in her heart that with the arrival of the other party, the originally peaceful campus might become no longer peaceful.

"If she can help herself..."

Subconsciously, Nono clenched her fists.

In fact, she is not an optimistic person. The personality she displays on the surface is more to protect the self in her heart. She has a vague feeling in her heart that there will be very bad things waiting for her in the future. It is helpless. escape.

...She doesn’t know when that future will come, but it will definitely come.


The battle between Mu Qingzhi and Caesar lasted for five minutes.

In fact, Mu Qingzhi could end the battle in half a minute, but in order to find out the details of the opponent, she still put a little caution.

Compared with Chu Zihang, who only learned swordsmanship at the Children's Palace, Caesar's swordsmanship foundation, which he grew up under the guidance of the famous swordsman invited by Gattuso's family since he was a child, is undoubtedly much more solid.

It's just that one code is another code. Although Caesar's swordsmanship is good, it is only good. The traces of his moves are too heavy, and he lacks a murderous and life-threatening momentum... No wonder he can't beat Chu Zihang.

...But it’s right to think about it.

From childhood to adulthood, the other party has grown up with good food and clothing. Under the protection of the Gattuso family, the other party's life for the first ten years has been smooth. Where will he encounter any risks?

On the other hand, Chu Zihang, not to mention that time on the viaduct, in the subsequent hell trainings, he fought out of the sea of ​​​​blood every time. The difference in experience between the two was too big, and Caesar was defeated repeatedly. And of course.

"Okay, it's over."

Seizing the opportunity, he hit Caesar's wrist with the backhand of the knife and knocked the long knife out of his hand. Mu Qingzhi retracted the blade.


Looking down at the many damaged clothes on his body, and rubbing his red wrists, Caesar helplessly raised his hands to the girl standing in front of him.

There is no shame in losing or anything. Anyway, he has lost so many times before... He just doesn't understand why he loses so easily.

"Easy? In order to control it so as not to hurt you, I fought very hard, okay?"

Mu Qingzhi rolled her eyes at him and put away the long knife in her hand again.

"Okay, I have a rough idea of ​​your situation. This duel is over. Let's go over there first. The cake seems to have been baked."

Caesar: "......"

... After losing at an outdoor camping trip, he lost again to a cake this time.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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