Even though hundreds of millions of years have passed, the prehistoric world is still the prehistoric world, still so silent and desolate, without a trace of life.

This is not because Yuan Meng is unwilling to evolve other creatures in the prehistoric world.

However, perhaps because the level of the prehistoric world is too low and the laws of the great road are not perfect, no living beings can be born in the prehistoric world.

Even if Yuan Meng relied on the authority he held to evolve life in this primitive world, it was just a puppet transformed by his ability and could only act according to a fixed pattern, a plot NPC.

Therefore, Yuan Meng gave up the idea of ​​​​creating life, but let nature take its course and let the ancient world develop on its own.

Yuan Meng believes that as the prehistoric world gradually improves, there will definitely be a day when life is born, and by then, the prehistoric world will definitely undergo another major transformation.

Seeing that the prehistoric world had completely recovered, Yuan Meng finally felt relieved and returned to the real world again.

In the days that followed, Yuan Meng returned to his usual routine of life, either reading a book or taking a nap on a recliner.

While Yuan Meng was living a fulfilling and regular life, a secret experiment was also being conducted in a secret base.

"Is the power supply sufficient?"

"OK! No problem."

"The machine is working fine."

"The data is correct!"


"Check it again one last time."

The conductor of this experiment, an old white man with white hair, warned again with some worry.






"start up!"

After once again confirming that everything was normal, the white-haired old man in charge of the experiment finally issued the final start order.

As the command is issued, buttons are pressed one by one, and rows of indicator lights light up one after another.

Finally, in a sealed laboratory, there were more than a dozen machines that looked like large laser transmitters.

At this time, the front ends of these machines lit up a blue light at the same time, turning into blue light pillars and shooting towards an open space in the center of the laboratory.

More than a dozen blue light pillars collided together, erupting into a dazzling energy brilliance, and at their intersection, a basketball-sized energy light group was formed.

And with the continuous input of energy, this ball of energy is still growing, and the energy brilliance it blooms is getting brighter and brighter.



"Everything is fine!"

Following the reports one after another, the white-haired old man finally felt a little relieved.

However, as the energy light group grew larger and larger, when it reached about one meter, his heart became excited again, because

The machines that were shooting blue energy beams began to shake slightly, with slight blue arcs dancing on them.

"Professor Max, the energy transmitter is overloaded. Do you want to temporarily stop this experiment?"

Looking at the constantly jumping blue arc, a staff member asked the white-haired old man in a low voice, that is, Professor Max.

"Asshole! It was almost, just almost!"

Professor Max murmured unwillingly, clenched his fist and slammed it on the workbench in front of him, and a trace of blood immediately oozed out.

But Professor Max seemed to have no feeling at all. He just stared at the blue energy light group through the thick bulletproof glass of the laboratory, ignoring the dazzling blue light.

At the same time, there is a parallel world that has no intertwining with the Blue Star Universe.

The Als world has also developed a brilliant technological civilization, but

Although their technology is advanced, it is only developing in the direction of powerful weapons for individual soldiers and life assistance.

As for weapons of large-scale destruction, they have not been developed because it is meaningless.

They have never explored the starry sky. It is not that they cannot, but they dare not, because the starry sky is the domain of God. Mortals cannot look up at the starry sky, but can look directly at God.

Gods of all sizes are entrenched in the starry sky. Occasionally looking down at the living planet below, they will give birth to a large number of strange beings, evil spirit creatures, and families of evil gods.

The reason for this is naturally not because of the gaze of those gods, but more importantly, the gods themselves are twisted, absurd and weird evil gods, exuding the aura of pollution anytime and anywhere.

Whether you look at them or be looked at by them, you will be polluted. If you cannot cleanse your body and mind by the spiritual light in a short period of time, you will be completely corrupted and become a weird existence.

And those who are strong-willed and able to withstand the Evil God's initial gaze will mostly become the Evil God's dependents.

At this time, the evil gods entrenched in the starry sky suddenly looked towards somewhere in the void and uttered strange and incomprehensible murmurs.

"Another different world is approaching"

Following the weird murmurs, the endless power of the evil god swarmed towards the void and attacked the world barrier.

They have done things like this countless times, sometimes successfully breaking through the world barrier, sometimes not.

And those worlds that have been penetrated by the world barrier are often contaminated by evil gods, evil objects, weird and wanton, and eventually the evil gods rob part of the original power of the world.

However, whether it succeeds or not, the two worlds will eventually cross each other and break the connection with each other.

Although it is theoretically possible to completely anchor one world, it is almost impossible in reality. At least in the past countless years, many evil gods have penetrated many barriers of other worlds.

However, they have never completely anchored one world and completely fixed the connection between them.

While these evil gods were attacking the world barriers, Professor Max on the Blue Star was about to issue an order to stop the experiment and abandon the experiment when something strange happened.

The energy light ball that was expanding suddenly stopped expanding as if something absorbed the energy and began to shrink rapidly.

And at the core of the energy light ball, a small hole was formed.

The hole was not big, about the size of a thumb.

However, Professor Max, who had been staring at the light ball, still found clues in the dazzling light.

At this moment, Professor Max, who was ready to give up, suddenly shrank his pupils, and then he was happy in his heart and shouted to the staff beside him.

"Quick! Quick! Increase the energy input, increase the energy input quickly."


The staff beside him was obviously stunned by this sudden change.

"Asshole! Why are you still standing there? Why don't you do it quickly?

Get out of the way! Let me do it!"

Seeing the staff stunned, Professor Max couldn't help but roar loudly, and finally pushed the staff away and operated it himself.

As Professor Max continued to increase the energy input, the machine, which was already vibrating slightly.

Immediately, it began to vibrate violently, and dense blue arcs jumped and wrapped around it, with bursts of crackling and crackling sounds.

But this overload operation is also effective.

The blue energy beams became more than twice as thick in an instant, and directly hit the core of the energy beams, the shrinking energy light ball.

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