Thanks to Teacher Daye's guidance, that night, the shelter that everyone had built with great difficulty was completely destroyed.

In the past, the monsters that were rewarded had no one to control them and their intelligence was limited. But now, these monsters are all clever and clever, and all kinds of tactics are used... There are even special self-destruction soldiers and scouts. .

——This night, almost everyone was exhausted.

Like before, this time Zero was still sitting silently on the tree trunk alone...but last time she ate bread, this time she ate falling fruits.

Because of the Monster Hunter incident last night, by the next day, except for Zero who couldn't see any movement, everyone else looked so weak.

...In this low-pressure atmosphere, Zero was the first to pass the difficulty level 10 of the first level of control training with full marks.

Compared with the previous difficulties, the last difficulty level 10 is simply an inhuman design. There are only a dozen or so ridges that cover an area of ​​less than one square centimeter, and all of them are invisible.

This not only tests their control over themselves, but also tests their memory ability. Zero can pass difficulty ten in less than a week, which is already a very good result.

Under everyone's gaze, Zero went to the second level of control training. Originally, Zero thought that the difficulty of the second level would not be any more outrageous than the difficulty level of ten in the first level, but when she came to the second level After seeing the introduction of this level clearly on the second level platform, I still unconsciously fell into silence.

Compared with the first level, there is no change in the second level, except that the road is almost several times longer, but it is different from the situation where the first level requires people to pass it... In the second level, they need to ride bicycles to complete all the difficulties.

——Controlling oneself is only the foundation, learning to control external forces is the advancement.

With a feeling that she couldn't express, Zero started to try the second level. The first few difficulties were okay, but after the seventh level, as the width of the road shrunk, she would often be affected by changes in the strength of her hands. As a result, he and his car were carried down to a high altitude.

After trying several times in succession and falling off the cliff, Zero sat on the platform of the second level and stood still in silence.

...She seems to have guessed what the third level is like.

In this atmosphere of increasing suffering and increasingly perverted challenges, time passes silently backwards.

On the third day after Yu Ling came to the platform of the second level, the remaining six people, who were inexplicably spurred, all arrived at the second level, and then also experienced challenging training that was worse than life.

During the day, they suffered on a cloud platform hundreds of meters high, and at night, they were broken into pieces on the island with those monster hunters. In this brutal hell-like training, everyone made rapid growth.

...The most typical thing is that I am no longer afraid of heights.

With an average of about 100 high-altitude bungee jumps every day, even Chu Zihang, who was vaguely afraid of heights before, can now face all the wind and rain with an expressionless face. He has a kind of tough guy who doesn't change his face despite the collapse of the mountain. style.

The first level of control training took everyone almost a week on average. Basically everyone passed the first level with difficulty level ten.

But when it came to the second level, this data dropped off a cliff. Firstly, the average clearance time was extended by two weeks. Secondly, in terms of difficulty, only one person passed the level 10, and the rest were Difficulty eight or nine.

"Ride A...I feel like I have become a heroic spirit."

Looking at the data that quietly popped up in his personal attribute column, Lu Mingfei complained speechlessly.

"No, the heroic spirits are actually not as miserable as us."

Looking at the car that disappeared not far away as it drove away, sitting on the wall made of white clouds, Susie sighed tiredly.

Compared with two-wheeled bicycles, four-wheeled cars are obviously more difficult to control. Not to mention difficulty level seven and eight, none of them have even passed level six...

Different from the previous two levels, the third level is equipped with this kind of convertible car. Their Baiyun pet will only be responsible for picking them up, not the car, so they need to bear the wear and tear of the car themselves.

Every time a car is damaged, they need to pay 100 points as compensation. Such high losses make many people unable to live, so they can only reduce the training frequency accordingly or increase revenue and reduce expenditure in other aspects.

Originally, they couldn't sleep well at night, and now they have to save money on points. This kind of life is simply not what people should live...

——The most important thing is that they haven’t had a bath in almost a month! ! !

For Chu Zihanglu Mingfei or Caesar, this kind of thing doesn't matter, they can tolerate it, but for girls like Susie Nono, it seems a bit hell.

In fact, there is no shortage of places to bathe on the island, but the problem is that there is no safe place to live on the island. If you are discovered by some passing goblin while bathing, the result will be tragic...

——Caesar has a say in this matter.

As time goes by, the sun gradually rises, and the time quietly comes to noon.

Just when everyone was gathering together to discuss what to eat for lunch or whether they should pick some fallen fruits or apples to come back for extra meals, Mu Qingzhi came to the platform. When they saw her, everyone showed their faces. The color of surprise.

During this month of training, a certain instructor Zhi appeared only a few times, and the last time he appeared was ten days ago.

"Uh...what, is there something dirty on my face?"

Mu Qingzhi unconsciously took a step back, stretched out her hand to touch her cheek, and then asked.

...I don’t know why, but she always felt that the seven people in front of her were looking at her in horror.

——Speaking of the fact that I have put so much effort into setting up the venue and training levels for them, shouldn’t they maintain respect and love for their instructors?

"No, no, it's just that we feel that as an instructor, you should set a certain example."

After looking at each other, Xia Mi raised his hand with a tacit understanding.

"Instructor Zhi, what do you think?"

"Set an example... ok, no problem."

After glancing to the side and thinking for a moment, Mu Qingzhi nodded happily.

"But I get motion sickness, so I can't drive. How about I show you a tricycle?"

"A fine too."

After looking at each other for a moment, Caesar nodded.

...They have tolerated each other for a long time.

ps: Good morning (づ●─●)づ

Three updates tomorrow (づ●─●)づ

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