The journey of a heroine starting from the Dragon Clan

Chapter 258 The Great Good Man Mu Qingzhi

Three minutes of preparation time flies by in a blink of an eye.

After showing a kind smile to the people below, Mu Qingzhi first turned over the hourglass above their heads that was used for timing, then turned around and pulled down the switch of the black machine on the side.

The next moment, along with a series of creepy rustling sounds, countless insects began to spontaneously gather towards them.

Earthworms, spiders, bugs, centipedes, snakes... Regardless of whether they were natural enemies before, at this moment, driven by some inexplicable force, they gathered together intimately and headed towards the forest clearing not far away. Go ahead.

From a distance, it looks like a small insect swarm.

Although he had been mentally prepared in advance, Caesar still felt sick when he saw the drawings of hell coming from the woods nearby.

What made him even more horrified was that strange creatures began to emerge from the dirt beneath them...

——These ten minutes may be the most difficult ten minutes in their lives.

The first nine minutes were fine, but by the tenth minute, when those bugs began to gradually creep into their "personal islands" and even their bodies, they immediately broke some people's psychological defenses.

For a time, the number of people eliminated increased sharply.

Mu Qingzhi is actually very kind. As long as someone gives up the test and stands up from the ground, the bugs will immediately stay away from them to avoid secondary psychological trauma. This can be said to be very considerate.

Of course, in addition to these eliminated candidates, there are also some ruthless people among these people. They close their eyes and sit like a bell, just like sitting in meditation, ignoring external things.

...Isn’t it just crawling by insects?

Anyway, when I was free for a day, I didn’t have bugs crawling all over my body. These bugs neither bite nor burrow into your body. What a big deal...

——Based on this almost self-hypnotic belief, these people gritted their teeth and persisted.

Caesar originally wanted to pass, but after seeing Chu Zihang and Lu Mingfei who were still sitting cross-legged next to them, he sat back in shock.

If he loses in other places, forget it, it can be seen as his inferior skills, but if he just admits defeat in this kind of competition of willpower... he can't afford to lose this person.

Xia Mi didn't care whether it was embarrassing or not. As soon as the ten-minute passing time was up, she jumped up from the ground at the precise point, and was so stunned that she didn't even want to wait for a second.

——For a bastard like her, passing is long live.

Originally, Zero wanted to work harder and hold on until the 20th minute, but at the 19th minute, he saw a lot of smelly green heads buzzing not far away, which seemed to be flying from a cesspit. Fly, she finally stood up from the ground silently.

So nineteen minutes later, there were only three people left sitting cross-legged in the open space...or should we say four?

In addition to the three seed players, Chu Zihang, Lu Mingfei, and Caesar, the fourth person was none other than Pacino, the former student union cadre and staff officer who had suffered a hundred times in Aruba.

This guy is indeed a cruel person. After realizing that he might not be able to hold on any longer, he gritted his teeth and took a brick and slapped himself on the head...

Looking at Pacino lying there in a corpse-like state with a smile on his face and a layer of various bugs crawling on his body, everyone around him was silent.

——In the end, after this test, a total of seven people were eliminated.

The number of people who passed the test was 11, the number of people who were excellent was 3, and the number of people who got perfect marks... was 1 person.

"I forgot to mention it. There is no way to cheat on my test."

Looking at Pacino who was vomiting under the waterfall, his eyes were blank, and facing the focused eyes of everyone, Mu Qingzhi innocently spread her hands in front of her.

"When I was debugging the machine before, I added an anti-cheating measure to the machine. The general measure is that even if you pass out, your consciousness will force you to stay awake... That's about it."

Everyone: "..."

——At this moment, the image of a certain loli instructor rose to the level of a demon in their hearts.

"Okay, give you ten minutes to rest. After ten minutes, we will continue with the second test. As for those who have been eliminated, don't be discouraged. You still have a consolation prize."

Ignoring the resentful looks from everyone below, Mu Qingzhi waved her hand grandly.

"Although you have failed the willpower test, I have seen your previous performance. It will take several hours to go back to school from here, so I plan to send you back."

"Send us...back?"

As Mu Qingzhi said these words, several people who were already frustrated and planning to leave suddenly stopped with some hesitation.

"Yes, don't worry, it will be quick and safe."

Facing the eyes of these people, Mu Qingzhi looked solemn.

——A few minutes later, with the sound of several cannons, the seven people flew into the distant sky in a beautiful parabola.


Compared with the first brutal willpower test, the next two tests seemed much milder. They were just dozens of kilometers of armed cross-country with heavy loads and actual combat tests after cross-country.

Mu Qingzhi is still very kind. She has been following her from the beginning to the end. Whenever someone can't hold on or wants to quit, she will be very considerate and help him stuff the person whole into the barrel, and then light the fuse. Covering his ears and squatting down, he sent them back to Kassel Academy through shelling amidst the screams of the other party.

On this ordinary day, the students at Kassel College saw with their own eyes the strange sights of flying people in the sky.

——Kassel College finally has a hint of Hogwarts today.

"The thirteenth..."

Looking from a distance through the small attic window at the students flying across the sky above Cassel College in a graceful parabola, a certain vice-principal couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth.

After being airdropped back, those students who suffered severe psychological and mental trauma chose to post complaints online, stirring up trouble again in the already uneasy Night Watch forum.

He learned the whole story of this incident from the already noisy Night Watch forum.

Before, he and Ange had guessed in their minds what kind of special training method the white emperor would use for these students, but now it seems that neither of them guessed correctly.

"Interfering with reality with spirit and replacing the properties of matter at will..."

Looking back, the vice-principal exhaled slightly in his mouth.

...He seems to understand why the white emperor was able to compete with Nidhogg.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

There will be another update later.

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