"Mom, the pakodas are delicious." Ved was trying to talk while stuffing his mouth with those pakodas.

He loved the onion pakodas made by her mother. That was his favorite snack. If the things went by his wish, he would like to eat those pakodas in his lunch and dinner too. His mother loved to hear complements. So he was trying to appease her.

After hearing that, Renu looked towards him with a smile on her face. She already felt full after hearing those words.

'To be a good mother' that was the goal of her life now, after the adoption. She turned around and went towards the kitchen to get the tea kettle.

"Son, I heard you were late to come home again." After seeing his wife went back towards the kitchen, Vivek asked curiously.

"There was an old lady whose bag got robbed. So I went to help her." Ved replied in a low voice which only both of them could hear. He didn't want his mother to know of it and it seemed like his father also shared the same thought.

"Oh, then what happened? Did you get back her bag or not." Vivek asked eagerly. His eyes were filled with curiosity.

He was different from Renu as he took pride in Ved helping others. These things made him certain that he raised his son in a righteous environment.

He himself was an orphan so no one ever taught him what is right and what is wrong in this world, that's why he was more sensitive towards these things than Renu.

"Yeah, I caught the culprit and took him to the police station." After seeing his father not getting angry, Ved replied with more confidence this time.

"Did you get to meet your uncle Vishwesh?" Vivek asked.

"Yeah, and I got an earful too." Vivek answered.

"You didn't get injured, right?" Vivek looked at him with a hint of concern.

He knew in his heart that his son would never get injured by these lowly thugs but he wanted to confirm. He already knew that his son was not ordinary.

There were many incidents which happened in his house after the adoption, which made him believe that his son was not ordinary.

When Ved was just four years old, he got ensnared by the beauty of a red rose once and grabbed a branch of it in his little hands. The pre-existing thorns on the branch of the red rose pricked his soft hands and blood started to flow.

His little soft hands looked bloody from afar. Vivek was anxious after seeing blood oozing out of his hand and ran towards him.

He opened the baby's hands which by then he formed into fists and tried to look but to his surprise, he couldn't even find a scratch on that bloodied yet soft tiny palm. That palm was miraculously alright.

Vivek thought that this was impossible. So he never told anybody about that as it was absurd to even think that a four year old boy has instant healing powers like this.

He put this incident aside and lived as he never knew about those things but it seemed as though fate had some other plans. One day, a few years later Ved came up to him voluntarily and confessed.

Tear filled his eyes as he approached his dad and said in a shaky voice.

"Dad..! I think there is something wrong with me."

Vivek wiped his tears and pulled him into his embrace. He patted on his back as he asked in a soft voice.

"What happened, my son? Did you have a fight with your friends?"

"Tell me and I'll scold them. Don't cry." Vivek thought that maybe his son fought with his friends and now he thinks there is something wrong with him. He tried to comfort him but the next sentence which came out from his son's mouth made him stood there in awe.

"No…that's not the matter, dad. I….. I think, I'm not your biological son."

Every word of that sentence felt like it had hit him straight on his heart just like a hammer. He felt as though his heart was being squashed by something. His body stiffed as he stood there silently as a rock.

'What could've happened to an eleven year old that he would think like this? What came into his mind that he got to this conclusion? Who could've told him?' Vivek thought while looking straight in those moist eyes.

"I think, I'm not normal... actually I think..... I'm not even human." Ved continued.

"Yesterday, when I was walking back from school with my friends, I got angry all of a sudden and in the frustration, I punched towards a stone monument with all my power."

"Suddenly cracks started appearing on the stone monument but my hand was all right, just as before, not even a scratch was on it."

"That scared my friends and they looked at me as if I was some monster." Tears started rolling down on his cheeks as Ved kept on talking.

"To prove that I'm not a monster, today I tried to cut myself with a knife but instead of hurting, the cut disappeared after a couple of seconds."

"Was that how a normal human supposed to be... tell me dad? Was that how a normal person behaves?"

"Dad…. Am I a monster?" His voice became hoarser as he asked.

"Who am I, dad? What am I…..?"

A drop of tear broke out of Vivek's eyes and he pulled his son into his embrace and hugged him tightly.

"Whoever you are, whatever you are, I don't care about all that. Just know that you are our son and you'll always be our son, no matter what. Your mother and I, we both love you very much. You mean the world to us."

