As soon as that loud sound echoed throughout the space, it caused a sense of shock to appear onto everyone's visage.

That other guard, which was slapped on the left side of his face, sent flying towards the man on the horse. He fell on to the ground with his all four limbs pointing towards four different directions. He appeared to have lost his consciousness by then.

After processing the result of his action, the guard with the husky body looked to be lost without words. He never even thought in his wildest dreams that the seemingly innocent and sweet girl, who had a kind of adorability on her face even when she got angry, could be this deadly if provoked.

He sensed a deadly aura emanating from that innocent girl, so he retreated a few steps back in a hurry.

After being intimidated by the display of that mysterious fighting prowess of the girl, his mind was left bamboozled. He was so lost in his thoughts that he couldn't realize that his right arm had already been dislodged from its socket and was hanging from his shoulder like a stringed ball. The guard started to panic.

It was supposed to be the easiest task ever, to grab a teenaged girl and make her kneel in front of the leader, but how was he supposed to know that the one he thought to be an adorable little cat, was a fierce tigress wearing cat's skin?

He looked towards the leader with his helpless eyes, hoping that he will understand the peculiarity of this job, but he only found disappointment and anger in those cold eyes which were making him feel embarrassed to even look at them.

The guard made up his mind. He decided that he will fight her this time if he had to, but he will not underestimate her anymore. Now he was starting to regard her as his enemy. He drew a heavy breath and slowly started walking up to her. He decided to go all out against her.

Everyone was standing there in awe after watching that guard flying in the air. They couldn't understand what had happened. The other guard was trying to grab that girl by her shoulder, but why did he change his mind and attacked his companion? They looked bewildered.

Myriad of thoughts were still crowding his mind as the husky guard was slowly walking up to her. He was trying to make sense of how a girl, who most probably hadn't completed her coming of age ceremony yet, could strike fear in his heart.

The Bhageerathi galaxy had five major planets which were Chetas, Tejas, Ojus, Dharitri, and Dhruwa. They all had a fair amount of people living on them, and the people from each planet had their special traits which varied them from each other conclusively.

The people who lived on planet Chetas were known to be quite prodigious. It was rumored that every formula for medicinal pills and alchemy known to humankind originated from there. Even those immortal beings respected them and regarded them as true geniuses.

Not as quite prodigious as the people from Chetas, the people from Tejas and Ojus were gifted with extraordinary strength instead. They had physical strength which compared evenly to those demons from the previous era. To say the least, they were the strongest the humankind could hope to offer.

Dhruwa was the planet on which the very first emperor of this galaxy created his mansion. It was a small planet, and the population was even lesser than the people residing in a region of other planets, but the ones who lived here were the ones who could decide the fate of the galaxy.

On this pattern of having a special trait, Dharitri was the only exception in the whole Bhageerathi galaxy. Everyone who lived here never had any kind of special, noticeable trait. This planet was known as the slum of this galaxy as not even a single capable person came out from this planet. This planet was heavily regarded as 'The Planet where Talent comes to Die.'.

This was Dharitri and yet someone from here was able to strike fear into the heart of a person from Tejas.

'How could she try to intimidate me? Me, who is from the great Vali clan, is being intimidated by a little girl. What a joke.' The guard thought.

He was from a clan that had produced many great warriors of this galaxy throughout every generation. How could a little nobody like her make him afraid? It wasn't possible.

"It only happened because I was careless. If I would've been focused from the get-go, this embarrassing event wouldn't have happened." He was trying to come up with some kind of explanation for this blunder which not only brought him shame but even made him lose face in front of the leader.

"She must've caught me off guard. Yeah, yeah…this is the only explanation which befits the situation. She is not that intimidating." A sense of relief spread through his whole body as he increased his speed.


A loud war-cry emerged as he came close to her. Thanks to that roar, it appeared as if his lost confidence returned to him. He clutched his left palm tightly and turned it into a fist as he put out a punch towards her heart.

The girl expected no less from an elite guard. If it would've been anyone else, they would've run away by now, but he was one of the infamous elite guards which served as a weapon of destruction for Region Head. She knew that he will counter-attack soon enough and there he was.

She watched that incoming punch to the last possible second and finally decided to block it with her left hand, but before her hand could even touch that punch, the guard retracted it from her heart and aimed it again towards her nape, in an instant. It all happened in a tiny fraction of a moment.

The girl was taken aback by this display of incredible speed from that guard.

'The elite guards of Region Head should not be underestimated. You should always avoid the matters which involve them. Sandhya, you should never get into a confrontation with them.' The warning which her grandfather always made her listen, came rushing into her mind all of a sudden as she tried to block his hand again from reaching her nape.

That guard seemed to be aiming his punch to the places which could turn her unconscious. She thought she must not let him strike towards those points. She put all that she learned from her grandfather into that defense and tried to match his incredible speed.

The guard only had his one arm working right now. His right arm was broken by that girl's strange whip-like technique. That's why he must not let her use that against him again.

After seeing her react almost at the same moment as he tried to go for her nape, he was left astounded. So, she wasn't just a pretty flower lying in a vase.

