The journey of creation from fantasy to reality

27 Absorbing the golden elixir to practice the prehistoric

Yuan Meng gathered his mind and instantly entered the prehistoric world again.

Standing on the top of the prehistoric world, Yuan Meng glanced at the prehistoric world, then retracted his gaze and ignored it.

At this time, the three Tianzun were naturally able to detect Yuan Meng's arrival, but they did not show up because there was no need.

After all, it was just an experimental energy compression. In this regard, Yuan Meng himself was an expert in it. After all, he had performed world-class compression several times.

Moreover, if it succeeded, Yuan Meng would need to write this kind of energy compression rule concept into the entire prehistoric world, including the core of the infinite chaotic space, which was not something that the three Tianzun could do.

Yuan Meng gently stretched out his palm, and his five fingers slightly closed. The energy in the prehistoric world immediately began to gather crazily in his palm.

However, in just a moment, a ball of energy emitting dazzling light was already suspended in Yuan Meng's palm.

And as Yuan Meng's fingers continued to close, they continued to gather the surrounding energy, while the energy ball in his palm not only did not expand and grow, but was constantly condensed and compressed.

Finally, at a certain moment, the energy ball in Yuan Meng's palm suddenly shrank and turned into an energy ball the size of a marble, emitting dazzling golden light.

And even if Yuan Meng lost control, this energy marble emitting dazzling golden light, uh, it can now be called a "golden pill".

Even if Yuan Meng no longer controlled it, the golden pill in his palm did not collapse, but continued to float in his palm in a stable form.

It condensed in one go, such a golden pill, Yuan Meng should be very satisfied.


Yuan Meng frowned as he looked at the golden pill in his palm, obviously not very satisfied.

If according to his original idea, Yuan Meng should have succeeded, although this was because he was in the prehistoric world, he could fully control the energy here and could easily condense the golden pill.

However, Yuan Meng's control over various energies in the real world is not weak, and he should be able to condense a golden elixir.

However, compared with Yuan Meng's original idea, this is nothing. He wanted to rely on the method of compressing and condensing energy to improve the quality level of the energy of the entire prehistoric world and drive the world to upgrade.

In this way, Yuan Meng condensed such a golden elixir with the energy in the prehistoric world, which naturally would not satisfy him.

In the following period of time, Yuan Meng continued to condense energy in various ways, but in the end, he condensed a golden elixir, which was at most more condensed and slightly higher in quality.

Yuan Meng pinched his chin with his right hand, stroking it gently, staring at the golden elixir in front of him that was shining with golden light, almost covering the top of Buzhou Mountain, like a sky full of stars.

And the small spaces and dimensions that were scattered around, one after another, he pondered secretly.

His idea should be correct, but no matter how he condenses, a golden pill will be formed in the end.

It's not that he can't continue to condense and compress. In this prehistoric world that is absolutely controlled by Yuan Meng, if he wants, he can continue to condense and compress.

However, perhaps it is because the space-time rules of the prehistoric world are still relatively low-level and weak.

As long as Yuan Meng compresses these golden pills to a certain extent, these golden pills will collapse and condense directly to form a small space, another space-time dimension.

Yuan Meng did not improve the quality of the energy in the prehistoric world, but made the space-time rules of the prehistoric world more perfect.

Well, although it is only a very weak trace, no matter what, it can be regarded as planting flowers with intention but not blooming, planting willows without intention but willows grow into shades.

It's just that Yuan Meng's original purpose was not achieved, which always made him feel a little unhappy.

Could he still condense all the energy of the prehistoric world into golden pills?

Yuan Meng could already imagine the scene of the future life in the prehistoric world when they practiced.

"Oh, I wonder how many golden pills you absorbed today"

"Well, not many, just a dozen golden pills"

The scene was too beautiful, Yuan Meng didn't dare to imagine it anymore, shook his head, and threw his unreliable imagination out of his mind. He would definitely think of other ways.

"Huh~! Hmm~! Hmm! It seems feasible."

As if he had thought of something, Yuan Meng's right hand, which was originally pinching his chin lightly, suddenly clenched into a fist and gently hit his left hand.

Yuan Meng thought of the most basic energy particles in the prehistoric world, and the little spiritual light that he suppressed and sealed.

Their existence form is actually very similar to the golden pill condensed by Yuan Meng, isn't it? It's just that it has been reduced countless times.

Yuan Meng only thought of using a large amount of energy for compression and condensation before, but forgot to improve the quality of the most basic energy, and condense the golden pill, although it is also a continuous compression of energy.

But there is still a difference between them, that is, he condensed the golden elixir, which was to compress the energy on a macro level.

And to improve the quality of the basic energy of the prehistoric world, it is more necessary to condense and compress the energy on a micro level.

Thinking of this, Yuan Meng's mind moved, and he immediately entered the micro level, and saw that the air around him was full of dense, splitting and combining energy particles.

But the Buzhou Mountain under your feet is not composed of energy particles, because it is a whole, or the entire Buzhou Mountain is a huge energy particle.

These energy particles are somewhat similar to the basic particles that make up matter in the real world, but they are not the same.

Because Yuan Meng, after all, borrowed various scientific theoretical knowledge from the real world, so the existence form of these energy particles is somewhat similar to the basic particles that make up matter in the real world.

For example, they are all presented in particles, and they also have mutual forces such as attraction and repulsion, which are very similar to atoms and electrons.

However, they also have differences, that is, these energy particles, when they approach each other, can actually be completely fused together, just like two drops of compatible water, and there will be no gaps.

And those that are integrated in the macroscopic world are actually a whole, and only the energy in the air is composed of energy particles.

As for the mountains, rivers, lakes and seas under your feet, they are actually the energy of the whole body, but because of Yuan Meng’s different settings, they are expressed in different forms.

It is not like the matter in the real world. Although many things exist as a whole at a macroscopic level, in fact, at a microscopic level, there are large gaps between these things.

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