The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

26 Advancement after the prehistoric world achieves its true self

Fortunately, things did not develop to the point described in those ancient novels. read

These strong men in the prehistoric world were relatively restrained and did not engage in endless wars.

Well, this actually has a huge part of the reason, which is because of the fleeting figure of the Heavenly Lord at the source of the long river of time and space.

Compared to the Heavenly Lord who stands at the source of the long river of time and space, overlooking the entire prehistoric world, what kind of true immortals are they, and what existences transcend the true immortals, what do they count?

How significant can the battles they started be?

If you have that time, you might as well immerse yourself in cultivation. Not to mention surpassing the Heavenly Lord who stands at the source of the long river of time and space, you must be able to look directly at him.

The brilliance that filled the long river of time and space gave Nuwa, Pangu and others the feeling that as long as they could surpass it, the current state of Dao Transformation would be enough to compete with it.

Well, everyone calls the realm of transcending the true immortal the realm of Taoism.

Use everything you own to turn it into your own avenue, traverse the long river of time and space, and spread to the six and eight wastelands of the prehistoric world, and the endless dimensions of time and space.

Make your own avenue completely integrated into the prehistoric world and become an inherent avenue of the prehistoric world.

If Tao exists, it will be immortal and immortal!

As for the subsequent realm, after having the brilliance poured out by Tianzun as a reference for comparison, everyone has already vaguely speculated.

That is to continuously strengthen one's own Dao to reach a limit. The sky cannot bury them, and the earth cannot destroy them. Even if they are the sky of one world, they still need to be given a certain amount of respect.

This realm can be called - "Tianzun".

In the next period of time, the powerful people in the Dao Transformation Realm of the prehistoric world began to continuously understand various different rules and use them to perfect and strengthen their own Dao.

"Hmm~! Tianzun?

If you use the name of this Heavenly Lord, I won’t let you care about it.

Just, behind closed doors

How can that be done?

How long will it take to reach the state where it cannot be buried by the sky or destroyed by the earth?

I should still give you some help.”

Yuan Meng touched his chin with a playful expression.

These guys, only in the prehistoric world, have almost reached a limit, and they want to rely on hard work to progress and reach the so-called realm of heaven.

The time it takes will be a desperate figure.

That being the case

Yuan Meng scanned the blue star, the statues of gods, the figures worshiping devoutly, and everywhere, the space was slightly distorted, as if trying to connect to other places, and an idea gradually emerged in his mind.

But before that, we still need to make some preparations and deal with some problems.

For example, promotion in the prehistoric world

In fact, after a group of great masters from ancient times have advanced to the realm of true immortals, and the rules of Tao and Fruit have spread across the ancient world.

After the promotion, the prehistoric world has reached a relatively complete state, and it only needs an opportunity to advance the prehistoric world again.

But this time, many true immortals have advanced to the realm of transformation, which is an opportunity to break the upper limit of the world.

Those countless transformed rules were even enough to support the prehistoric world. After this promotion, they have reached an extremely high level.

And this time, the promotion of the prehistoric world is not as violent as before, but slowly improves and strengthens in a gentle and silent way.

The prehistoric world has not shrunk again, and naturally it has not expanded.

Yuan Meng or the prehistoric world, the analysis of energy rules has not yet reached the point of deriving energy out of thin air, and can only absorb energy from the outside world for the time being.

There is naturally a limit to absorbing energy from the outside world, and it is naturally impossible for the prehistoric world to expand significantly in a short period of time.

However, because this time the transformation of the prehistoric world happened slowly and in a subtle way.

This makes the energy absorbed by the prehistoric world enough to support the advancement and transformation of the prehistoric world.

Well, one more thing that must be said is that

Although the analysis and deduction of energy rules in the prehistoric world is not enough to derive energy out of thin air.

However, that does not mean that the prehistoric world cannot generate energy by itself.

The source of energy in the prehistoric world is the endless creatures that thrive in the prehistoric world.

To be more precise, it is the spiritual power of the endless creatures.

The fragments of spiritual will emitted by these endless creatures, as well as the soul power dissipated after their death, will be transformed into pure energy by the prehistoric world, and then condensed into new spiritual energy of heaven and earth.

When feeling this, Yuan Mengdu couldn't help but sigh, really, how big the heart is, how big the power is. The power of the soul is truly unlimited.

Although life requires the materials that make up the body and energy to maintain it, even their thinking activities require energy.

However, Yuan Meng discovered that the spiritual power emitted by the creatures was several times, even dozens or hundreds of times, the energy they consumed.

Therefore, Yuan Meng invested a lot of computing power in the energy rules.

The rules of the mind are also a rule that he is currently vigorously analyzing.

Maybe the rules of the mind are the opportunity for the prehistoric world to create something from scratch and generate energy out of thin air.

And although the promotion of the prehistoric world this time is a slow improvement and transformation.

However, the time ratio between the prehistoric world and the blue star is very different.

The blue star world is only one day and night, but the prehistoric world has passed billions of years. After the world shook slightly, it was completely completed. This time, the upgrade and transformation.

Not only the essence of the prehistoric world, but also the various rules of the great way, have been greatly enhanced.

Even the creatures in the prehistoric world, including those innate sacred, demon gods, people who have achieved the Dao, and even stronger true immortals and Dao masters, have also been greatly enhanced under the subtle influence.

After all, they are also part of the prehistoric world.

It's just that this kind of enhancement is carried out in a subtle form. Not to mention ordinary creatures, even those ordinary Dao masters basically don't notice it.

Only Nuwa, as a saint, is more in line with the heaven and earth, so she has a little sense of it.

"One hundred million times"

After the prehistoric world was upgraded, Yuan Meng couldn't help but whisper.

What Yuan Meng said was the normal ratio of time between the prehistoric world and the blue star world.

One year in the Blue Star World is equivalent to 100 million years in the Primordial World.

Although it sounds like the ratio between the two is extremely huge.

But in fact, the gap between them has narrowed a lot.

Let alone when the Primordial World was just born, it was really a thought of ten thousand years. Often, it was just the time for Yuan Meng to think about a problem, and hundreds of millions of years had passed in the Primordial World.

Even before the Primordial World was promoted this time, one day and night on the Blue Star was equivalent to tens of thousands of years in the Primordial World.

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