The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

116 The Change of the Spiritual Light Curtain

As for what happened in Yu Jiucheng's school, including the noisy crowd, Yuan Meng didn't pay too much attention to it.

Instead, he separated the people's thoughts here to a certain extent, leaving the idea of ​​reviving the spiritual energy and practicing the exercises, and then transferred his mind and will to other small worlds after integrating the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to impact the rules of the blue star world.

In this way, according to the order in which he controlled the small worlds, Yuan Meng activated these small worlds one by one, and thick spiritual light pillars shot up into the sky.

Then they spread rapidly, forming inverted spiritual light shields, covering one piece of blue star world after another.

This scene of spiritual energy bursting, light pillars shooting up into the sky, and spreading to form spiritual light shields lasted for three days before it gradually came to an end.

After seeing that there were no more light pillars shooting up into the sky, the senior leaders of Shenzhou breathed a sigh of relief.

But it finally stopped.

For the past three days, their mood has been tightly lifted.

There is no way. The spiritual energy recovery this time was too unexpected, and the commotion it caused was too big.

It turned out that in the land of Shenzhou, all the small worlds with the spiritual energy of heaven and earth were fully recovered within these three days, which was also a great pressure on the country's security.

Fortunately, soon after the spiritual energy of heaven and earth continued to burst and recover, the country also summed up some rules, that is, the burst and recovery of spiritual energy was carried out in the order of the birth of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, which relieved some of the country's pressure.

It is not necessary for the whole country to mobilize all the efforts at the same time.

And just when everyone felt that they could finally breathe a sigh of relief, a report came up and broke their fantasy again.

The spiritual energy of all the areas covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth is constantly fluctuating at a certain frequency.

And this fluctuation is still constantly tending to be consistent, and even the spiritual energy-covered areas connected to each other have gradually begun to produce a certain resonance.

Obviously, this is definitely not a normal phenomenon.

In an instant, the spirits of many senior leaders of Shenzhou were tense again.

Thus, all the military and political systems of the entire Shenzhou began to run rapidly again, just like a machine with a spring wound up.

Obviously, the development of things will not be affected by human will.

When Shenzhou was not fully prepared, the vibration frequencies of many areas covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth had already completely converged, and they resonated and resonated with each other.


First, the areas covered by the spiritual energy that were close to each other began to expand rapidly again with a dull hum.

However, this time the expansion was mostly towards each other, and as for other directions, the distance expanded was negligible.

And the speed of their expansion was getting faster and faster, from the initial inaccessible to the naked eye, to the visible to the naked eye, and finally to the inaccessible again.

It was too slow at first, and it was too fast later.

Finally, at the boundary covered by the spiritual energy of both sides, the spiritual energy shield that collided with the rules of the blue star and the heaven and earth and stimulated it completely contacted and merged together silently.



Accompanied by a dull sound, an invisible force instantly swept through all the covered areas of both sides, causing the two areas covered by spiritual energy to merge into a larger spiritual energy covered area.

And this is not the end. The spiritual energy covered area formed by the fusion began to resonate with other similar areas, and pulled each other to expand and merge together.

In the end, all the areas that were covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth were completely merged together.

At this moment, the endless spiritual energy covered area of ​​heaven and earth has almost covered the entire land of Shenzhou.

Especially after all the areas were merged, it seemed that some kind of qualitative change had occurred.

In an instant, the extremely huge spiritual energy cover began to expand again.

However, this time, the expansion time was very short, only about an hour.

And in this hour, the area covered by spiritual energy has completely spread throughout the entire Shenzhou, and even exceeded a lot.

Including many small countries around, and some territories of other countries.

Perhaps it was because the spiritual energy of heaven and earth covered too much of the blue star world at once, which triggered a certain stress response of the rules of the blue star world.

The more powerful force of the rules of oppression enveloped the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, causing the spiritual energy at the boundary of the area covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to release more powerful power to resist the rules of heaven and earth of blue star.

The dazzling spiritual light bloomed, and even in the daytime, it was still clearly visible at a distance of dozens of miles.

And at night, it was even within a range of hundreds of miles, all as if it was daytime.

Even as long as someone looked up, they could see a layer of light curtain above the sky. Not to mention that the sky and earth were as bright as day, it was like a bright moon hanging high.

The endless spiritual energy of heaven and earth was violently agitated here, and even because of the fierce collision between different rules, the large amount of spiritual energy gathered here already had a certain texture.

It was no longer like before, completely illusory, like an illusion, which could only be perceived by the mind, but could not be touched by the body.

At this moment, when passing through this layer of light curtain, some resistance can be felt.

The aura light curtain, which was originally only a few meters thick, is now hundreds of thousands of meters thick.

Although the overall distance is not far.

But within this range, it is all white. The fierce collision between the rules has caused the magnetic field here to be chaotic and disordered, which can already affect people's senses.

In other words, if a person enters it without any defense, there is a high probability that he will never get out again, and will only keep circling in it under the influence of the chaotic magnetic field.

And the emergence of this situation was not expected by even Yuan Meng.

Yuan Meng thought of many scenarios, and Blue Star did not react much. It still formed a thin layer of aura light curtain as before.

In addition, the rules of the world of Blue Star were activated, and it completely entered an era where idealism, materialism, technology, and practice coexisted.

In addition, the rules of the world of Blue Star reacted too strongly to the aura of the world, causing Yuan Meng's plan to fail directly.

But he never thought that things would develop to this point.

In fact, if only the spiritual energy of heaven and earth spread, it would not lead to the current situation.

The greater possibility is that it completely aroused the stress response of Blue Star, and the area covered by the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was completely crushed.

At that time, there would be no spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and even Yuan Meng himself would be fatally injured, and the current situation would not occur.

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