The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

166 The spiritual light curtain that is about to dissipate

It was naturally impossible for the God of Spiritual Touch to leak the coordinates of the space that could directly lead to the Blue Star World.

Anyway, the spatial coordinates are within the scope of his ranch.

According to the covenant of the gods, other gods cannot enter the pastures of other gods at will without being invited.

If you want to enter and investigate, you can only rely on its subordinate churches or the forces it controls to sneak in and investigate.

And when they didn't get specific information and didn't know how much opportunity it contained, they couldn't go out in full force and could only sneak in to investigate in secret.

But for such an investigation, as a god, no matter how bad he is, he can still easily cover up the coordinates of the space, and they will never let them find out anything.

However, he also cannot enter that world again in a short period of time.

At this time, the supreme god opposite will definitely pay special attention to the anomalies here. Once discovered, it will not only be a huge trouble, but also may cause his plan to fail.

Secondly, it is to paralyze the nerves of other gods. It is best to create something to distract their attention.

Thinking of this, the God of Spiritual Touch turned his eyes, and after the tentacles around him squirmed quickly for a while, he immediately formed a tentacle and threw it into the depths of the starry sky.

"Hey~! What is this spiritual touch doing again?"

"Hey! I'm sure I'm not holding anything back."

"Ha ha"

"I think it has something to do with the previous god."

For a moment, the entire starry sky became silent.

The next moment, even more noisy sounds sounded, and more planets and creatures were polluted.

As for these, these many gods don't care much, they just discuss the possibilities.

"This is not possible

This should be the truth. He wants to monopolize the benefits! "

"Hey! Let's see who is better in the end."

"Hey hey haha"


After retracting the ray of spiritual thought that he had explored, Yuan Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, we are separated by a world and are suppressed by the rules of the world. If we were in the same world, we would be 100% dead.

As for the God of Spiritual Touch, Yuan Meng just thought about it briefly and already understood what was going on.

After analyzing the relatives of the evil god and the massive information carried by the evil god's gaze, it was quickly analyzed after pouring into the ancient world.

Yuan Meng finally understood some information about the evil god.

When these evil gods were first born, they were generally similar to the way strange and fierce ghosts were born in the small world.

However, those evil gods were born when the whole world first opened.

These evil gods were born through the gathering of many intelligent beings, their worship of heaven, earth, nature, and all things, and their belief in all living beings.

Although this is not entirely the case, most of the latecomers came from this.

It's just that after the birth of these evil gods, they did not entrust the heaven and earth with their fundamental spirituality. Instead, they integrated a certain rule with their fundamental spirituality.

In this way, under the influence of the power of faith of all living beings, the speed at which these evil gods merge into a single rule is naturally extremely fast.

In just hundreds or thousands of years, these evil gods integrated their rules one after another and became real gods and evil gods.

Well, the current innate gods and demon gods in the prehistoric world are exactly the same as them.

The only difference is that the world where these evil gods live was the real world from the very beginning, and it was an extremely advanced world.

The prehistoric world is just an illusory world. Even if it evolves into reality now, it is still the lowest and weakest world.

It can be said that both sides have their own advantages and disadvantages.

Well, this is for those gods to do

In essence, the world where those evil gods live is naturally far stronger than the prehistoric world, so there is no comparison at all.

But for the creatures inside, that's not the case.

The world of evil gods is inherently powerful, and the creatures in it are naturally powerful, especially those evil gods and spirits, which can be said to be immortal and possess unparalleled power.

However, it is also because of the power of the world that it limits the progress of these evil gods.

Because they have integrated with the rules, in addition to becoming stronger as the world grows, they can only go their own way and transcend the rules.

But if you want to transcend the rules, you must break the existing rules, and the power you possess needs to be stronger than the rules.

However, this is a paradox, because their power is bound to the world and the rules, and it is basically impossible to transcend the rules of the world.

Therefore, the final result is that if these evil gods and gods want to transcend the rules and go further, they can only rely on power from outside the world.

And this is also the reason why these evil gods are so keen on invading and polluting other worlds.

But the prehistoric world is because of its weak nature, and Yuan Meng himself is also happy to see it.

As long as these innate gods and demons from the prehistoric world can find their own path, they can easily break the constraints of the rules on themselves and transcend the rules.

After destroying all the remaining auras from the other world within the aura curtain, Yuan Meng turned his gaze to the area where the aura curtain was located.

After being stimulated by the aura of the evil god, the rules that originally collided with each other here no longer conflict with each other, but are rapidly merging.

"It seems that it won't take long before the conflict between the rules of the small world and the blue star will be completely eliminated.

This aura curtain will also completely dissipate.

By then"

Yuan Meng muttered to himself as he looked thoughtful.

And what he has to do now is to wait

Well, and pay attention to the guest from the other world.

After a long journey for a period of time, Blair and Ayou finally intercepted a car heading to the city on a highway.

As for how they intercepted it

At the beginning, Blair wanted to take a ride in a friendly manner

Unfortunately, after seeing Blair in full armor, no one was willing to stop and let the two of them take a ride.

As for Ayou, who was dressed mysteriously, no one cared.

After all, since the resurgence of spiritual energy, people wearing strange clothes are everywhere, and Ayou is no exception.

However, after several failed interceptions, Ayou finally became impatient and directly used the art of confusing the mind.

The driver ignored Blair's clothes and greatly enhanced the driver's good impression of the two of them. He didn't care about the stranger who suddenly appeared halfway, and then stopped a car.

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