The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

122 Heaven and Earth Reward, Merit

After Pangu killed the monster, a large group of heaven and earth spiritual energy immediately escaped from its corpse.

A large part of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth carrying chaotic information directly spread between heaven and earth, or was absorbed by other monsters, or combined with mixed thoughts falling from the sky to form new monster embryos again.

The illusory avenues nurtured in the bodies of those monsters were directly integrated into the prehistoric world after the death of the monsters.

Although, it cannot directly increase the progress of completing the prehistoric rules.

But the scattered rules mixed in it are always a new combination and a new attempt born in these endless years.

For the prehistoric world, it always has some effect.

Sometimes it's wrong, but that doesn't mean it has no effect at all.

The body of the monster after death will slowly integrate into the prehistoric world in the years to come.

Even the monster's body after death is more useful than the illusory avenue it gave birth to.

Because, no matter how weird these monsters are, no matter how ferocious and terrifying they are.

However, it finally formed a real form, which already represented a relatively complete chain of rules.

The effect on the prehistoric world is naturally greater than that of the illusory avenue.

But this was something that even Yuan Meng had not thought of.

When Pangu killed the monster, most of the chaotic energy dissipated, and turned around to leave.

A small ball of energy overflowed from the monster's body again.

And this small ball of energy is a small ball of pure energy formed by Pangu's killing of the monster's distracting thoughts.

Of course, such so-called pure energy is absolutely disdainful for an innate divine and demonic god like Pangu who has fully awakened to self-awareness.

Because for them, the so-called pure energy is only relative to the mixed energy.

In fact, this so-called pure energy still contains a lot of alien energy, scattered fragments of rules, etc.

After this ball of energy emerged, it quickly integrated into the world.

For a world, unless it cannot be transformed, impure energy like this is much more useful than pure energy.

Because it will contain many different attributes of energy, and even various fragments of different rules.

For individuals, it is naturally not very friendly, but for a world with complex components, it is a great tonic.

Especially this kind of energy that seems pure but is actually not pure. The impurities and scattered rules contained in it are also more advanced and more popular with the world.

Of course, that kind of pure energy is indeed easier for the world to absorb and transform.

But that can only simply increase the energy of the world, unless the pure energy is so vast that it is enough to cause qualitative changes from quantitative changes.

Otherwise, it will be of no help to the improvement of the nature of the world.

And after this relatively pure energy was absorbed by the prehistoric world, it was not like there was nothing left behind.

This monster, after being decomposed and peeled off layer by layer, was left with a pure spiritual light.

Moreover, before Pangu could react, this pure spiritual light had directly entered Pangu's body.

"Well, this is it?"

Pangu, who was startled by the spiritual light that suddenly entered his body, immediately looked inside and observed the situation inside his body.

Finally, he discovered the spiritual light that shone with a faint golden light within his sea of ​​consciousness.

With gentle contact with his mind, Pangu quickly analyzed the origin and function of this thing.

This ball of golden spiritual light came from the ferocious beast that was killed by it. Naturally, there is no need to say more about this.

Well, because these monsters have no sanity or rationality at all, only the beastly nature of madness, violence, chaos, destruction and killing.

Therefore, Pangu called these monsters ferocious beasts.

And the spiritual light coming from the ferocious beast has a very simple effect.

That spiritual light can be integrated into almost anything, enhancing its power and optimizing it without any side effects.

It can be integrated into a person's body to improve their level of cultivation, or it can be integrated into a magic weapon to make it more powerful.

It can also be integrated into a person's mind, strengthen their spiritual will, sort out their chaotic mind, and restore their clarity.

This point is the most useful point for all innate saints and demon gods.

What's more, you can always keep it in the sea of ​​consciousness and within the body without using it even half a minute.

Once encountering the invasion of external demons, this golden spiritual light will automatically protect the Lord to resist the invasion of external demons.

Even when this golden spiritual light is possessed in sufficient quantities, it can independently guide the Tao and Dharma between heaven and earth, gather the surrounding spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and speed up a person's practice.

What's more, this golden spiritual light can attract the favor of heaven, earth, and people to a certain extent.

After all, this golden spiritual light is obtained by killing ferocious beasts that not only do not benefit the ancient world, but are constantly destroying the ancient world. If there are enough, it will naturally attract the favor of the three realms of heaven, earth, and humans.

Well, as long as you are under the system of the prehistoric world, you will have good luck and everything will go as you wish.

In the end, this golden spiritual light is like a variant of heaven and earth merit, a panacea-like power.

And this spiritual light is not something that anyone can strip off.

At least Pangu now, even after he takes a step further, can't do it.

Only Yuan Meng, Tianzun and the three, plus the chaotic primitive world, can do this easily.

Well, this is not them together, but any of them can do it easily.

"Hmm~! Heaven and earth reward?!"

After feeling the spiritual light, well, it can also be said that the effect of merit, Pangu's eyes are slightly bright.

That little bit of merit really doesn't have much effect on it.

But when it is big enough, Pangu may not be able to use it to go further, even

Pangu looked up at the sky, looking at the torrent of mixed thoughts.

It may not be impossible to get rid of these mixed thoughts!

What's more, it's still killing these disgusting beasts that constantly destroy the primitive world.

Pangu had not killed these beasts that he hated before, because he felt that these beasts were the same as the primitive creatures, and it was inappropriate to kill them for no reason.

Well, although these beasts were also fighting and devouring each other, Pangu was still unwilling to do it.

Well, it was not that Pangu was too saintly, but all the information he had come into contact with basically said that he turned into the primitive world and then derived all the creatures in the primitive world.

Therefore, although in fact, the primitive world was not opened up by him.

However, facing these creatures in the primitive world, he always had an inexplicable sense of closeness.

Even these beasts that he hated, Pangu was not willing to kill them.

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