"Ban me! Block me!"

The man in black robe stretched out his hand and pressed down, and the powerful force in his body surged out instantly, blessing the space seal in that area to prevent the tentacle monster from struggling out.

The normally normal complexion of the man in black robe quickly turned pale.

Obviously, banning the tentacle monster is also a big burden for him.

In the end, the roar of the tentacle monster became weaker and weaker, and finally became silent, and its entire body was completely crushed by the space storm.

Even so, the man in black robe did not stop there.

"Void Annihilation!"

Instead, it was after the space storm completely shattered the tentacle monster.

He stretched out his palm and pressed it down again, and the void area was instantly shattered and turned into a state of chaos for a moment, which was then smoothed and repaired by the rules of heaven and earth.

At this moment, the man in black robe let out a long breath and stopped what he was doing.



Hearing the gunshot from behind, the man in black robe was slightly stunned and turned to look behind him.

Blair was seen holding the gun in his hand and looking angrily at the fallen headless body.

And looking at the clothes he was wearing, there was no doubt that he was a medical soldier.

And obviously, the headless corpse of the medical soldier was Blair's masterpiece.

But it turned out that when the man in black robe was fighting the tentacle monster,

The medical soldier suddenly burst into attack and directly penetrated the chest of another surviving soldier who was closer to him, crushing his heart.

Even the top-notch bulletproof vest he was wearing did not provide the slightest protection to him.

Faced with this sudden incident, Blair immediately raised his gun and looked at the medical soldier in disbelief.

And when he saw the weird smile on the medical soldier's face and the raised veins on his face, he immediately understood what was going on.

Obviously, the medical soldiers were infected at some point.

During this period of time, he was completely infected and assimilated, and when Blair wasn't paying attention, he directly penetrated the chest of the soldier closest to him.

As an elite soldier's instinct, the moment he saw the medic's condition, Blair pulled the trigger and blew the medic's head off.

Looking at the corpse with its body pierced and its head blown off, there was a hint of sadness in Blair's eyes.

Although their elite team was composed of elite personnel from various military regions after the supernatural area and those strange ghosts appeared.

However, after such a long time, they still have a very deep relationship.

Now because of such an exploration mission, everyone died within this wall of light, and Blair naturally felt sad.

And just when Blair was sad that his companion was dead, a big hand silently landed on his shoulder and patted him gently.

Blair's whole body suddenly became alert, his body shook violently, his pupils suddenly shrank to a single point, and his hand holding the gun tightened even more.

But in the end, he slowly relaxed, turned around slowly, and looked at the man in black robe who suddenly appeared behind him at an unknown moment, adjusting the angle of the gun in his hand intentionally or unintentionally.

"You don't have to be like this, I have no ill intentions towards you."

Looking at the nervous Blair, the man in black robe said calmly.

Then he paused again before continuing.

"Besides, the weapon in your hand can't do any harm to me."

"Who are you, Your Excellency? And why are you here?"

Blair didn't become angry because of what the black robe said, nor did he put down the gun in his hand, he just asked calmly.

Only by looking at his slightly white knuckles can we see how hard he is holding the gun and the tension in his heart.

"You can call me Ayou, one who walks in the void."

Ayou, the man in black robe, said calmly.

"Walking in the void?"

Blair murmured the unfamiliar word under his breath.

"Well, it's a kind of extraordinary person who controls the power of the void."

Regarding Blair's question, Ayou just gave a slightly flat explanation, as if he didn't care about it at all.

Only the flash of pride deep in his eyes showed the pride deep in his heart.

"Ah? The power of the void?

Hmm~, the power of space? "

Thinking of Ayou's previous actions, Blair showed a thoughtful look.

"Well~, you can think so"

Ayou is still calm and calm.

"Then why are you here?"

Blair asked again.

"Hmm~, as a void walker, I am naturally very sensitive to the power of space. I felt that there were spatial fluctuations here that were different from the main world, so I broke through the space and came in to check it out.

I didn’t expect that the followers of the evil god would appear here.”

Ayou was not angry because of Blair's repeated questioning. Instead, he explained seriously.

"Wait a minute, is the descendant of the evil god you are talking about the tentacle monster?"

"Huh~? Tentacle monster?

Haha, that's right, it's that tentacle monster

Of course, this Evil God's Familiar belongs to the weakest group, otherwise"

"The weakest? Is there anything stronger than it?"

After hearing what Ayou said, Blair's expression suddenly froze, and he couldn't help but feel a little incredible.

The weakest monster, the Evil God's Familiar, easily crushed their team, but what about the stronger monsters?

And since they are descendants of the evil god, does that mean there is still an evil god?

Can the technological weapons of the Blue Star World cause harm to those evil gods?

"Of course! There are naturally more powerful monsters everywhere.

Otherwise, with my third-level void walking power, I will not be able to fight against those powerful followers of the evil god."

Although Blair interrupted him repeatedly, which made Ayou frown slightly, he did not get angry immediately.

However, after listening to Blair's words, Ayou couldn't help but feel speechless. What gave you the illusion that this evil god's descendant is very powerful?

Hmm~, I can't seem to say that. These are not ordinary people who have reached the extraordinary level, plus those human creations that do not contain a trace of extraordinary power.

It is already remarkable that this evil god's descendant can persist for such a long time. Thinking of this, Ayou spoke again.

"To be honest, with the trace of extraordinary power you have just acquired, coupled with those human creations, it is already very remarkable that you can persist under the attack of this evil god's family until now."

After saying this, Ayou paused and then continued.

"But I still have to remind you that no matter how little power the evil god you discover is, it is still an evil god.

If you usurp its power like this, you still have to be careful about being backlashed by it."

"Ah~? Evil God? How could we find the Evil God? Let alone usurp the Evil God's power."

Blair couldn't help but look confused when he heard what Ayou said that if he usurped the power of the evil god, it would trigger the backlash of the evil god's power.

"Huh~? Then where does the evil power in your body come from?"

Ayou was slightly surprised and asked in confusion.

"The evil power in my body~?

Is that the power of the evil god? No wonder it can’t be killed.”

Listening to what Ayou said, Blair looked thoughtful.

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