"And normal or not...monster or not…. don't ever try to harm yourself again. Don't ever think about these silly things." Vivek slowly patted his back.

Vivek was flabbergasted after hearing his son's story. He had a rough idea that his son had extraordinary healing ability but to have the strength to break a stone monument at the age of eleven, what was his background?

He knew that his son was an abandoned child and there was no record of any parent or guardian in the orphanage. So he was getting more and more curious about his son's background. Did his biological parents have these extraordinary powers too? What was their identity?

That was the day when Vivek told him everything about the adoption. He told him that he was an abandoned child which they adopted as their own.

He told him that how their lives were mess before he came into their lives. He was just like an axis to their wheels which brought them onto a definite direction in their lives.

Without him, his family would've broken apart a long time ago. That's why he was the most precious person of their lives. So who he was or what he was, it never really mattered. He was their son, reason for their living, whom they loved unconditionally.

Ved was never a spoiled child and after that incident, he always seemed more mature than those other boys at his age. He never troubled his parents for anything. He turned himself into the perfect child that any parents would envy.

Ved had a knack for helping the people in need. He secretly used his extraordinary abilities to help others. His father encouraged him and taught him how to use those powers to do something good in this world and not to be looked as 'monster' ever again.

To save them the trouble from spreading the rumor about him being 'not normal', his father sent him to a martial arts school, so if he ever showed any abnormal agility or strength, it could be explained by stating that he practices martial arts.

In this mission of helping people, his two best-friends stood side by side.

"No dad, see there is not even a scratch on me. Don't worry." After seeing those concerned eyes of his father, Ved said in a low voice.

He was touched by the concerning look on his father's face. He knew that his family always treated him as though he was their biological son. They never let him feel that he was not their own son. He was extremely grateful for that.

"Who got injured?" Renu was returning from the kitchen with kettle in her hands as she asked.

Ved and Vivek both of them had a petrified look on their faces as if they had committed some unpardonable crime and got caught red handed.
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"How did she hear that? We were talking in a very low voice that only we would be able to listen. What's going to happen now?" Vivek started to panic.

"No…..no, it's nothing, nothing to be worried about. It's just that....." Vivek was lost for the words in front of his wife.

Although he was a lawyer and had trained himself to argue with other lawyers but whenever he had to make excuses in front of his wife, he always found himself lost without words. He was trying to salvage the situation but he felt as though he didn't have any arrows left in his quiver.

After seeing the visage of Vivek turning ashen, Renu felt suspicious. She looked towards Ved to get any kind of reaction from him. Ved was frightened out of his wits. He was trying hard to come up with any excuse but his mind was also going blank just like his father.


"There was an injured person on the street when I was coming from the school. We were talking about him." Ved randomly blurted out some words. He felt as though he had just deferred a disaster from happening on him and his father by just some random words.

"Oh, is he alright?" Renu had a worried look on her face. She had a compassionate heart so she always got worried whenever she heard about someone getting injured.

After seeing her mom's face filled with worried expression, Ved felt bad about lying to his mother. He tried to straighten things out.

"Yeah… yeah he was alright. He only got superficial wounds. Nothing serious happened."

'That was close' Ved drew a long heavy breath and exhaled all of it at once as he started to think in his mind. He thought he can put off this matter quietly now.

"So son, your birthday is in a couple of days. The birthday event will be grand. Did you invite all of your friends from the school yet?" Vivek tried to change the subject.

"It doesn't have to be grand. I'm just happy that my mother and father are going to be with me on that day, which is enough for me. I don't want anything else." Ved felt that he was lucky to have them as his parent.

His mother was protective of him. He was her most precious person in this world and his father is the most supportive father any one could hope to have.

He never felt as though he was adopted in this family. They treated him as their own. He always thanked the gods for letting him be a part of this household.

"Our son is going to be seventeen this year. This is a matter to celebrate. He is our only son so how can it not be a grand event? We should invite everyone we know." Renu was excited.

"There will be many types of cuisines served. It will be a feast. We will make it a memory to be worth remembering for everyone." Renu added to the subject.

This was her favorite subject to talk about. Ved was her only child so how could she not be excited? His child was inching closer towards becoming an adult after all. She was happy.

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