As soon as he saw her hand reaching towards his wrist with more speed than before, he panicked. He was afraid that he would end up losing his left hand too. A sense of uneasiness started spreading all over his face.

The girl noticed it as she tried to use that technique against his hand again. Her whole focus was concentrating on her right hand as she transformed it into a wobbly whip. All that's left was just to hit his wrist, and she could break his other arm.

She thought she would teach him a lesson by breaking his left hand too, but she made a huge mistake without even realizing during that face-off, and the next moment, a booming kick flew towards her body and collided with her stomach.

A streak of electricity ran through her body as she fell onto the ground after retreating a few steps. An agonizing pain emerged inside her belly as she grabbed onto her stomach while a mouthful of fresh blood came bursting from her mouth.

The bait was there for her to grab, and she fell for it in mere moments. Her inexperience in fighting was on display for everyone to watch. Her heart or her nape was never his target, it was her stomach all along.

She tried to go for his other hand and wanted to disable it too, but like a fool, she couldn't see through his pretense of fearing for her technique. A moment of carelessness resulted in her doom. She couldn't even get to touch him this time around, and now she was in trouble, big trouble.

The guard smiled as he watched her struggle onto the ground. So, she was a novice. How could she make a joke out of him? His fear, the intimidation, all went into smokes as he watched her struggle to even stand up. He started walking towards her with a grin on his face.

Every one started pitying the girl right now. They were the ones who were praising her courage just a moment ago, but the tables seemed to have turned and with it, they turned too. They were just the opportunists who supported the ones who could bring advantages to them. They didn't care what happened to them after.

When the girl got kicked, an uncontrolled fury started raging inside Ved's body. He felt as if his blood was boiling and it will only cool down after he killed that bastard who made her like this. This was the first time he felt severe blood lust towards another human. His crystal azure eyes started turning into a crimson one, and his hands clutched to form a fist.
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But suddenly an old man came running out of the crowd.

The old man was panting heavily. It felt as if he was running from somewhere in a hurry. He looked towards the girl who was lying on the ground in agony, and then he looked towards the guard who was standing beside her, staring at her with his sinister eyes.

A hint of rage flashed into his eyes as his hands automatically clutched to turn into a fist, but he controlled himself. It wasn't the right time to create any kind of strife; he should just concentrate on saving the girl by using any means possible.

"This old man is the same person as that shopkeeper of that fabric shop."

"But what is he doing here." Ved was shocked to see that old man appearing in this turmoil all of a sudden.

"Grandpa…!" The girl muttered in a low voice. She seemed anxious after watching her grandpa arriving here. He shouldn't be here, at this moment it wasn't safe.

The girl tried to get up, but that kick from the guard's boot was heavy enough to not let her get right back up. She sighed painfully.

The old man walked towards that guard and knelt on the ground. He bowed his head and pled.

"Please have mercy, sir. Whatever she did wrong, I will take responsibility for it. Please forgive her, sir." The old man was begging for her granddaughter's life while being on his knees.

"She is young and doesn't know better; please forgive her this one time, sir. Whatever punishment you will decide, I'll take them on in her stead. She is my only granddaughter; she is the only hope this old man has in his god-forsaken life. Please have mercy, sir." The old man grabbed the legs of the guard and continued.

He was on his way to his home when he heard that his granddaughter was in trouble. He heard that she mentioned the taboo subject of the galaxy to a guard in public and was fighting with an elite guard.

At this rate, she will follow in the footsteps of her deceased parents. What will he answer to that man waiting for her at Chetas? He shouldn't let the history repeat itself after all those years.

He already lost his master; he was not going to offer the only heir of his master to that savage emperor too. He put his right hand in his pocket inconspicuously and broke an emerald disc-like stone.

The guard looked at his leader with a confused look on his face. He couldn't decide what he should do with them. The emotional pleading of that old man seemed to be working as his stone-like heart melted.

The man on the horse gestured towards the guard with an indifferent face. The guard picked the girl up and dragged her towards his leader. The old man followed them behind as they slowly approached the man on the horse.

"You want me to forgive this girl and let this matter go?" The man on the horse spared a glance towards the girl and then turned his gaze towards the old man and said sarcastically. "Do you have any idea what kind of crimes she committed in front of an Elite Guard?"

"Subahu…! Tell me, what is the punishment decided in the rulebook created by our Emperor for insulting a government official?" Without breaking the eye contact with the old man, the man on the horse asked loudly to his subordinate.

"Whipping, till death sir," Subahu replied.

"And tell me, what is the punishment for disdaining our noble Emperor in public?"

"Death by skinning alive sir," Subahu matched his voice with his leader and said as loudly as he could.

After hearing those merciless words, the old man knelt onto the ground immediately and grabbed the leader's leg.

"Please don't do this, sir. Have mercy, sir. That girl is not worth going all these troubles. I am ready to be punished in her stead. Please let her go, just this one time."

Several drops of tears started rolling down his cheeks as he begged with utter desperation.

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