The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

105 Continuous transformation, the characteristics of the prehistoric times

Chapter 105 Successive transformations, the characteristics of the prehistoric world

The ghost messenger was stripped of most of the chaotic and mixed power and information, and only the most pure part of the power was retained.

Although this made his power lose its majesty, it also made his power extremely pure and could be fully controlled by him.

If he had the same power, the current ghost messenger could actually crush all the innate sacred beings.

Moreover, the power of the ghost messenger was not weak. After all, he was in most of the small worlds.

Even if most of the mixed power and information were removed, his ghost power could be considered the top among all the innate sacred beings and demon gods.

Yuan Meng did not pay too much attention to the changes in the prehistoric world. He only took a glance and then retracted his gaze.

"Alas! What a pity!"

After retracting his gaze, Yuan Meng couldn't help but shake his head slightly, feeling quite sorry.

If it develops normally, even if there are constantly practitioners who add their own cognition of many innate sacred gods and demon gods to these innate sacred gods and demon gods.

It still doesn't take long for these innate sacred gods and demon gods, at most billions of years, to sort out the countless messy information, control all their own power, awaken self-cognition, and wake up from the chaos of thinking.

Don't think that billions of years are very long. After all, that is for the prehistoric world. In fact, it is just a few days for the real world.

What's more, even in the prehistoric world, what can billions of years count for?

In the current prehistoric world, the least valuable thing is time.

It's just that they don't have a chance.

Yuan Meng sighed slightly, and then he no longer paid attention to it, but integrated his mind into the entire chaotic prehistoric world, and began to summarize and sort out many Tao principles and legal principles, and finally merged them.


The entire chaotic prehistoric world shook slightly, and an invisible force swept everything in an instant.

Wherever this force passed, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth in all places instantly became a hundred times thinner.

Even the heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars of the prehistoric world became extremely sparse.

Fortunately, it was only a moment, and the heaven and earth, the sun, the moon, and the stars of the prehistoric world all suddenly shrank a hundred times and became solid again.

No, although it shrank a hundred times, it was more resilient and more powerful than before, far more than a hundred times.

After all, the condensation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has never been as simple as condensing ten times and swallowing ten times the energy. It is more of a change of rules.

Even if those spiritual energy particles are converted back into the most primitive pure energy, they are still more than a billion times stronger and tougher than at the beginning.

Not to mention the current spiritual energy particles, which are even more tough.

According to Yuan Meng's estimation, these spiritual energy particles are not far behind the two true spirits suppressed by them.

I believe that after advancing three or two times, they will be enough to compare with the true spirit.

At that time, Yuan Meng could easily analyze the true spirit and obtain all the information it contained.

After the prehistoric world shrank a hundred times, the chaotic power outside the world, attracted by the prehistoric world, began to rush into the prehistoric world frantically.

The entire prehistoric world began to expand and grow again, and even after it expanded to its original size, it did not mean to stop at all.

Instead, it swallowed the chaotic power outside the world at a faster speed and continued to expand and grow.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, the speed of the expansion of the prehistoric world finally slowed down and reached its current limit.

Well, it really reached the current limit. As long as Yuan Meng integrated and sorted out many rules again, the prehistoric world could undergo another transformation.

After all, the principles and laws of many different small worlds were all gathered in the prehistoric world. How could it be possible that it could only undergo one transformation?

He glanced at the prehistoric world again, and saw those innate sacred and demon gods who were about to wake up but fell into a deeper slumber again because of the transformation and upgrading of the world.

Yuan Meng closed his eyes expressionlessly again, his mind merged into the chaotic world, standing on the endless dimension of time and space, looking down at the infinite chaos and the three realms of the primitive world.

Yuan Meng's mind moved again, and as various rules flowed, endless fragments of Tao and law were quickly summarized and sorted out, integrated into the illusory rules, making them gradually become real.


Everything that happened before was repeated again, the world was upgraded, the aura transformed, and everything, everything, all shrunk a hundred times again.

However, after the primitive world shrank this time, it did not recover or expand again.

It's not that I don't want to, but I can't

Because the power of chaos outside the primitive world has become extremely thin at this time, and it can no longer support the growth of the primitive world again.

After all, the infinite chaos derived by Yuan Meng is not the real chaos, and the energy contained in it also has its limits.

Under normal circumstances, in the previous few advancements of the prehistoric world, the chaotic power of the infinite chaos should have been consumed long ago, turning into a real chaotic void.

The void is endless, and not even a trace of energy exists.

The reason why the prehistoric world can be promoted continuously without worrying about the lack of energy is that there is a small world outside that constantly replenishes energy.

Including the chaotic power outside the prehistoric world, it was transformed by the prehistoric world absorbing the energy of the small world before.

Whenever the spiritual energy of the prehistoric world is sufficient and there is no advancement, a large amount of spiritual energy will be scattered into the chaos and transformed into infinite chaotic power.

When the prehistoric world is promoted and transformed, it will be swallowed again and transformed into the power needed by the prehistoric world.

However, this time the prehistoric world has undergone two transformations in succession, which has led to the chaos power outside the prehistoric world being almost consumed, which is completely insufficient to support the second recovery and growth of the prehistoric world.

As a result, after the prehistoric world shrank a hundred times for the second time, it did not expand again and remained in the state after shrinking.

However, this is actually not a big difference for the vast and boundless prehistoric world.

After all, in the current prehistoric world, apart from those innate gods and demons who have not yet been born, there are no other creatures.

Moreover, even if it is reduced by a hundred times, the current prehistoric world is not much different from the previous one. Any small mountain is also measured in light years.

Well, the prehistoric world is so different

All things in the prehistoric world have one common feature.

If you use one word to describe it, it is "big".

Very big, mountains, rivers, lakes, including the sun, moon and stars in the sky, all need to be measured in light years.

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