In the principal's office, the fragrance of tea lingers.

"Prince... do you know his identity?"

After being stunned for a moment, Mu Qingzhi raised her head and looked at Ange in front of her.

On the hunter website, there are two IDs that deserve the most attention, one is the administrator [Nido] and the other is [Prince].

Su Enxi tried to find the other party through the Internet, but there was no progress, so she actually gave up on this path. However, she did not expect to hear this name from Principal Angers.

"I don't know, but I can guess a little bit."

Shaking his head, Ange leaned back slightly, seeming to be reminiscing about something in his heart.

"My first contact with him dates back to 80 years ago. At that time, when I was young and strong, because of the hatred in my heart, I and Flamel used the power of the secret party to slay dragons all over the world. By an accident By chance, we accidentally found the unawakened Norton and successfully sealed him in a sealed copper jar. But later, due to the intervention of a mysterious person, he successfully escaped from the copper jar and fell into the He disappeared into the Lop Nur desert and completely lost his trace... That was the first and only time the prince made an official appearance."

"Well...what happened next?"

Putting her hands on the table to support her chin, Mu Qingzhi asked curiously.

"In that case, sir, you have fought against the prince, so according to your feeling, will the prince be the Dragon King?"

"No, he is a mixed race, and he is a mixed race who must be very familiar with me."

Angers shook his head.

"His bloodline is no less than mine, even stronger than mine. He suppressed Flamel and I in a short period of time, which gave Norton room to escape. In fact, before the hunter website appeared, he did not This title, the title of Prince, only appeared later, and his idea has always been to be promoted to [Emperor].”

"[Emperor]... In other words, [Prince] wants to change from a hybrid to a pure-blood dragon?"

Sitting up straight, Mu Qingzhi looked thoughtful.

"...The road to becoming a god?"

"Yes, you really know this."

Angers looked at her deeply.

"The [Prince] on the hunter website is actually a powerful hybrid who defected to the Dragon Clan and is on the road to becoming a god."

"Well...since this is the first contact, it means that he has had many contacts with you later, right?"

After thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi avoided the topic.

"At the same time, are these contacts all between one person and privately?"

"Yes, a lot of the information I know was actually provided to me various ways."

Raising his head, Ange looked at her.

"The last information provided was yesterday."

"Yesterday... did he provide information about Old Tang to you, the principal?"

Putting down her hands, Mu Qingzhi raised her eyebrows slightly.

"If I guess correctly, his request for information this time is to work with you to kill Dragon King Norton, right?"

In the original plot, the person who collaborated with Ange was Lu Mingze. Now that Lu Mingze has changed the script, this plot is naturally gone. However, she did not expect that the prince would not be able to help but jump out.

...But if you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

As for Odin, he pursues the authority of the King of Bronze and Fire, but not that high. After all, he has almost conquered all four kings, so even if the plan goes slightly wrong, he will not urgent.

But as for the prince, he couldn't wait any longer.

Since the other party was active as early as 80 years ago, he must be an old antique like Ange who is still alive today. Even if the dragon bloodline gives him a long lifespan, it will eventually come to an end.

——The person who is most anxious now must be the "Prince" who wants to urgently complete the road to become a god and transform into an [Emperor].

"Yes, that's a pretty tempting offer."

Nodding, Angers did not deny this.

"I am very old, so old that almost all of my friends have been buried in history. As long as I can resolve this war between humans and dragons once and for all in the time I have left, I don't care if I Who is the person who cooperates?”

"what about now?"

Raising her head, Mu Qingzhi looked at the other party.

"After learning this information, principal, are you planning to kill the King of Bronze and Fire?"

"No, I might have had that idea before, but not now."

Angers sighed.

"As you said, the black emperor will inevitably resurrect in the limited future, and then the whole world will usher in the end. I must figure out the secret plans of those people. This is why I am so anxious to find him. The reason for your discussion.”

"Planning? Odin wants more than just the authority of the four kings. He wants the authority of the White King and even the Black King."

Shrugging slightly, Mu Qingzhi spread her hands in front of her.

"Just as you guessed, principal, Constantine is indeed on my side. I did intervene in the Bronze City incident. There are indeed zero people who saved Ye Sheng and Selma. As for the one who fought with Constantine The Dragon King is indeed the King of Earth and Mountains as you guessed, principal. How about it? Do you have any questions?"

"...Xia Mi?"

Looking at the very bachelor girl in front of him, Ange raised his eyebrows slightly.

"She? Except that the backpack full of snacks left behind belongs to her, this matter basically has nothing to do with her."

Mu Qingzhi curled her lips and looked disgusted.

"That guy only knows how to fish besides eating. How can he have the ability to fight Constantine?"

Angers: "..."

……guessed wrong?

In fact, after confirming the identity of the other party as the White Emperor, he and Flamel had a long discussion about the people around him.

Lu Mingfei knew everything, and Chu Zihang was also a human being, so Xia Mi, who had faked his family identity, was the most suspicious. Therefore, they had locked onto Xia Mi's identity as the King of the Earth and Mountains since he entered school.

But now...

If it is not the King of Earth and Mountain, then the other party should be a second-generation species serving the white emperor or the King of Earth and Mountain...

...And being able to always follow the white emperor, he should also be the strongest among the next generations?

——Ange thought silently in his heart.

"In short, Constantine was defeated by the King of Earth and Mountain with brute force, and now he is locked up in a small dark room by me, so you can rest assured, principal, that he will come out to harm the world."

After coughing a few times and supporting the table with both hands, Mu Qingzhi stood up from the chair with a serious look.

"Strictly speaking, Norton and Constantine are also victims. Since the prince wants to cooperate with you so much, principal, I have a plan here that requires your cooperation. Principal, do you want to listen to it?"

"what's the plan?"

Temporarily interrupting his thoughts, Ange raised his head and looked at the girl in front of him.

"It's very simple. It can be summed up in one idiom."

Mu Qingzhi raised a finger in front of her with a serious look.

"Close the door and beat the dog."


ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

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